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What kind of contracts do you want to see in KSP 0.90


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Some I would like to see would be

-Communication Contracts: Kerizon Wireless needs you to put a satellite with X parts in Low/Medium/High orbit (maybe others like weather probes)

-Re-orbit: The Junkyard Space Parts Observation probe is going to reenter the atmosphere in X days/hours grab and re-orbit

-De-orbit: The Junkyard Space Parts Test Probe has gone dark and is no longer needed collect and bring home/De-orbit the Probe

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Definitely payload contracts like the Communication ones you mentioned. Isn't that what most real life space programs do? Contracts like "deploy a satellite with 2 antennas and a power supply" or "deploy a space station and put this Kerbal onboard". Once you get into the right orbit you can "hand it off" to the contract organization, losing control but still being able to track it in a new category.

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  LethalDose said:
I want specific biome/science combos, e.g. "temperature scan from the Mun's SW crater". generic orbital science is too easy.

Only if there is a way for you to know in-game where the heck this biome is, as opposed to having to look it up on the internet and try to make sense of the 2D map

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  I_Killed_Jeb said:
Only if there is a way for you to know in-game where the heck this biome is, as opposed to having to look it up on the internet and try to make sense of the 2D map

Maybe that would be a reason to implement like a ScanSat to map out biomes from orbit

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Hmm, this is a tough one.

If I look up the KSP wishlist in my brain, several things come up:

- give reputation a meaning. I am not sure if there is any right now, if you get better contracts with better rep. One way or another, this should be more transparent to the player. Something like: "we are doing fine, but we could get better contracts if our rep goes up to XXX".

- quests, missions consisting of several liked contracts that come up one after another.

- bring a premade object into space/land it/crash it. The premade object would be temporary added to the SHP/VAB stored subassemblies - it is loaded from a lib of premade vessels for this mission. These could be anything like small sats to landers to station parts, whatever. Also probably easily extendable. This is basically the task to build a good launcher that is suited to the cargo - cost effectiveness and stuff.

Could also be used in the way: "Jeb wants to test his new small SSTO on Laythe - go get him there, let him test his vessel and return".

- more "explore the unknown" stuff. Something like asteroids, where you cannot sneakspeak it unless you get close. These could come from a library of premade vessels or whatever. It would be visible once the contract starts - in the area/biome specified by the contract. "Jeb, our tracking station has detected an unknown vessel landed on Bop. Go check it out." For parts (small complex sats consisting of expensive parts that you can being back and recover), fuel, lotsa rep and of course SCIENCE. This is actually something I intend to mod once I find enough free time to dig into KSPs internals. Not sure if its doable right now, but I'm getting offtopic here.

All in all, I think a lot of fun missions could be possible if contracts would involve either spawn vessels to analyse or subassemblies to use in missions.

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Contracts for:

- Putting a Satellite in orbit of "X"

- Returning ground samples from "X"

- Do a fly-by of "X" with 4 space tourists (number subject to change... meaning you could have to build a pace bus, could be fun).

- Bring supplies to craft "X" (where X is a craft of yours, in space anywhere, and has a free docking port). Supplies would be a generic, massless small part.

Stuff like that.

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Space tourism contracts:

- Build Space Resorts:

* Kerbin Galactic would like you to build a space motel in orbit around x (i.e. Duna), with power, habitation module and cupola

* Kerbaton wants you to establish a land resort on Duna, with power, habitation module and a dockable rover

- Send Crew and tourists to the established resorts:

* Admin Kerman was nominated as the Manager of Kerbaton's Duna Resort - get him to the resort

* Leonardo de Kerman wants to visit Kerbin Galactic's Duna space motel - Get him to the space motel and back to Kerbin

* Tom Kerman want to tour Duna's surface - Take him to Kerbaton's Duna resort, drive him around in the rover, get him back to the resort, get him back to kerbin

I don't know if you can do this kind of contracts, as the game will need to realize you first need to be contracted to setup the "resort", and then have you send kerbals to a specifically identified resort you have already setup - can the contract system do that?

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When it comes to space tourism, at the very least there could be VIP transport missions. Like, "VIP wants to visit [Existing Space Station], bring them there, let them stay for [X amount of time], then bring them back." Massive reputation penalties if something happens to them.

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basically everything that is in the fineprint mod for starters


Pretty much everything requested here is in that mod and if they aren't feel free to suggest them for the next update on the thread. I like a lot of ideas posted here!

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* Contracts with a sense of urgency: "Spacecraft X is out of power and plummeting towards Kerbin! Intercept and rescue it before it crashes!".

* Satellite retrieval missions.

* Delivery and retrieval missions. "Deliver part A to location B before time C". Light payloads, long distances and short deadlines give you express courier missions; large payloads (e.g. a 500 ton rocket...), short distances and long deadlines provide trucking or heavy lift missions. Really short deadlines can be "get this part to the urban power plant before it explodes". With a bit of story framing, delivering arbitrary parts to arbitrary locations can be spun into almost anything.

* Precise science missions, with locations and deadlines. "Take science instrument A to location B at the right time to observe event C".

* More diversity in the atmospheric aircraft missions. The aerial surveys are good, but "there's a forest fire at location X! Fly over it at altitude Y and drop this tank of extinguishing foam onto it!" would be awesome. Pacifist bombing missions, basically.

* "Sport" contracts. "You've been hired to compete in this year's Aeroracing Series: fly from X to Y between altitudes A and B in less than time Z".

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It would be pretty cool to have investigation missions. Kerbodyne's most advanced ship stopped communicating near Laythe. Find out what happened. You get there and can't find the ship but detect something on the surface. You fly around in a spaceplane and see an escape pod on one of Laythes islands. You rescue the Kerbals and find out their ship failed and they had to abandon it or something.

Investigate a base on Dres. You get there and everyone is fine but there communications array was damaged. You then have to add a coms

Module to the base within a hundred meters or something.

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entry one:

"Someone" did a slight mistake while trying to send a satellite into a specific orbit. There now is a Kerbileo satellite orbiting in a highly eccentric tour around Kerbin. Its desired orbit is circular at 23,333km x (RL2K-conversion factor) with an inclination of 56°. The craft now swings from more than 2,000 kilometres too high to nearly 10,000 kilometres too low. The orbit is also tilted by about 5 degrees from the intended plane.

Please correct this.

Thank you.

(src: http://www.nature.com/news/wayward-galileo-satellites-could-still-aid-scientists-1.15843)


entry two:

Rendezvous with Rama

An interstellar object is headed into Kerbol's SOI on a hyperbolic trajectory. Meet up with it, "do some science", return home.

Edited by heng
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I'd like to see a few, as I posted here in Suggestions.

In short, they are:

1. Have a launch window calendar suggest missions based upon good launch windows (explicitly given a time range for launch dates for min dv), regardless of your point in the campaign. Ie: if there is a good window for Jool coming up, you might get a contract to explore even though you have not even landed on the Mun yet because the dv is low in 2 months.

2. Novel rescue/resupply missions that include competing spacecraft, not just random stranded kerbals.

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The combination of FinePrint and Mission Controller currently have everything mentioned. FP is already being implemented into stock so all of those mission types are moot.

The only things I can think of adding are:

- some type of story mode. Mission controller already has missions that build off previous missions so it's definitely possible, and

- a debris/satellite removal mission. For example a satellite has run out of fuel and is now obsolete. It's up to Jeb to bring it out of orbit.

Edited by bdito
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  bdito said:
The combination of FinePrint and Mission Controller currently have everything mentioned. FP is already being implemented into stock so all of those mission types are moot.

The only things I can think of adding are:

- some type of story mode. Mission controller already has missions that build off previous missions so it's definitely possible, and

- a debris/satellite removal mission. For example a satellite has run out of fuel and is now obsolete. It's up to Jeb to bring it out of orbit.

Their OP posts don't mention far more varied rescue missions, including crafts, not just random kerbals. I also don't see that contracts are being generated based upon good launch windows to different worlds, or is it buried somewhere?

FP indeed looks pretty good, but I don;t see it saying that it does a few things contracts really need to do. They need to never offer a completed contract again, for example. If you already tested the sepratron in condition X, that contract needs to go away forever, for example. Ditto planting a flag, etc.

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  tater said:
Their OP posts don't mention far more varied rescue missions, including crafts, not just random kerbals. I also don't see that contracts are being generated based upon good launch windows to different worlds, or is it buried somewhere?

FP indeed looks pretty good, but I don;t see it saying that it does a few things contracts really need to do. They need to never offer a completed contract again, for example. If you already tested the sepratron in condition X, that contract needs to go away forever, for example. Ditto planting a flag, etc.

You're right. I've never seen any contracts with a launch window as part of it or preventing some of the basic contracts from reemerging. FP and MC are fantastic expansions on the stock model but there could be so much more to them as well. The possibilities seem almost limitless.

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I have yet to play with any mods, FinePrint included so I don't know what the contracts will be like when 0.90 is released. However, I really would like to have a contract that requires placing a piano/snack bar in orbit around Duna or something.

How about contracts that include proprietary parts? Like, a contract that requires you to put a snack bar in orbit, and lo and behold you see a snack bar part in VAB?

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  I_Killed_Jeb said:
Only if there is a way for you to know in-game where the heck this biome is, as opposed to having to look it up on the internet and try to make sense of the 2D map

two points: First, you already kinda have to go to the internet to find all the science off of planets with biomes to find the location, or, as DJF pointed out, use a scanning mod like SatSCAN (which would be a great addition to the game, IMO). Seond, FP already has "Take a rover to these points" and "Fly over these points" missions that require waypoints to be displayed on the global/map view, so instead of waypoints, a simple overlay could be created the biome.

Basically, the "where the heck is the biome" issues have awesome solutions.

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  LethalDose said:
two points: First, you already kinda have to go to the internet to find all the science off of planets with biomes to find the location, or, as DJF pointed out, use a scanning mod like SatSCAN (which would be a great addition to the game, IMO). Seond, FP already has "Take a rover to these points" and "Fly over these points" missions that require waypoints to be displayed on the global/map view, so instead of waypoints, a simple overlay could be created the biome.

Basically, the "where the heck is the biome" issues have awesome solutions.

which is a major UI oversight and as such shouldn't be perpetuated even further. i agree totally there are solutions, but they have to be implemented

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