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[PLUGIN, PARTS 0.17] Zoxygene (Life Support) mod v0.7.1 (12.09.27)


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  Kreuzung said:
C#, see this section.

Alright. I was just curious because I've been reading abit about programming and I'm actually about to learn C# in school this fall. Though at the moment I don't understand anything so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to read in that section, haha. I just check what Plugins sound cool but I hope to eventually be able to learn to make something. I have another question though which is relevant to ZoxyGene and the Kosmos pack. What if I want to use a Kosmos Solar Panel which has a deploy animation (which is bugged btw) and use that with ZoxyGene? How should I change the part.cfg module?

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Code sent by you in your Power-Tech thread:

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// ZO2/EPS Solar Panel PowerTechEdition


// --- general parameters ---

name = ZO2PowertechSolarpanel

module = EPS_SOURCE_Spanel_PowerTech

author = l00 || Alchemist

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = ZO2pwr.DAE

scale = 0.1

texture = ZO2pwr_tex.png

specPower = 0.1

rimFalloff = 3

alphaCutoff = 0.0

// --- editor parameters ---

cost = 500

category = 3

subcategory = 0

title = EPS Powertech Solar panel

manufacturer = Green Power for Home and Camping Inc.|| PowerTech

description = A very fragile Solar Panel for powering systems that need Electricity, and to charge Batteries... Upgraded by PowerTech, the deployable panel will automatically turn itself to the Sun.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1

// --- node definitions ---

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

node_attach = 17.32, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.175

dragModelType = override

maximum_drag = 10.0

minimum_drag = 0.2

angularDrag = 5

crashTolerance = 3

maxTemp = 3400

explosionPotential = 0.1

breakingForce = 1

breakingTorque = 3

// --- EPS Panel ---

MaxPwrGain = 0.018

MaxOverload = 1.5

panelInitRot = 0.5

doubleSidedPanels = true

NightGlide = true

RotatingPanels = true

// --- PowerTech animation ---



animName = Segment1

animrange1 = 90

animaxis1 = 0, 0, -1

animaxis2 = 1, 0, 0


animName =Segment2

animrange1 = 180

animaxis1 = 0, 1, 0

animParent = 0

Unfortunately that doesn't work with the kosmos deployable panels nor the Soyuz ones as the deploy animation is really weird and not functioning.

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  Alchemist said:
That code is for the animated version of ZO2 panel. But you can edit other panels the same way: specify the module and MaxPwrGain.

And what would the module be? EPS_SOURCE_Spanel_PowerTech or ZoxyGene? Also I guess I need to wait for an update from kosmos since I can't fix the animations myself?

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  FriedMunCake said:
Would there happen to be a way of making the Kosmos Pack Solar Panels to make ZO2?

i use this entrys for Kosmos Panels (added/edited code in orange color),

example here is the "Kosmos Solar Panel (Short)" in folder \Kerbal\Parts\Kosmos_Common_Short_Panel:

// --- general parameters ---
name = Kosmos_Common_Short_Panel
[COLOR="#DAA520"]module = EPS_SOURCE_Spanel_PowerTech[/COLOR]
author = Kosmos Team

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu

// --- node definitions ---
// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z
node_attach = -0.0433247631, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
node_stack_panelmount = 0.0, 0, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

// --- editor parameters ---
cost = 240
category = 3
subcategory = 0
title = Kosmos Solar Panel (Short)
manufacturer = Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau
description = These large, rigid panels are perfect for keeping the mission well-stocked on power.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.02
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.02
angularDrag = 0.2
crashTolerance = 12
maxTemp = 2900

[COLOR="#DAA520"]// --- EPS Panel ---

MaxPwrGain = 0.018

MaxOverload = 1.5
panelInitRot = 0.5

doubleSidedPanels = true
NightGlide = true
RotatingPanels = true[/COLOR]

// --- PoweTech panels --------

FoldAnimationName = Extend
FoldDefState = 0
rotRoot1 = Kosmos_Common_Short_Panel/hinge
doubleSidedPanels = false
panelInitRot = 0

//ejectionForce = 10
phase1 = 1
phase2 = 60
//panelRotateRate = 2
//maxTorque, Kp, Kd (float) - attitude control gyroscope parameters (equivalent to SAS module's)
NightGlide = true

...cfg above have reduced mass and drag values to fit with the Rocktco Industries Soyuz & Lander Mod iam using atm.

make shure you have at lest PowerTech.dll Version installed and revise/edit "MaxPwrGain" value`s accordingly for each panel size.

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Hi Everyone!

Since EPS 0.2 is in playtesting phase and is to be released soon, i just want to give an update on what this will mean to Zoxygene:

New parts:

-Fuelcells: consuming fuel to generate power. Can have fuellines attached to it, and consumes power like an engine (of course at much slower rate)

-Nuclear Batteries: They generate "infinate" power, but not that much as you may think, and they are quite heavy too. You may take some if you have other mods using EPS to make your batteries drain slower


-All EPS parts are now partmodules, and can be attached to pretty much anything. A fueltank with a built-in battery? No problem!

-The Solar Panel module can now be attached to any "SolarPanels_adv_PowerTech" panel and that panel will than become EPS comatible. No more mess with the panels!

Part Resources: The Batteries now use the resource "Energy". This makes EPS compatible with EE, provided you use batteries and sources from EPS, and engines from EE!

Since EPS will now have a very simple and easy to use interface, i am hoping we will see more mods using EPS soon! ;)

Now i will go test this baby on the weekend to make sure everything is ok (yea, and to have fun killing Kerbals too....)


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I want to build a big craft capable of interplanetary travel using this plugin. Once it has reached the planet a lander vessel will be seperated (by use of Zool's escape pod plugin). Of course both, the mothership and the landing vessel have to hold one zo2 main system.

On the first page it says the craft should explode when two main systems are used but in 0.6.2 it does not (good for me :D).

Unfortunately I discovered an interesting bug when seperating one of the two main systems (like seperating the lander stage). Two Kerbals just disappear from the mother vessel and this only occurs in orbit.

This happens without the use of Zool's plugin. When I use this in addition and send one Kerbal into the escape pod before seperation he will survive the seperation and the zo2 main system connected to this pod doesn't seem to work.

I really hope you agree that Zool's method for multiple command pods is a great thing for future interplanetary travel and that multiple zo2 main systems would be the perfect addition :)

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  Bogusheadbox said:
Thanks for the Mod, Just trying out and i can't seem to deploy the laser drills. Have i missed something? I notice on your pictures page it says that "L" should deploy them, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

Any help appreciated,



The button should be "V".

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Ahh thank you, V did the trick. Now moving onto my next silly question. I see the drills deploy using "v", but drilling seems to not take place. The heads of the drills appear to touch the surface of the Mun.

Can it be that my drills are not penetrating deep enough or have i missed another simple and obvious thing ?

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Also, i have been trying to figure it out (the main page does not seem to say). Are the z02 solar panels capable of anything ? I have done a few tests and whilst they deploy and track the sun and show some level of Z02 working in the staging bar on the left of the screen. They appear in reality to have no effect in game whatsoever.

With the z02 panels retracted, depleted z02 is replenshied purely by the batteries which in turn are replenished by the EPS solar panels.

Am i missing something? (a manual for this would be great as info passed about the many pages seem to be incorrect or out of date - making this not a pick up and play mod).



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