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[PLUGIN, PARTS 0.17] Zoxygene (Life Support) mod v0.7.1 (12.09.27)


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Dear fellow Kerbonauts!

I am pleased to present you a working oxygene addon to KSP.

Since afaik we have no idea what kerbals breathe, i named the substance Zoxygene.

All described here has been implemented and -hopefully- working stable.

So, without further ado:


Parts contained in mod:

-ZO2 Main System: the core of the life-support. Supplies the Crew and Passangers (crewtanks) with ZO2. Optimal for the small commandpod.

-ZO2 Main System Large version: For the new large parts of KSP. Optimal for the large commandpod.

-EPS Small Battery: to augment the capacity of the main tank/system.

-EPS Large Battery: to augment the capacity of the main tank/system. By a lot.

-EPS Solar Panel: In space, the only way to power the ZO2 recyclers and keep your crew alive... If you want to... :)

-EPS Laser Drill: For extended Munar Missions / Bases. They are NOT landing gear! Do not land on them or they will explode!

-EPS Fuel Cell: Use fuel to keep Kerbals from sufficating. Needs it's power enabled from the right-click menu to use (to avoid "eating" your fuel).

-EPS Nuclear Battery: Infinate energy, for a price. Quite heavy...

Current mod features (short):

-The crew needs ZO2 to survive outside the Atmosphere.

-Solar Panels recharge ZO2.

-ZO2 supply can be extended using more ZO2 systems. The topmost ZO2 system is the primary controller, the higher a controller is, the higher it's priority. (can be changed on the fly)

-Batteries increase the capacity of ZO2 aboard the ship (it can go longer without solar power).

-Laser drills mine materials so the crew can get ZO2 without soler power if the ship is landed. U will lower/raise the drills into position.

-Fuel Cells generate power by using Liquid Fuel. They consume from tank stacks they are attached to, they also accept fuel from fuellines.

By default, they are turned OFF. Turn them on by right-clicking and than click Enable Power!

-Nuclear Batteries create Infinate energy, for a price. They are Quite heavy. Recommended if you are using multiple EPS parts. Keep their number on the ship to a minimum

and supplement them with other powersources!

-It is possible to overload the engines using ZO2 to get out of sticky situations. Hold O to do this. However, there are risks and if consumes Fuel and ZO2 fast.

Current mod features (detailed):

-ZO2 mechanic: In the atmosphere, the main system can scoop in ZO2. Once you leave it, only powersources can provide energy to 'generate' (actually clean) ZO2.

-ZO2 supply can be extended using more ZO2 systems. They all have priority by staging. Lowest will be drained first, highest will be filled first. The highest conroller will

also become primary controller for the whole vessel. Controllers automatically know their priority, and priority and primary status can be changed in-flight.

if draining a specific controller is not desired (eg.: It is on a crewtank and that tank will be seperated), Disable ZO2 power in the controllers right-click menu. Remember to enable after seperation!

-Solar panels are fragile and add weight, but the more of them, the faster the ZO2 renererates.

-Solar panels depend on the Sun, so they only work in sunlight.

-The crew can sufficate.If they are 'smart' enough, they will react to this, being kerbal, by screaming. They also turn blue. :)

-When sufficating, the crewmembers die one by one. More dead kerbals=less ZO2 consumption.

-If the main ZO2 level drops below 33%, Timewarp will reset to 1x to give the player a chance to react. An alarm is also sounded. Alarm can be turned off in right-click menu of the primary controller.

-The ZO2 system was designed by kerbals, so it has a reverse switch. Holding the 'O' key will went all ZO2 from the cabin and direct all ZO2 to increase thrust.

This is risky however. Thrust is increased by 50%, Fuel consumption by 100%, Heat generation is also increased and there is a distinct chance of engine faileure.

Use in emergency only! ...Or to torture your kerbals :) Pressing 'O' at 0 throtthe has no risk of engine failiure.

A failed engine will not explode, it will simply shut down for good, so the player has a chance to salvage the situation.

-Use Laser Drills to survive the Munar night (minimum 2 drills to keep all 3 Kerbonauts alive). Press 'U' to lower/raise them. They will stop at the appropriate position automatically and start mining.

-Ejecting the main ZO2 system outside the Atmosphere will kill the crew. Ejecting a part of the ship, that has Kerbals in it, but no ZO2 controller also kills the crew.

-If all members of the crew are killed, ship control is lost.

Known bugs:

-Solar eclipses sometimes make the panels turn on/off when going into/coming out of an eclipse (not severe)


-Reduced the mass of all parts.

-Reduced the chargerate of the ZO2 Panels by 50%.


-Implemented Solar Eclipse Detection.

-Fixed a bug causing the stages to freeze when the main system was decoupled. (typically parachute not opening)

-Changed the color of the displays a bit for better visibility

-Changed the part and readout names to make more sence

-Made more variables cfg editable

-Lowered the ZO2 consuption for Overload mode

-Increased the chance of engine failure in Overload mode


-New part: Large ZO2 tank added

-Full rebalance on tank capacities and wheights

-Balanced Solar Panel ZO2 regen. rate so less is enough.

-Fixed a bug that caused Timewarp not resetting to 1 when ZO2<10%, only later when crew was already sufficating in high warp


-New part: ZO2 Extractor aka. Laser Drill

-Tweaked balancing (again)

-Various bugfixes


-New parts: Side-mounted Ext. ZO2 tanks, big and small. Mass and capacity are halfed compared to the old tanks,

1 old tank = 2 new tanks on the side.

-New part: Small Main System.

(All these new parts ar WIP, both textures and models will be upgraded later)

-Draining / refilling tanks can now be prioritized by staging. Higher number stage (bottom) draines first,

lower number stage (top) fills first. The Main System always takes priority, regardless of its stage.

-ZO2 tanks no longer try to put themselfs to the bottom of the staging, as their stage determines their priority.

-External modules are now accepted by this module, detailes on how to do this are in their appropriate section.

-Engine overload and Drill lower/raise keys are now remappable from the .cfg file.


-Updated to work with KSP 0.15. It is possibly incompatible with older versions.

-Fixed naming issue of .dll, it is now more appropriate (Zoxygene.dll). Please remove zoxygen.dll before using this version!

-ZO2 tanks now drain and charge prioritized by their stage even if small and large tanks are mixed in the same stage.

-The ZO2 Main System now allows parts to be attached to it\'s surface.

-Various other bugfixes.


-Revised (half-rewrote) the solar detection system, should work a lot better now.

-Fixed a bug where laser drills did not show their appropriate effects when deployed.

-Putting the ZO2 system on an unmanned vessel will no longer kill the vessel. It will deactivate the ZO2 system instead.


-Made the mod EPS Compatible

-Revamped a lot of the code to work with EPS

-a lot of bugfixes


-KSP 0.16 compatible

-Crew now disappears when they die, dead ships loose control like empty ones in EVA.

-Dead ships can be reclaimed.

-Zoxygene icon flashes orange when Zo2 is being drained.

-Below 33% the icon flashes red. An alarm is also sounded. If Zo2 begins to rise again, the audiable alarm will stop

-Added 'Disable Warnings' to the Main Systems Rightclick-menu. The alarm gets reenabled if there is no emergency any longer (Zo2>33%)

-Added a longer drill to EPS for the new landing legs.

-Bugfixes, etc...


-EPS 0.2 compatible

-Solar panel module can now be attached to animated panels using SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech module.

-Added Fuelcell

-Added Nuclear Battery

-Compatible with EE's Ion Engine. (use EPS parts to power the engine)

-ZO2 is no longer regenerated under water.


-Added support for crew other than the crew of the command pod.

-Added support for multiple ZO2 main systems.

-Added support for detaching crewtanks with ZO2 controllers on their vessel. (and support for killing them without a controller)

-Added large ZO2 main system for the new 0.16 KSP parts. Maximum ZO2 : 500; same as the old small one.

-Changed maximum ZO2 for the small main system to 170, also lowered it's weight.

-Various bugfixes.


-KSP 0.17 fully compatible

-uses EPS 0.3

-Kerbals turn blue and scream again

-added ZO2 status indicator in IVA

-better secondary ZO2 tanks implementation

-timewarp reset should not destroy ship even from 100000x


Download 0.7: Zoxygene 0.7.1

Source: Zoxygene 0.7.1 source

Folding Panels Guide:

1, Make sure that you are using at least PowerTech v0.2.6.1

2, Get a panel using the module SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech. These will be Standard DynaVolt (DynaSat) and Kosmos panels.

Note: Don't use the EPS specific panels, but the standard ones, except if the panel is specifically made for EPS 0.3!

3, Download this module, and attach it to the end of the part.cfg of the panel

4, If you find a line starting with 'ShowIndicators' make it false like so: ShowIndicators = false

If you don't find the line, add it as shown above!

5, Enjoy your new EPS compatible folding panels!

Note: I'll be contacting panel makers about permission to provide animated panels without this hassle...

3rd party addons:

EPS recharge panels - PowerTech edition - Folding panels by Alchemist: HERE

Use the Zoxygen recharge panels, with this .cfg!

Notes on current balancing and general advice

-The Main System capacity is enough for Low Kerbin Orbit.

-Four (two old) Small Ext. Tanks are enough for Keostationary Orbit.

-Two (one old) Large Ext. Tank should be enough-ish for a standard Mun mission.

-Small and Large tanks can be combined.

-All these calculations apply for circular orbits only. In an eccentric orbit, it is possible to spend a lot of time in the dark, you must calculate this into orbits and act accordingly

Also, if the you approach the Mun where the Mun blocks out the Sun, ZO2 will probably run out... In these cases, again the you should take action

to get back in the LOS of the Sun ASAP. (that is, if the crews health is relevant at all... :) )

-If you plan to elongate an orbit (eg.:TLI) make sure the Sun is not behind-ish the part that is going to be elongated. If it is, you will travel a lot in darkness, and that is a recepie for suffication...

Notes on 0.6 and EPS

From 0.6, the ZO2 mod uses the EPS plugin.

This has the benefit of being able to share power and batteries with other plugins, also using EPS.

The problem is, this means ZO2 0.6 is incompatible with previous versions of ZO2.

But it also means, on the longrun, all plugins will use the same electric components, instead of each having its own versions of them!

Please note that this mod adds custom data to the persistence file! I suggest backing it up before trying this!


-Yorik: Part models and textures

-l00: coding & the rest:)

Bug reports and suggestions are welcome!


I am very pleased to announce that i am now working with rocket2guns, the original

creator of the Component Space Shuttle! Expect new awesome Models for the parts in the future!



This work by l00 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Edited by l00
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Great mod, realistic life support adds a whole new level to the game! ;D

I would suggest to empty the main tank first and the reserve aftewards because thats why its callel 'reserve' for a reason ;)

And it could be good to change the color of the zoxygene display, it is not so good visibly against the dark blue of kerbins ocean or the black skysphere.

Could you make those solar panels deployable and a bit lighter? I know the wight is for balancing but the wight seems a bit unrealistic. Maybe the balancing could be done in another way.

Anyway, a very goog mod!

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Can you please package this mod as a .zip file, instead of a .rar?

.zip files are Windows native, so everyone can unzip them, while a third-party program needs to be downloaded to un-zip .rar files. The marginal decrease in size doesn\'t justify the use of third-party programs.

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Parts are way too heavy. A main system ways more than an LFE. I\'m adjusting the cfg file and recommend some numbers. As for balance? Well, having zoxygen is already a penalty, no need to make these parts too heavy.

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When my crew turn blue, they stay that way for a LONG time. I was waiting for them to \'check out\' but I\'d finished my orbit before they did. I simply couldn\'t kill them off. I\'ll put them on the darkside of the Mun and see how that goes!!!

Do more panels = higher recharge rate? That would be sweet.

Does the vessel block the sun line-of-sight to the panels? My farside panels were charging oxygen despite being in the shade - so to speak.

This mod is neat. It adds yet another dimension to this game. :)

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  togfox said:

Parts are way too heavy. A main system ways more than an LFE. I\'m adjusting the cfg file and recommend some numbers. As for balance? Well, having zoxygen is already a penalty, no need to make these parts too heavy.

This times a million. I can\'t even get into orbit with these, and the fact that your test launch stack is as big as Nova would have been to launch a small ship into orbit should set off some warning bells. I\'ll play with the cfg and get into orbit tomorrow, see how it works then. I\'ll say this- it looks sexy.

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  Charzy said:

Again: Give a download mirror. Not everyone wants to pay ten dollars for one mod.

You can download for free from that website.

If you don\'t have the patience to wait for the actual download to start... well.

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  Awaras said:

Heh, you can rely on Jeb to be smiling even in the face of imminent suffocation...

Jeb died on that flight, but Bill actually survived. He can hold his breath for a LOOOOOONG time. Bob died as soon as the Zoxygen ran out, I think he may have taken the cyanide pill.
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Hi Everyone!

As You can see, version 0.2 is up!

You are correct about parts being too heavy, this has been changed. I actually intended to do that in 0.1, but completely forgot about it... \'relatively heavy\' panels were meant to be 0.1 not 3.5 :)

I also reduced the recharge rate of the panels, so 2x more is needed for the same rate. 2 panels still charge the system, but slower. They are MUCH lighter now.

Sorry for using Uploading.com, but Mediafire is giving me a hard time, and i can\'t for the life of me find a way to attach files to posts anymore. :(

Anyway its free, but waiting is... i know. I am looking into other ways of hosting, i\'ll think of something... I will upload pictures, maybe a video next week.

I also use the .zip format now so you don\'t need winrar to unpack.

Other, user specific answers:

  togfox said:

Do more panels = higher recharge rate? That would be sweet.

Yepp :D

  togfox said:

Does the vessel block the sun line-of-sight to the panels? My farside panels were charging oxygen despite being in the shade - so to speak.

Known bug. It may actually have something to do with how the game works, as this happenes when you warp faster than 2x. I will try to fix that...

  Xazas said:

I would suggest to empty the main tank first and the reserve aftewards because thats why its callel 'reserve' for a reason ;)

And it could be good to change the color of the zoxygene display, it is not so good visibly against the dark blue of kerbins ocean or the black skysphere.

Could you make those solar panels deployable and a bit lighter?

Well, i will probably change the naming of the display from \'reserve \' to \'exstension\' or something along those lines, but the main tank has to empty last for a lot of reasons...

Also, since the main tank shouldn\'t be decoupled, but the small tanks can be, it makes sence that the main tank empties last.

The color of the displays will be changed in the next version. Deployable panels are planned, it is also planned that they will face the Sun automatically. That will come later tho,

first i will try to improve the sundetection.

Anyway, thanks for all the comments, suggestions and praises! I will keep working on this, updates will follow soon!


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I like the idea, but if there is a gas needed to sustain life, the main system and aux tank should be either in the command module, or part of a service module with the flight computer combined. The size of the ASAS in my opinion should house the system AND the computer. Good idea none the less.

Edit: Also, make the solar panels folding?

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So...does this mod cause the possibility that Bill, Bob, and Jeb could be on seperate crews in future launches? If you kill Jeb, but not Bill or Bob, and land, is a blue-suit sitting in the pilots chair the next flight instead of Jeb?

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I\'ve got a little bit of constructive criticism. I think the solar panels should slow down the amount of oxygen used, but not be able to refill them. Also, there should be a 'Regolith Plant' that turns Munar soil into oxygen. And one last thing, don\'t you think a shade of orange or something like that would be a better suffocating color for a green creature?

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  trbinsc said:

I\'ve got a little bit of constructive criticism. I think the solar panels should slow down the amount of oxygen used, but not be able to refill them. Also, there should be a 'Regolith Plant' that turns Munar soil into oxygen. And one last thing, don\'t you think a shade of orange or something like that would be a better suffocating color for a green creature?

I don\'t think either way of influencing oxygen is preferred.

But I think the current implementation is better, since it\'s not too punishing.

And regarding the colour of the skin for the Kerbals... it depends on the colour of Kerbal blood.

Since there\'s no official word on that, I think red blood is good enough, meaning once they get oxygen deprived they turn blue.

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