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I stumbled upon this little game a couple of days ago and haven\'t stopped messing around since downloading the demo. I had so much fun with that I just decided to go ahead and donate and get a proper version. So far I\'ve been just messing with the stock parts and attempting to learn what I can. There\'s definitely a bit of a learning curve involved with this...rocket design, orbital mechanics! ??? Since starting I\'ve been able to get as far as completing a successful lunar (Munar?) orbit and return to Kerbin. That was a little sloppy, but it got done! So I suppose now it\'s on to actually touching down!

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Congratulations and welcome to the Forums!

Yes, many refer to it as a Munar orbit, although lunar is just fine. And don\'t worry, with a bit more practice you will successfully touch down on the silver ball we call the Mun.

-Radion Space Works

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Alright so I\'m having trouble with actually setting down on the Mun in one piece. It seems like no matter how careful I\'m trying to land, my legs wind up snapping off, the ship falls over and the CM breaks off. Are the stock landing legs just that brittle or am I doing it wrong? I\'m not really landing on rough terrain as I\'ve been shooting for craters. Should I switch to the fins? Do they work better than those legs?

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How fast are you going? I think anything above 20 m/s is too rough.

Practice with your lander on Kerbin first, although you should note gravity is far lesser on Mun and adjust your thrust accordingly when you get there. The safe landing speed will remain unchanged though.

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Finally made it! After several failed attempts at landing I finally managed to land successfully and return to Kerbin safely. What helped me out in a big way was using a directly overhead view and using the RCS thrusters to manage my lateral movement. Once I nailed that, touching down just became a matter of throttle control to do it gently.

First image from the Munar surface!


Returned safely!


My next goal was to actually pick a landing site, instead of just landing wherever I happened to come into orbit over. For my second Munar landing, I was able to change my orbital plane in order to land inside the large crater slightly above the equator. Is there any kind of name for this crater yet? :)


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Do you know about the yellow/green symbols on the navball? The one with a cross in points retrograde, the other points prograde. I use the RCS to move the retrograde marker over the centre point (straight up). Doing that means that you are only moving down.

Have a great time playing!

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Do you know about the yellow/green symbols on the navball? The one with a cross in points retrograde, the other points prograde. I use the RCS to move the retrograde marker over the centre point (straight up). Doing that means that you are only moving down.

Have a great time playing!

Yeah I know about those markers. At first I was only eyeballing my lateral movement until I realized that the retrograde marker was moving too. Then I started using that instead. 8)

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You may be having a little trouble considering the height of your ship. The wider your ship, the more stable on landing, and the drag doesn\'t punish you for it either. I would recommend making the lander a little stubbier. However, welcome to the forums and the game!

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