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What do you do when you lose inspiration?


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So recently I have lost any inspiration to build/do anything new in KSP. What do you all do to find inspiration?

There are several things that I do, depending on my mood. Sometimes I will look at the forums pages, the pics that some have posted of their own KSP creations, or even the numerous KSP videos on Youtube. I also visit websites such as http://www.janes.com/defence/platforms/air-platforms, http://www.gizmag.com/nasa-innovative-advanced-concepts-2013-phase-i-winners/28431/, or http://www.space.com. I also will watch old sci-fi movies, or television shows.

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I usually boot up my RSS install and mess around with my attempts at making a real functional SSTO space plane in that. Or design and improve my current SSTO fleet. I have run into designers block a few times, but worked through it after spending time in the real world with loved ones, my best moment of inspiration hit me one day I was sitting out by the flight line on base, and watching the cargo planes perform touch and goes. I decided to work on my landings for a solid week doing nothing but touch and goes. That lead to me designing an aircraft that could haul 100+ tons into a 100km orbit and land vertically.

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Unfortunatly when I do something I enjoy I don't stop till ive done it

put quite simply I havn't returned from Eve and I doubt I ever will seeing as i can only just land on the moon but never return.

landed on the Mun (Manned): 15 times, Manned Returns: 4

Landed on Minmus (Manned): 10 times, Manned Returns: 10

Landed on Duna (Manned): 0, Unmanned: 1 (partial crash), Flyby return (Unmanned): 1

Entered Jool SOI (Manned): 0, Unmanned: 2, Return: 0

I think you can see my problem.

Anyway when I look out at night at the moon I wish I could go there, though I know I can't so I play KSP, where I know I can try and usually fail but with KSP at least when you fail you are rewarded with cool explosions.

Also I'm afraid of leaving the Kerbin Sub-system

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Try something different!

(yeah, probably the worst advice ever to someone who had lose inspiration(*))

Seriously, check your ship, and ask yourself: can I make a new, different version of that craft that would work better?

I mean: you have a heavy lifter? Try to do a launcher that can raise more weight is space, a launcher that cost less, a very small launcher, a more stabler launcher(**)!

(**) I say that because I did that with my old space shuttle. The old one was terribly unstable during launch and could only launch *1* kerbal in orbit. Now, I have two version of a new space shuttle which is more stable and has more utility. The first version can bring 6 kerbal in orbit and dock to a station, the launch in it itself cost 2.5 time less than the old shuttle(!)

The second version, have a very different set of wing(the previous arrangement was causing some problems during landings) and have two cargo bay. I already launched two sat in a single launch and brought back a dummy satellite just to prove I could do it.(this version doesn't have the ability to dock with a station.(technically it could by using the docking port in te cargo bay but it would be VERY difficult, try retrieve a satellite and you will understand). oh, and because this is KSP: I used the second version(the one that doesn't dock) and put the small inline docking port(size mk1) in the cargo bay(by placing it to the docking port).

So now, I'll dock to a station using a docking port placed on another docking port...

oh, and if you want, I can send you the .craft file, we never know: maybe it will give you inspiration for a better shuttle(because I know that my new one can be better)!

(*) English is not my first language. The sentence sound weird to me but I couldn't think of another way to saying it; sorry for the (possible) errors in it :\

Edited by goldenpeach
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Install hardmode mods, take up some challenges, attempt to recreate some real-life missions...

Or install a total conversion mod, like Better Than Starting Manned, or Interstellar, and set yourself up with some specific objectives and restrictions.

Basically, when you take the game out of the box, it's too easy.

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I'll generally take small breaks/play a little less. If I'm not feeling it, I'm not going to burn myself out trying to "force" myself to play. I play because it's fun, and sometimes it's fun to do other things. But, I always run into something that sucks me back in. New mods, new releases, or other people's work has always kept me running right back before too long. If you're feeling a little burned out, I wouldn't worry to much about it.

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