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all parts vanished

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KSP: 0.25 Windows 64

Problem: Parts Vanished

Mods Installed:

Asteroid Recycling Tech

B9 Aerospace

Community Resource Pack

Firespitter (the one bundled with B9)

Raster Prop Monitor

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (new)


Karbonite Plus

Toolbar Plugin

Mech Jeb

Taurus HCV

RLA Stockalike

KSP Interstellar

Part Catalog

Infernal Robotics


Kerbal Attachment System

USI Exploration Pack

Stockalike Station Parts Expansion

LLL - Lack Luster Labs

STX - Stock Extention

Active Texture Management

Editor Extensions

KW Rocketry

Near Future Technologies (all of em)

Kerbal Alarm Clock


Hyper Edit

BD Armory

Action Group Manager

Add-on version checker

and that's it (I think)

here is the deal, I installed Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and updated [x]Science to 4.0, community resource pack to 0.2.3 and Asteroid Recycling Technologies to 0.5.4. After updating the mentioned mods, KSP decided to garble all my parts. I only see a few parts from Asteroid Recycling Technologies and some of those are white (textures missing). All my mods are up to date and I'm running it on 64bit (could that be the evil mastermind behind this?). So what happened here? Clean install everything? Add more boosters? Did that happen to anyone else ever? I'm currently making a step by step re install of all my mods and checking if one of the mods updates ate my parts. fingers crossed.

some reading pleasure:





Edited by DamianDrazhar
got schooled for my bad form
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No, really, what's the deal?

You had KSP working even though it was 64bit and with all those mods installed (against all warnings given by Squad and modders about the instability that would result), but then after you updated those add-ons (not KSP) it is KSP the evil that garbled your parts? Not that something may not be working due to:

1) one of those add-on updates introduced a bug

2) one of those updates has created an incompatibility

3) you are simply going beyond what your system could support (hint: parts not being loaded/textures not being loaded may be very telling)

And anyway, ever cared to check what is stickied in front of this section, with that not-so-easy-to-miss (READ FIRST) warning in the title? If you want to receive support, first consider to make a report consistent with those guidelines. Any attempt to help without that info from you would too easily result in a loss of time from both us and you.

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I'm not blaming KSP in any way for what happened, it has been a semi stable affair up until now. I just wondered if anyone ever experienced the vanishing of parts, made me curious. I'll probably make a clean install and keep you updated. I'm also reformatting my initial post, apparently I have to read things with more attention, who knew?

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Much better now.

Vanishing parts is not an unknown issue, but there is no single cause to it. So, has to be properly investigated. Most useful to this would be to examine the output_log.txt file (found in /KSP_x64_Data subfolder).

If I had to start checking mod by mod what could cause the issue, I would start with [x]Science, that one caused gripes to me as well (but, your case may be very different).

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Wow, 80MB of output_log.txt! Some reading indeed. More than 4.7 million lines logged, however what should be telling is in the first 27K lines here (initialization and all involving the editor scene; editor= VAB and SPH). Rest of the log is about other activities. However, I can't find much of interest even in those 27K lines (no exception at all, and however tons of "GUIContent is null. Use GUIContent.none" statements that to me tell nothing, probably show there is a problem but don't help to find where).

KSP.log is however telling something. It reports:

- a number of textures not found, in particular from ART;

- errors while loading "...\GameData\LLL\Parts\Utility\Grill\modelx.mu"; "...\GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\AES\Spaces\AES_Internal.mu";

- an Exception tied to PartLoader method (possibly tied to missing textures);

- two Exceptions tied to ActiveTexture Management.

I may be wrong, but:

- missing textures may show an install problem with those add-ons, something I would check;

- the Exceptions with ATM may mean that add-on can't work as intended and, while it inhibits the loading of normal textures, if it can't work can't create the reduced textures to be loaded instead.

So, what I would suggest now is:

1. Check ART, if is installed correctly. Test if the issue is still there.

2. Exclude all the newly updated add-ons, one by one; test if the issue persists each time.

3. In case none above worked, something may have gone corrupt with ATM. You can exclude that but most probably you also need to exclude other add-ons (as memory use will skyrocket). Reinstalling ATM clean should allow to rebuild the textures cache, and I would expect to find no further error then. But if still the issue showed (either without ATM or with a cleaned ATM), please upload a new KSP.log

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yes, thinking about it logically might have brought me to that conclusion on my own "hurr durr textures missing, might be the mod that manages my textures" but alas I'm stupid and don't know what's what. I am currently re installing every mod and now checking what's up. I began with the newest mods, so that I could be sure that these can be excluded. I have now the new mods and ATM installed and it looks... fine! everything is working correctly as I add one mod at a time. I will however closely check what the ATM is doing! thanks for the help!

I think an update caused the ATM to corrupt all textures and without textures, KSP panicked and didn't display all the faulty parts.

Edited by DamianDrazhar
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I had this same exact issue a few days ago. I had a bunch of mods installed, then added a few more, especially some LARGE parts packs, along with ART. In the VAB, all parts were plain white, and I couldnt select any. Uninstalled ART, and that issue went away, but I had others.

I am in NO way blaming or saying there is anything wrong with ART. I think I had other issues, and piling ART on top of installing a bunch of other mods all at once just made KSP choke on me.

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