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[0.25] KerbQuake continued - v1.2.1 - Reactive Camera Shakes while IVA [2014-10-29]


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  Subcidal said:
Using realchutes? Apparently it's the cause. I've removed it until it's fixed.

No, I haven't got realchutes on

Here's the Output log (Many thanks to Motokid600 for pointing out that this is the correct log, not KSP.log)


Here's my mod list, maybe someone can recognize an incompatibility


ActiveTextureManagement X86


EVE and Astronomer's Edge of Oblivion pack



Deadly Reentry Continued

Distant Object Enhancement

Enhanced NavBall

Haystack Continued

Raster Prop Monitor

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

KerbQuake Continued


LVN Clusters

Infernal Robotics




Lazor Docking Cam


Stage Recovery

Stock BugFix Modules

Stock Drag Fix

Texture Replacer

Time Control

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Tweak Scale (latest Dev Build by Pellinor)

ModuleManager 2.5.10

  Akira_R said:
I was getting continuous NREs when I was flying unmanned craft, anytime I flew something with a kerbal and an IVA it was fine

No, it's any craft as far as I can tell

Thanks for your help guys, I really hope I can find what's causing it, I'd hate to lose this great mod.

Edited by MartGonzo
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  • 1 month later...

This is awesome, but could you have it check to see if it is not a probe before making it shake? normally it wouldn't be an issue since you can't 1st person with probes in stock, but a lot of people like the probe control room, which this mod causes to shake, even though it is supposed to be on the ground

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  • 3 weeks later...

Win 7, that could explain why some are having issues with RealChutes and some aren't.

When I had it installed before I had no issues with the actual IVA missions and stuff every thing worked fine, but anytime I launched an unmanned probe or something with no IVA it would start spamming NREs

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