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[PLUGIN, PARTS 0.17] Zoxygene (Life Support) mod v0.7.1 (12.09.27)


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Not sure if it\'s a glitch or what, but whenever I return the the space center then go back to a ship with a ZO2 system on it, the kerbols are all dead.

Here is an image of my ship http://i.imgur.com/K3UIrh.jpg. I\'ve got solar panels that generate enegy, a ZO2 filter from powertech, and 3 'drills' for ZO2.

I can time-warp with a ship controlled and they don\'t die.

Any ideas?

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  protagoras said:

Not sure if it\'s a glitch or what, but whenever I return the the space center then go back to a ship with a ZO2 system on it, the kerbols are all dead.

Here is an image of my ship http://i.imgur.com/K3UIrh.jpg. I\'ve got solar panels that generate enegy, a ZO2 filter from powertech, and 3 'drills' for ZO2.

I can time-warp with a ship controlled and they don\'t die.

Any ideas?

Have you jettisoned the zo2 master system? That results in instant death.

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  togfox said:

Have you jettisoned the zo2 master system? That results in instant death.

The vessel in the screenshot is the 'model' I am concerned with. It\'s the second one that I\'ve landed on the moon to have die on me. The first one I think was from running out of energy and ZO2 during the night, but that should have been remedied by adding the drills.

(If it\'s not clear, the large grey cylinder in the middle is the 'ZO2 system' from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=11622)

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Seems like you\'re mixing up mods in a way that wasn\'t intended. That may work, or may not work, depending on the level of co-operation between the authors.

The zoxygen mod in this thread requires the zo2 main system (small blue disk). If that is not present, your pilots will die instantly. How they made it to space without dying is a mystery. Perhaps that \'other\' mod is affecting this in an unpredictable way.

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  togfox said:

Seems like you\'re mixing up mods in a way that wasn\'t intended. That may work, or may not work, depending on the level of co-operation between the authors.

The zoxygen mod in this thread requires the zo2 main system (small blue disk). If that is not present, your pilots will die instantly. How they made it to space without dying is a mystery. Perhaps that \'other\' mod is affecting this in an unpredictable way.

I would suspect that, but the Dynasat part is using the exact same module as the ZO2 part. So they should be functionally identical. Looking through the part.cfg files, the ZO2 system parameters are also identical.

None the less, I\'ll give it a try replacing the current part with the ZO2 system that comes with the plugin.

Update: Tested it with the deafult ZO2 system, they still died.

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But I think the ZO2 boost does not work with engines that don\'t use the default liquid engine.

There is something in ZO2 that gets the class name as string and compares it with 'LiquidEngine'. Replacing that with is LiquidEngine whould also work with engines derived from LiquidEngine, such as Ion Engines and MuMech engines.

Oh, and with ZO2 boost, atmospheric engines should work in space ;D

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  protagoras said:

Not sure if it\'s a glitch or what, but whenever I return the the space center then go back to a ship with a ZO2 system on it, the kerbols are all dead.

Here is an image of my ship http://i.imgur.com/K3UIrh.jpg. I\'ve got solar panels that generate enegy, a ZO2 filter from powertech, and 3 'drills' for ZO2.

I can time-warp with a ship controlled and they don\'t die.

Any ideas?

I have the same bug.

From the log screen (ALT+F2) I see that, when the ship is entered from the Tracking Station, for some reason the ZO2System appears to be deactivated, so all Kerbals are immediately killed. Maybe something is wrong when saving persistence file or retrieving info


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  Maraz said:

I have the same bug.

From the log screen (ALT+F2) I see that, when the ship is entered from the Tracking Station, for some reason the ZO2System appears to be deactivated, so all Kerbals are immediately killed.

Odd. I have a zo2 craft with a bunch of external zo2 tanks in orbit around the Mun and the only thing that\'s deactivated when i reload or go to the craft via the tracking station is the zo2 panels. Just undeploy and redeploy fixes it. Jeb and company haven\'t died on me yet.

Would it be possible to make the zo2 main system run on electricity from regular electric solar panels and battery, to have the main system work as a filter and produce zo2?

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  rkman said:

Odd. I have a zo2 craft with a bunch of external zo2 tanks in orbit around the Mun and the only thing that\'s deactivated when i reload or go to the craft via the tracking station is the zo2 panels.

Please try with a landed craft. Perhaps the bug happens when the craft is in landed state (mine was landed on Minmus, must try on Mun).


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I landed a zo2 craft on the Mun, did a quick switch to space center, tracking station, crash, reload, switched to the craft via tracking station, and all seems to be well with the crew and zo2 systems (except for the zo2 filter that had itself switched off but it always does that).


Some time later the crew did die, and indeed it\'s the zo2 main system that has stopped working.

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I have determined that is takes more than just going back to the space center. You have to load a different ship, then go back to the ZO2 craft. It seems the save in the persistance is being changed from 111(all 3 alive) to 000(3 dead).

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While trying to resolve my problem with the zo2 filter popup menu not showing, initially my KSP installation became completely broken (solar panels not recharging battery, electric panels turning into zo2 panels, some panels exploding on launchpad...) - but in the end it worked out alright.

I\'m not sure what exactly solved it but now the filter\'s popup menu does work.

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Probably you just have the newest plugins now ;P

My game crashes at all ZO2 parts except the drill. Maybe it\'s just that I have too much parts for the game to load, but I can remember having this issue with fewer parts, but that could\'ve been a problem with my last 2 KSP installs being completely broken.

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  Kreuzung said:

Probably you just have the newest plugins now ;P

Yeah probably something elementary like that.

I hope plugin installation become less problematic in the future, as mod makers settle on one of each basic functions such as electricity and how it\'s used, instead of there being several methods that achieve the same goal but that can conflict with one another. Now there are like 4 or 5 different methods for solar panels (including zo2), while we need only one method.

My game crashes at all ZO2 parts except the drill. Maybe it\'s just that I have too much parts for the game to load, but I can remember having this issue with fewer parts, but that could\'ve been a problem with my last 2 KSP installs being completely broken.

In my experience since 0.15 KSP has become more sensitive to how many parts are installed, ~110 parts seems to be about max for my installation, more than that causes KSP to crash regularly.

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  rkman said:


In my experience since 0.15 KSP has become more sensitive to how many parts are installed, ~110 parts seems to be about max for my installation, more than that causes KSP to crash regularly.

Are you running a 32bit (x86) operation system?

That could be the cause because 32bit systems are limited to 2GB RAM for 1 process. KSP 0.15 uses about 1,5GB RAM with ~50 parts. So I can imagine that more then ~110 parts will come near the limit of 2GB.

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  Blinkin said:

Are you running a 32bit (x86) operation system?

That could be the cause because 32bit systems are limited to 2GB RAM for 1 process. KSP 0.15 uses about 1,5GB RAM with ~50 parts. So I can imagine that more then ~110 parts will come near the limit of 2GB.

Yes, but this was not a problem with previous versions of KSP.

And even with 140 parts KSP 0.15x uses no more than 1.5GB (but is very unstable anyway).

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  protagoras said:

Any ideas for the crew dying on load for no reason?

I saw the spontaneous crew death issue on my orbital construction station, and when I looked in the .sfs file, I found that the string \'111\' that signifies all kerbals alive had vanished somehow.

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