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[1.0.4] Endurance (from Interstellar) [DISCONTINUED]


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  xxhansonmaxx said:
Can't you scale the iva model in unity?

It's not that simple unfortunately. Kerbal scales remain constant so if I resize it they no longer fit the seats, plus the IVA props are defined in a config file so they would all be off scale and out of place. Possibly I will consider trying it in the future but it isn't a priority. Plus the Lander is a significantly different scale - if it were off by 10% ish it might work. I'll take a look into it but too busy at the moment to promise anything.

EDIT: Having said that I've realised my maths is wrong. I've been working under the assumption that my Lander is scaled to 1.5 x the original size in blender, since people suggested I make it larger. In fact what has happened is that I scaled up the model in Blender to 1.5 and exported, which reset the size in .obj format to 1.0. I checked my Unity files and found that I actually had to then scale DOWN the Lander to 0.8 of 1.5, giving a scale of 120% the original rather than 150%. So it might be doable without the kerbals looking tiny, and if necessary I can shrink the seats a little and move the controls further away.

EDIT AGAIN: Further digging reveals that the Lander IVA scale in Unity is completely bodged. I have no idea why but it seems to be some issue caused by scaling off empty game objects and parenting things to each other and it's all exceedingly confusing. I've managed to bodge some sort of weird scale by scaling it down to 0.658 but as to whether anything will now fit properly...


Edited by benjee10
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  KrizzGaming said:
When ever I fly the Ranger, the Kraken always makes the universe black..

Using EVE, OPM, and this mod

Its either EVE or OPM thats messing with u, I have like 100 mods with Endurance and the Ranger flies fine :D

  gmpd2000 said:
I'm having trouble with the Ranger, It won't dock to the Endurance.

And If I place a stock docking port, the magnets won't work.


Turn off SAS and let it wobble around for a few seconds, then it will magically dock!

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Would it be viable to add some sort of thrust vectoring to the lander main engines? Nozzles don't even need to move. Just the thrust vectoring.

It is almost impossible for the lander to lift a cargo heavier than cardboard boxes to space in the current state, given that the main engines have no gimbal at all.

VTOL engines can be used to counter out the torque, but needless to say, its jarringly inefficient.

Also, I hope the inflatable habitat module's inventory bug gets fixed soon. I'm trying to build a Munar base now, but it isn't exactly helping my progress that every time one of my kerbals enter the habitat module, he/she loses all items stored in the inventory.

I'm running KSP 1.0.2, Endurance mod, KIS and some other graphical improvement mods, all latest versions.

Edited by fucojr
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  fucojr said:
Would it be viable to add some sort of thrust vectoring to the lander main engines? Nozzles don't even need to move. Just the thrust vectoring.

It is almost impossible for the lander to lift a cargo heavier than cardboard boxes to space in the current state, given that the main engines have no gimbal at all.

VTOL engines can be used to counter out the torque, but needless to say, its jarringly inefficient.

Also, I hope the inflatable habitat module's inventory bug gets fixed soon. I'm trying to build a Munar base now, but it isn't exactly helping my progress that every time one of my kerbals enter the habitat module, he/she loses all items stored in the inventory.

I'm running KSP 1.0.2, Endurance mod, KIS and some other graphical improvement mods, all latest versions.

This should be raised in the KIS thread i think as this happens on any crew pods

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  fucojr said:
Would it be viable to add some sort of thrust vectoring to the lander main engines? Nozzles don't even need to move. Just the thrust vectoring.

It is almost impossible for the lander to lift a cargo heavier than cardboard boxes to space in the current state, given that the main engines have no gimbal at all.

VTOL engines can be used to counter out the torque, but needless to say, its jarringly inefficient.

Also, I hope the inflatable habitat module's inventory bug gets fixed soon. I'm trying to build a Munar base now, but it isn't exactly helping my progress that every time one of my kerbals enter the habitat module, he/she loses all items stored in the inventory.

I'm running KSP 1.0.2, Endurance mod, KIS and some other graphical improvement mods, all latest versions.

I will take a look at adding thrust vectoring. The KIS thing is a bug with KIS itself I'm pretty sure.

EDIT: I think I know what's causing it: the number of seats. The inventory must be saved to a specific seat, and when the Kerbal enters it just gets placed in the first one available. So the inventory goes to that seat and the Kerbal goes to another. Just a theory. I think I will reduce the seat number anyway since it seems unrealistic.

I have taken a look at the rescaled IVA and, well, it isn't good news. The Kerbals are ridiculously large and there just isn't enough room inside. Their heads clip through the ceiling by a fair bit. As far as I know it is impossible to rescale kerbals in IVA. I think the filmmakers must have taken some liberties with the scaling between the Lander interior set and the exterior model relative to the Ranger & Endurance. So fixing the IVA isn't really possible, unless anyone wants a) the Lander upscaled or B) the entire Endurance upscaled which would lose the integration with stock sizes and necessitate redoing all the IVAs.

(hint: the answer isn't B)

Edited by benjee10
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  ColonelSanders said:
I can't seem to get the Endurance off the ground, even when I use the remade one it ends up blowing up.. What am I doing wrong

Your first mistake is not giving a more detailed description of what you're doing/exactly what's happening. :P

We'd all like to help, but there are a thousand different ways to blow up a craft on the launchpad. Can you be more specific?

- - - Updated - - -

  pauladam316 said:
The Game will not load for me, it always seems to stop loading after trying to load GameData\Endurance\Parts\ENDURANCE\mountEndurance\mountEndurance. Help!

Please provide more details! What other mods are you using? What KSP version are you using? What does your output.txt look like?

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all right,a very serious problem……

thats what happened when i trying to start the ranger engine……

it says the engine cannot active while stowed……this happened after i install KIS,any idea about that?

here's the img


and also,there are more problems,like the I attach a docking port to the mini ranger and after that the mini ranger's horizon sensor continue showing the wrong direction.

And the Ranger's docking port is sometimes not work, I cant dock it.Other time it works perfectly.

Also, Endurance start spining automaticly if I disable SAS,is that normal?


Edited by mark7
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  mark7 said:
all right,a very serious problem……

thats what happened when i trying to start the ranger engine……

it says the engine cannot active while stowed……this happened after i install KIS,any idea about that?

We can't see images on your computer. Upload it to some service like imgur.com first

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The engines are not showing up for me, If i load the craft file it says locked or invalid parts but it still loads and the engines are there? Any suggestions?

Edit: the only engine that shows for me is the lander lift engine. version 5.5 with KIS and RPM installed.

Edit2:Is there a different tech tree to use with this I don't have experimentalRocketry so I moved the endurance engines to veryHeavyRocketry and now it shows.

Edited by Woodstar
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  Woodstar said:
The engines are not showing up for me, If i load the craft file it says locked or invalid parts but it still loads and the engines are there? Any suggestions?

Edit: the only engine that shows for me is the lander lift engine. version 5.5 with KIS and RPM installed.

Edit2:Is there a different tech tree to use with this I don't have experimentalRocketry so I moved the endurance engines to veryHeavyRocketry and now it shows.

There is a typo in the config for the ranger engines. In rangerEngine.cfg change

TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamic


TechRequired = experimentalAerodynamics


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The problem is this.

Only parts that have IVA internals have KIS inventory support. Confirmed in this thread: https://github.com/KospY/KIS/issues/35

Also, number of seats in IVA internals must match the 'real' crew capacity.

You can add the following to a part's .cfg file to add a placeholder IVA(just a black screen) to fix this issue.



name = Placeholder


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Did anyone notice that Ranger's RCS ports placement is actually quite sub-obtimal?

No matter which direction you try to move, in addition to the desired vector, you translate downwards a little(quite a lot, actually), because the RCS ports on Ranger are almost exclusively placed on its top side. To top that, some of the RCS ports are actually angled slightly, not perpendicular to vessel's body.

Pitching/yawing with RCS on also generates hefty amount of thrust, especially when you pitch down.

This, and the fact that the docking ports for the Rangers are angled, makes docking the Ranger to the Endurance quite annoying.

Fixing this can't be too easy I guess, considering the highly geometric shape of Ranger.

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I dont know why but Ranger's aerodynamic shape didnt fit FAR. It keeps yawing and pitching while re-entering , and if I dont use the engine to slow it down, there's another Columbia

And , thx for making such a great mod, I' working on a project which will 'balance' this mod , and add life supprot resource to every manned craft . Just wonder if u need this.

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