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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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jancando: Yup, you got it! :)

JebThrillMaster: What were your apogee and perigee? Or, failing that, velocity and angle at interface? Can't really tell from your shots. But my guess is you went too steep.

Assuming an initial orbit of 185km (Mercury level) a perigee > -20km is safe. Assuming a 300x300 orbit, I wouldn't have a perigee lower than 0km, and even that's a bit dangerous. 40-60km is probably the sweet spot, has nice low Gs (higher peak load but lower peak flux than a steeper descent). Lunar reentries shouldn't be lower than 55km EVER.

Having a negative periapsis tends to blow up the ship. Usually I use a range between 25-40km but always try to get a stable orbit first so that my orbital speed is in a proper range. Once or twice I tried to smash to surface directly from a lunar or planetary return, but I was always way too fast... (but it's a great fun though...)
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Sovek: Ah, I didn't realize you were on 1.0.3. We don't support that yet, evidently. :P

This was on 1.02, I was just letting you know that 1.03 broke the engine GUI.

Any way I can get my hands on 1.02?

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Some of my Tantares parts rescale while they are in orbit. I have a space station, and when I loaded it from the Tracking Station, the Salyut docking node has rescaled to stock KSP size. Has anyone encountered that?

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Some of my Tantares parts rescale while they are in orbit. I have a space station, and when I loaded it from the Tracking Station, the Salyut docking node has rescaled to stock KSP size. Has anyone encountered that?

Was it the root part?

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The MK4 to 4.3m adapter tanks have borked (too small) attachment nodes (assuming this is RO territory?).

Actually seems like all big plane adapters are kinda borked.

Is the automatic of the new version installation already supported?

1.0.3 isn't supported, e.g. break real fuels.

Edited by Temeter
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Hey Nathan, I'm having the same issue with heat shields exploding on reentry without using ablator. 200km apogee, 50km perigee. Peak ablator usage is only about .5kg/s and then the heat shield goes. Haven't had a shield survive reentry yet.

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I can't select different launch sites in 1.02, is this a feature that's been removed or have I (ckan) screwed the install somehow?

It's a separate mod now. You can install it, but it has some minor issues.

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Great playing with RSS/RO under 1.0.2. It works so well, I am wondering whether it actually got faster since 0.90. I totally cannot wait for RP0 to be updated :)

Anyway, here is also a bug:

When I stage an interstage fairing together with an engine. The engine

would not start, unless I explicitly click the "activate engine" button.

If I first stage the interstage fairing, and then in another stage

stage the engine, it starts.

If I use a normal decoupler instead of an interstage fairing, the engine starts.

So, it seems to be a bug with the interstage fairing and staging.

I am running KSP_64 on linux.

KSP Version: 1.0.2

Installed Modules:

- AdvancedJetEngine 2.2.0

- AGExt 1.32d

- B9AerospaceProceduralParts 0.40

- BetterBuoyancy v1.2

- CommunityResourcePack 0.4.2

* ConnectedLivingSpace

- CrossFeedEnabler v3.3

- DeadlyReentry v7.1.0

- DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.2

- FASA 5.34

- FerramAerospaceResearch v0.15.3_Froude

- FilterExtensions 2.2.2

- FinalFrontier 0.8.6-1370

- HotRockets 1.0.2

- KAS 0.5.2

- KerbalAlarmClock v3.3.2.1

- KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.4

- KIS 1.1.5

- Kopernicus pre-alpha-09


- KWRocketry 2.7

- MechJeb2 2.5.1

- ModularFlightIntegrator 1.0.repackaged0

- ModuleAnimateEmissive v1.3

- ModuleManager 2.6.5

- ModuleRCSFX v4.1

- ProceduralFairings v3.14

- ProceduralParts v1.1.3

- RasterPropMonitor v0.20.0

- RasterPropMonitor-Core v0.20.0

- RealChute

- RealFuels rf-v10.3.1

- RealismOverhaul v10.0.0

- RealSolarSystem v10.0.1

- ReflectionPlugin 1.2

- RemoteTech 1.6.6

- RSSTextures8192 v10.0

- SemiSaturatableRW 1.10.1

- SmokeScreen 2.6.3

- SolverEngines v1.3

- SovietEngines 1.1

- TACLS v0.11.1.20

- TACLS-Config-RealismOverhaul v10.0.0

- TestFlight

- TestFlightConfigRO

- TextureReplacer 2.4.6

- Toolbar 1.7.9

- VenStockRevamp v1.8.1

Here's the KSP.log. (I am sorry, but I totally could not find the Player.log)


Thanks in advance,


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Great playing with RSS/RO under 1.0.2. It works so well, I am wondering whether it actually got faster since 0.90. I totally cannot wait for RP0 to be updated :)

Anyway, here is also a bug:

When I stage an interstage fairing together with an engine. The engine

would not start, unless I explicitly click the "activate engine" button.

If I first stage the interstage fairing, and then in another stage

stage the engine, it starts.

If I use a normal decoupler instead of an interstage fairing, the engine starts.

So, it seems to be a bug with the interstage fairing and staging.

I am running KSP_64 on linux.

Thanks in advance,


I have had this problem with deployable solar panels and normal fairings. The problem is that the engine won't ignite (or solar panel deploy) if it is considered "stowed" like when it is in a fairing or cargo bay. When you stage them together like that, the instant you stage the engine it is still stowed. So you just need to stage separately.

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Lilienthal, are you sure this isn't an issue with Procedural Fairings?

Incidentally, the player.log is there.... I had a problem finding mine in Mint, but having learned a little about the terminal screen trying to install my graphics drivers (until some kind hearted soul taught me about Synapsis...) I figured I had to use the terminal to find it (after giving up trying through the GUI). After opening the terminal, I copied and pasted this:

~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

Into the prompt. After flailing about a bit... I googled "Copying files in Linux" and it gave me a few options, I don't remember exactly which result I chose (it has to do with the 'cp' command which has several uses) but the syntax I used afterwards was something like:

cp -b ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log ~/Desktop/

cp is the copy command, -b is the switch to create a backup and the first argument(or path) afterwards tells Linux where to find the file, and the second one tells Linux where to put the copy/backup.

There are other switches and I don't know exactly what they do yet--I'm still very much a newb, but in some ways it seems very similar to old MS-DOS 3.31, which I grew up on.

This worked well enough for me to post a bug report in a different thread. I don't remember off hand if I had to have admin privileges to get a copy of the file.

Hope this helps!

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@Fizwalker Thanks for the hints. I did all that, but only had an old version of the log in .config... I delete the several old logs I had there, let's see what happens. I'll see whether the same bug happens with stock + proc. Fairings only. But not tonight :)

@Jandcando True, I could just have two stages. But it used to work, and I don't think the current behaviour is logical, and will therefore confuse and annoy players.

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Can I get some advice on attitude control - I am really struggling. I can put a Mk2-1 pod into orbit with some RCS thrusters on it and fuel for them. However it seems impossible to control attitude automatically. If I use Mechjeb to set attitude or the attitude control buttons next to the navball the pod just gets itself into a spin. What gives? I know that the reaction wheels have been weakened, but what can I do to get my craft controllable using RCS? I really do not want to have to manually fly every maneuver node again, spending ages trying to get the craft pointing the right way, that will be very dull, even if it is enhanced realism!

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I found this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121017-WIP-Convair-NEXUS-super-heavy-Earth-Launch-Vehicle

Sounds like heaven if someone can make it RO compatible

But wait...there's more!


The details on this one are fuzzy but 4600 metric tons to LEO...I will be extremely happy if someone could calculate approximate thrust needed and rescale the above to make both of these engines...I don't know how to do any of this stuff and I wanna see what you guys think so I posted this

Edited by GiantTank
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