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Part refuses to go on craft in vab\sph

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I would be building my plane\rocket, and i go to reposition a part that i screwed up on.

when i click to place the part it flickers like it does when the part is red, but its green.

it refuses to go on nomatter how many times i try it. when i get a new part from the tabs it does the same thing.

so i launch the craft and the part is floating in mid air, and is activated. so if its an engine its on at full power,

antenna extended, ect.

it has happoned to me soo many times and i dont know how to fix it other than quitting the game and reloading it, only for it to happen again.

mods installed are infernal robotics, and tweakscale. all currently updated. any ideas?

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Sometimes KSP just can't decide if parts should fit, usually it's because it's tying to do something with symmetry and it's bugging out.

You can try enabling part clipping in the mod+f12 menu though (alt on windows, rshift on Linux) :)

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