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The KRASH Project (on hold, don't post here till further notice)


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The K.R.A.S.H Project

(Kerbal Research on the Adressing of Safety Hazards)

"Nothing goes boom unless we decide it goes boom."

I have been trying or an unbelievable amount of time to start modding for a variety of video games. However, I was unable to grasp on one idea )or even a video game) for long enough to actually get it running. This happened for a variety of reasons, but I finally found the most important one: I was always running down the road alone. I had no motivation, no support, no sense of responsibility. This time, that I found KSP, I have decided to not let this happen again. This time, I'll make my ideas true.

So, this is my first try: The KRASH Project. It is actually meant to be a variety of mods, whih will initially revolve around the main concept described to the name. It's gonna start with working out actual kinetic energy deconstruction and stop literally everything from exploding on contact, then start making things actually meant to explode (yes you missile lovers, I'm looking at you), then branch to many different categories.

Of course, I'm not just presenting my ideas here. I'm sure that there are other wanna-be modders out there, waiting for a way to fullfill their dream. We can get through this together. Or maybe you're just a veteran modder who gets intrigued by the ideas we will slowly present and develop here, and wants to lend a hand. Or even yet, you may be just a loyal space explorer, who wants to fill what he thinks of as gaps in the gameplay and brainstorm us with fresh ideas, or criticise constructively our ideas as they gradually come to life. Or just show us your support (spiritually, of course; no donations -yet :P)

Current Research Crew:

Coga19000 (Me)

Assigned Role: General Reseach Leader (keeps track of everything in the KRASH Project)

Field of Study: Omnipotential (will do whatever is needed)

Night Lone

Assigned Role: Not assigned yet


Assigned Role: Pending recruitment

Edited by Coga19000
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welp, I'm in the same boat, here and there I want to start modding, but have a few problems. Time, and motivation are the two big ones. I do like 3D modeling, though I do need work on texturing. I do like Stock-like mods so, if I'm doing a model/texture, expect it to be stocklike (if I can). I don't have much to show for KSP items, but if you want some 3D models just name something, and I'll do my best :)

I work with Blender, and can export in .obj, .dae, and some other formats if needed. There is a .mu exporter thanks to Taniwha that I will be willing to try out.

Like I said above, just name something and I'll try my best, who knows, maybe this will encourage me to go farther as well ;)

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Hi always willing to help out struggling modders, like most of the more mature here we've all been there and asking the right question can sometimes save a project from going to the wall, don't be afraid to ask, there's bound to be someone else who's had and fixed exactly the same problem. After all when it comes to KSP there's nothing new under the sun.

Good luck with your adventures


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  Night Lone said:
welp, I'm in the same boat, here and there I want to start modding, but have a few problems. Time, and motivation are the two big ones. I do like 3D modeling, though I do need work on texturing. I do like Stock-like mods so, if I'm doing a model/texture, expect it to be stocklike (if I can). I don't have much to show for KSP items, but if you want some 3D models just name something, and I'll do my best :)

I work with Blender, and can export in .obj, .dae, and some other formats if needed. There is a .mu exporter thanks to Taniwha that I will be willing to try out.

Like I said above, just name something and I'll try my best, who knows, maybe this will encourage me to go farther as well ;)

Perfect then, we got our first member! No, it doesn't matter that you're inexperienced. The opposite, actually -a great percentage of the crew (including me) will be ranging from amateurs to newbies, so we will all travel in the same boat together!

However, as we're still way too few, I won't assign you to a position yet. If you would like to PM me for a cerain part of the modding experience you would want to practice with us upon, or just brainstorm me with ideas, I'll be all ears.

  SpannerMonkey(smce) said:
Hi always willing to help out struggling modders, like most of the more mature here we've all been there and asking the right question can sometimes save a project from going to the wall, don't be afraid to ask, there's bound to be someone else who's had and fixed exactly the same problem. After all when it comes to KSP there's nothing new under the sun.

Good luck with your adventures


I sincerely thank you good sir for volunteering. No matter if this project is made mostly for starters who want a kickstar, I'm sure we'll not go anywhere without a couple of people who actually know where we're heading at :P

But still, you got me a litle confused. DO you want to just support us generally, or actually participate in the roster?

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
I'm not too sure what you're trying to accomplish here.

Simple enough, I got some ideas for mods, and no experience. SO I assemble a team of other rookies and some experienced modders and start actually making th emods as a small development team while learnign how to program at parallel.

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So you're an ideas guy?

Let me propose an idea of why you never got into modding for long enough. You don't enjoy the process, you just want the end result. If you don't have or enjoy any of the skills necessary then you wont go far.

If you want a mod then request it here, but don't try to be a manager with no skill. It's not appreciated.

Have a look here to see what happened to the last person who tried to do what you're trying to do.

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Give him a chance, though, I will say this, if he's not gonna do work, I won't be much help :P I'm only doing the modeling, models with no configs or programming behind them do nothing but look pretty ;)

ie: I do expect everyone on this team to do something, I already have a "team" that I do everything for (well, almost everything) not looking forward for another team like that.

I'll give him this: he has more than just 4 posts, and sounds excited. I just hope he's motivated enough to continue with other people.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
So you're an ideas guy?

Let me propose an idea of why you never got into modding for long enough. You don't enjoy the process, you just want the end result. If you don't have or enjoy any of the skills necessary then you wont go far.

If you want a mod then request it here, but don't try to be a manager with no skill. It's not appreciated.

Have a look here to see what happened to the last person who tried to do what you're trying to do.

First of all, let me express th efact that I feel extemely insulted for neing compared with such a guy.

Yes, currently, I'm nothing more than a guy with a dream, a passion for programming (or learning how to o so), a bunch of fleshed-out ideas and a trusty 15-year-old computer hat is able to play Minecraft, KSP, and run Unity, GIMP and Blender. But in the end of the day, isn't that all a man needs to change the world? And I'm sure I'm not the only one in the exact same position. I want poeple like htose to follow me, so we can all, eventually, after hard work, find a place under the Kerbol. On the other hand, there are all those successful modders who also ,once upon a while, where in the same place, and may be willingful to push us through the other end of the tunnel. Yes, we're pretty much just a dream right now, but all you need for reality is a dream you'll want to make reality.

And I do love the wole proccess of learning and trying new stuff, until I finally succeed. Howeve,r I'm nly 16 years old, and there are so many things to take care of with my life, it's easy to get disracted for long enough to lose that passion -and that's usually something not easily retrieved. I need a sense of purpose, a sense of responsibility; I need to know that thee will be people who will long for my work, who will support me when it hard for me to continue for whatever reason, who will show me that someone cares for when my mod is out. Is it a sign of laziness for a person to ask for that?

  Night Lone said:
Give him a chance, though, I will say this, if he's not gonna do work, I won't be much help :P I'm only doing the modeling, models with no configs or programming behind them do nothing but look pretty ;)

ie: I do expect everyone on this team to do something, I already have a "team" that I do everything for (well, almost everything) not looking forward for another team like that.

I'll give him this: he has more than just 4 posts, and sounds excited. I just hope he's motivated enough to continue with other people.

Thnx for the good spirit, Night.

I already told you, we will see who can do what when we expand a bit. And yet, noone restrics you into not learning how to do other stuff too.

As for division of labour, until we ge tenough members to actually divide work, well, you will be doing everything. As will everyone else in the team, though, and especially me, so don't you worry.

(would you mind telling me whee I can find the team? I quess they will not be very successful, and maybe I can fish out some acually productive members)

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
So you're an ideas guy?

Let me propose an idea of why you never got into modding for long enough. You don't enjoy the process, you just want the end result. If you don't have or enjoy any of the skills necessary then you wont go far.

If you want a mod then request it here, but don't try to be a manager with no skill. It's not appreciated.

Have a look here to see what happened to the last person who tried to do what you're trying to do.

I think you hit the nail right on the head, but in the same vein, perhaps managing is what he is good at and he might have good ideas. I know it is difficult for the 'specialists' (ie coder/artist) to imagine that a manager's position can be enjoyable, but it can be.. It might be worth a chance, albeit a long shot. Have done some software development work myself, the skills and abilities of the 'specialists' can be highly specialized and they rarely make good managers. All that being said and coming full circle, every manager faces an uphill battle when they come at their project like this.. expect a slow start. Your biggest challenge will be getting a good mix of talents and personalities between your people.. and expect to work as much as the others, or more..

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Ya. A lead has to be at least familiar with every speciality they're overseeing. I wouldn't even make a good lead artist because I mostly design models and textures. Animating is something I had to learn for the mods I make here, not to mention my complete unfamiliarity with Unity when I first bought KSP.

Re: responsibility. I don't know why that's relevant for a hobby, but whatever works for you. I find that starting with simple things usually works just fine in keeping a momentum going. My first mod here was a set of very simple structural parts that did absolutely nothing. Now I'm making a whole space plane.

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Before we get too diverted, I want to point out that in general this community is quite good at, when someone asks *how* do to something, answering. And most modders will be much more willing to help someone learn how to do something, than contribute code/assets to yet another "idea" mod. :)

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  gl0ryh0und said:
I think you hit the nail right on the head, but in the same vein, perhaps managing is what he is good at and he might have good ideas. I know it is difficult for the 'specialists' (ie coder/artist) to imagine that a manager's position can be enjoyable, but it can be.. It might be worth a chance, albeit a long shot. Have done some software development work myself, the skills and abilities of the 'specialists' can be highly specialized and they rarely make good managers. All that being said and coming full circle, every manager faces an uphill battle when they come at their project like this.. expect a slow start. Your biggest challenge will be getting a good mix of talents and personalities between your people.. and expect to work as much as the others, or more..

Well, that's better. Yes, I do feel I can do prety good work as a manager (which is not the only thing I will do), and I don't matter with steep hillsides; I will surpass all difficulties. As for properly organising the team, I got them covered.

  Cpt. Kipard said:
Ya. A lead has to be at least familiar with every speciality they're overseeing. I wouldn't even make a good lead artist because I mostly design models and textures. Animating is something I had to learn for the mods I make here, not to mention my complete unfamiliarity with Unity when I first bought KSP.

I think I have already said (in the "Research Crew" list), that as the lead manger of the team, I will do -or at least learn how to do- EVERYTHING in a small scale. Beause yeah, I admit -multiple times- that I have no idea about modding, but I will learn. This is the purpose of this, after all.

Re: responsibility. I don't know why that's relevant for a hobby, but whatever works for you. I find that starting with simple things usually works just fine in keeping a momentum going. My first mod here was a set of very simple structural parts that did absolutely nothing. Now I'm making a whole space plane.

It's relevant for me. In my age and with my schedule, it is easy to sidetrack long enough to lose interest , and when that happens, I want to know there will be poeple to push me to continue, because they want me to complete what I started.

  NathanKell said:
Before we get too diverted, I want to point out that in general this community is quite good at, when someone asks *how* do to something, answering. And most modders will be much more willing to help someone learn how to do something, than contribute code/assets to yet another "idea" mod. :)



*headbutts the monitor*

I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over, so for the last time: THIS IS NOT A BLOODY IDEA MOD. I'm not searching for experienced moders to do the work for me, I'm searching for inexperienced wanna-be modders (in a good sort of way) so we can all learn together how to accomplish something. My ideas are merely some solid ground to start at, instea dof wandering around with no set target. Of course, we still would appreciate help from experienced moders, but in the form of advise and support, not just coding out our ideas for us.

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RE my earlier post, basically it's just offering assistance when you inevitably run into that problem that even after many hours head scratching remakes. restarts etc you can't fix . Although i don't release a lot I do make a hell of a lot, and theres not many parts I haven't made or plugins I haven't made compatible parts for.

Many mods don't get past the pulling out of the hair phase which almost everyone without exception will face, patience is an as important thing as skill in modding, even a simple tank can give you grief.

And as before good luck if you ever manage to withstand all the criticism or negative vibes and make something happen

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  PatPL said:
I like this idea, it's something like school for modders, and mods are just knock-off effect?

Do you have ANY skills in modding/modelling/texturing?

Yeah, kinda. It's a self-teaching school you may say, but yes, it qualifies as a school... sorta.

And the irs tmod will be tied to knock-off FX, but there's actually more into it. I'm talking about parts spliting in half, toroidal objects imploding or simply squashing into themselves, fuel tanks having variable explosions depending on their amount of fuel, and other crash FX. Everything but that thing where even winglets explode on contact.

And nope, no active experience in any of those. I can easily understand the theory behind them, but not actually knowing those... yet.

  SpannerMonkey(smce) said:
RE my earlier post, basically it's just offering assistance when you inevitably run into that problem that even after many hours head scratching remakes. restarts etc you can't fix . Although i don't release a lot I do make a hell of a lot, and theres not many parts I haven't made or plugins I haven't made compatible parts for.

Many mods don't get past the pulling out of the hair phase which almost everyone without exception will face, patience is an as important thing as skill in modding, even a simple tank can give you grief.

And as before good luck if you ever manage to withstand all the criticism or negative vibes and make something happen

I can see you points. I myself know many people who failed miserably at modding, and this is why I want to both not end up like this and help others on my way.

And as for patience, I don't worry about myself. Even trying to withhold the torrent of negativity towards a sincere try is not really stretching my limits. Anyways, thank you for shedding a light in the darkness for others to see.

  PatPL said:
So Coga19000 is going to create group of experienced people, that will help newbies with their first steps in modding?

FOr the short term, the exact opposite. I'm assembling a pack of INexperienced modders, who will eventually become experienced. WHether we will late ron help others advance the same way is not sure, though I would like to do so myself.

  NathanKell said:
Ah, my apologies for misconstruing. I wish you the bestest of luck! :)

No hard felings, dude. YOu were not he firs tone to misunderstand my intentions.

Okay, it sem slike the negative comments have subsided. Now, it would be a good time to ask whethee any of you would actually want to join the KRASH Project, or know someone else who would be interested.

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  Coga19000 said:
Yeah, kinda. It's a self-teaching school you may say, but yes, it qualifies as a school... sorta.

And the irs tmod will be tied to knock-off FX, but there's actually more into it. I'm talking about parts spliting in half, toroidal objects imploding or simply squashing into themselves, fuel tanks having variable explosions depending on their amount of fuel, and other crash FX. Everything but that thing where even winglets explode on contact.

And nope, no active experience in any of those. I can easily understand the theory behind them, but not actually knowing those... yet.

Just saying, though it's possible, you'll need one of two things: to modify the bump-map texture while in game (which isn't going to look too great; and it would only serve less than half your idea) or modify the mesh (both visible and collision) itself. I'm sure a mod could do that, but you should start small for the projects. Just saying. (That and I'd have nothing to do >.< I'm a 3D modeller and C++ programmer, C# is foreign to me! (that and a few other things)).

I offered my Skype in a PM so we could talk over this; A project like this won't be interesting to new modders if they know a little bit about modding (esp knowing how much work it would be) Honestly making AI for Kerbals who are on the ground not currently being controlled by the player would be easier (No, I'm not suggesting we should do that, that would be pretty hard as well!!)

If you want, I can tell you every step involved for your idea, and my "AI", in a PM (cause it would be a very long and boring page for everyone else)

Edited by Night Lone
Correcting a few dumb mistakes ;)
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  Night Lone said:
Just saying, though it's possible, you'll need one of two things: to modify the bump-map texture while in game (which isn't going to look too great; and it would only serve less than half your idea) or modify the mesh (both visible and collision) itself. I'm sure a mod could do that, but you should start small for the projects. Just saying. (That and I'd have nothing to do >.< I'm a 3D modeller and C++ programmer, C# is foreign to me! (that and a few other things)).

I offered my Skype in a PM so we could talk over this; A project like this won't be interesting to new modders if they know a little bit about modding (esp knowing how much work it would be) Honestly making AI for Kerbals who are on the ground not currently being controlled by the player would be easier (No, I'm not suggesting we should do that, that would be pretty hard as well!!)

If you want, I can tell you every step involved for your idea, and my "AI", in a PM (cause it would be a very long and boring page for everyone else)

Good Lord, you're not nearly an new to the game as I thought.

Well, we shoul dbeter discuss this in Skype. However, I'll publicly say this: that is just an array of progressive features, not all will be pulled of a tthe same time. Start off by disposing of parts without explosions, then geting good detaching, deformation, etc. We don't need to find the most efficient execution by the firs time too; sometimes, those things can -and should- work on a trial-and-error policy.

Edit :whoops, I accidentally refused your request. I have resent you one.

Edited by Coga19000
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If you want to success, you need to have at least minimum experiance.

Start with editing .cfg file (I recommend NotePad++, it's free):

- look how .cfg's are made

- try to change mass, cost or name

- Then start with modules:

name = SolidFuel
amount = 250
maxAmount = 250

After you're done download blender and Unity (both free)

- watch ANY tutorial about 3d modelling for beginners (don't have to be about KSP, just adding meshes, edit mode and extrude tool)

- watch

tutorial. It says about how to add Your model into game

- create simple texture

Congratulations! You have basic skills!

Remember, big things start small.

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Hi Coga, I think you could use some advice. In all honesty, I think you are starting with the wrong foot here. I understand that you want to work in a team, I really do, but since you are so inexperienced (by your own admission), it's just going to be a waste of energies that will divert time from actual learning / working, and just give you more problems than you need to have while you are still trying to begin.

Modding this game is hard, because you work at a very low level. In fact, it is an absolute necessity that you know your way around C#, or at least any other object-oriented C-derivative language, if you are going to write even the smallest plugin (and judging from your post, you'll need to): long story short, you will have to study and learn to use some tools.

At this stage, managing a team is just going to be a huge PITA: you'll need to define roles, find an agreement on the smallest details of all the work you are doing, and most importantly set up your workflow so that it allows you to work without stepping on each other's toes. This last point is going to be very hard if you are not comfortable with the git workflow on your own. Additionally, working with other beginners is not going to help you: you will both just inconvenience each other's learning.

So yeah, my personal suggestion is to drop the "team" idea: it's just going to be a huge overhead that solves a problem you don't have yet. Take a look at FAR, for example: it's one of the biggest mods here, and it has *one* developer, no team. B9 has just 3. I advice you to work on your own for a while until you are comfortable with the process, before you look into having a team.

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I agree entirely with Ippo; he's made some excellent points, particularly about how to get started.

By way of a little encouragement though, please let me recount my story in KSP modding so far:

In June this year, I had never used Unity or GitHub, written a single line of C# (or anything other than some school level C), or made parts for a game of any kind. I thought programming was something I would never be able to do, and didn't have a brain wired the right way for it. With a little determination, help from the incredible community here, poking the assembly browser in visual studio, literally stacks of googling my way to Unity and KSP info, and 4 months later I've written an entirely plugin for wheels, tracks, landing gear, landing legs and host of other things, as well as produced a load of new parts that it drives. You know what? Along the way, people have collected into a sort of team that each contribute with testing, texturing, model making; just about everything. It's really, really cool working with them, but would never have worked if I'd gone straight out asking for that. I just didn't know enough to be able to do anything effectively, let alone steer a bunch of people.

My advice (if I may be so bold) would be to pick up the tools, get some learning done and start creating. If people like your approach and what you're doing, they will jump on board :)

Plenty of help here (I've never known anything like it), Unity docs are excellent, and it's not all as impossible as you might think. Difficult, frustrating and the steepest learning curve ever? Yes. Absolutely. But all the more rewarding for it.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with :)

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  lo-fi said:
In June this year, I had never used Unity or GitHub, written a single line of C# (or anything other than some school level C), or made parts for a game of any kind.

Almost the same here: I knew C# and had managed some small projects, but nothing like a mod, and definitely never with an audience / users. I had barely heard people talk about git but I had never used any VCS. 6 months later, I can honestly say I really enjoyed all the time I spent cursing over the lack of docs and asking stupid questions on #kspmodders, but the experience has been invaluable.

I really urge you to not be discouraged by the feedback we've had here: we really want you to be a modder, and we are just concerned to help you start right. Teams are more a thing for huge mods or experienced developers, but trying to begin with one would likely just be an obstacle. But feel free to come in the #kspmodders channel and ask for help if you are stuck, we are (mostly) nice :)

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