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Help!...Cant access Github to download mods

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Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but i figured this one was closest to relevant, since I'm just trying to download mods, and some of the best mods are only hosted on Github... :(.

Well, for some reason, not a single Github link is working for me. I've searched the forums, as well as Google, and I cant find anything about others having this issue.

I've done the basic stuff, like turning off my firewall and antivirus; tried using Firefox, Chrome, and IE...

I cant get ANYTHING from the Github domain to load....Takes about a full two minutes before I get a timeout page....The rest of the innerwebs seems to be working for me...Just not Github....???

Help!...I want to start playing modded KSP again....

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Are you using a proxy?

Is it accepting the SSL certificate?

Are there other sites that don't load? Especially HTTPS sites?

Extensions, as example from your AV, are all disabled?

Did you try to connect without a router in between?

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No proxy

How to you tell on the SSL certificate?

Nope...Everything I go to loads...Even HTTPS...(One of my extension in Firefox is HTTPS Everywhere...but...)

Yes, AV, firewall, and ALL extensions disabled... (Including HTTPS Everywhere)

No....Didnt try connecting straight to the modem...(I'll try this now...)

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The SSL certificate is normally shown next to the URL in the adressbar, sometimes before the URL, sometimes at the end of it. It often turns green when it's ok and is ususally symbolised by a lock icon.

Example (random image from google search...)


You can click on it and it will tell you everything you have to now.

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huh...My Firefox does not show that for the SSLs.

Well, i tried hardwiring straight to my modem, and Github worked first try...Back to not loading as soon as I go back thru the router...I guess it seems my router is blocking the domain for some reason.

Guess I'm gonna have to screw around with the wiring everytime i need to grab something off Github... :rolleyes:

Thanx for the help, Slumpie! :)

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It's unusual that a router blocks a site like github by default.

I KNOW, right?!?....

No....No way I'm messing with my router settings again...Anytime I do, I end up not being able to connect to the net, and it seems to take days to get it working again....I have DDWRT on a Buffalo router....Takes forever to repeatedly got thru all the tons of setting to make sure everything is set correctly.

Now that I know the issue, I just think I'll skip any mods hosted only on Github.

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I KNOW, right?!?....

No....No way I'm messing with my router settings again...Anytime I do, I end up not being able to connect to the net, and it seems to take days to get it working again....I have DDWRT on a Buffalo router....Takes forever to repeatedly got thru all the tons of setting to make sure everything is set correctly.

Now that I know the issue, I just think I'll skip any mods hosted only on Github.

Check your filters

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