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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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  On 4/6/2016 at 8:12 AM, Phineas Freak said:

@Oksbadcan you find the heat shield part config inside the ModuleManager cache file and paste it here? The patch that @Starwaster posted is included with RO but it seems like it doesn't get applied.


Actually if you look at the RO configs carefully, for heat shields it inserts leaveTemp into ModuleHeatShield which doesn't do anything at all.

In fact, it shouldn't even be necessary for heat shields since DRE's internal logic excludes parts with ModuleHeatShield and shouldn't cap their temps. Even so, I submitted a PR to RO to patch more sensibly

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  On 4/6/2016 at 7:45 AM, Starwaster said:

This isn't tested but it should correct the problem I'm seeing. Though, keep in mind that this is likely affecting everyone so it might be something else. 

Make a file named RO_DRE_PATCH.cfg, edit it and then paste text from the bottom of this post into it:

Also, question: At what altitude are you blowing up and what part is going first? And are you perfectly lined up retrograde? (I'm duplicating the reentry you described with a craft more or less like yours...)

		name = ModuleAeroReentry
		skinHeatConductivity = 0.001
		leaveTemp = True



Blows up around 75km. I am pointing retrograde. Here's the video, reentry starts about 4 mins in.

The heat shield might be a bit to small, but I've never had such substantial reheating so high when I played RO on previous versions of ksp before.

Thanks for the fix, will use it if this is not due to user error.

  On 4/6/2016 at 8:02 AM, Starwaster said:


Periapsis 90 might be too shallow depending on the mass of that craft. Too shallow / too high and it can't generate enough drag and slow itself before its shield burns up. Try maybe around 60


I'll try. But considering how high I blew up it's a long shot.

  On 4/6/2016 at 8:12 AM, Phineas Freak said:

@Oksbadcan you find the heat shield part config inside the ModuleManager cache file and paste it here? The patch that @Starwaster posted is included with RO but it seems like it doesn't get applied.


Do you mean this? 


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@Oksbadit seems like the issue is RO itself (and the necessary thermal values are already there). If you still have problems after using the above patch then check the stock physics.cfg file: RO modifies many parameters so there are many chances that something will go wrong if it doesn't get patched correctly.

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  On 4/6/2016 at 8:41 AM, Phineas Freak said:

@Oksbadit seems like the issue is RO itself (and the necessary thermal values are already there). If you still have problems after using the above patch then check the stock physics.cfg file: RO modifies many parameters so there are many chances that something will go wrong if it doesn't get patched correctly.


his physics globals were one of the first things I looked at. There's nothing wrong there.

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With the patch, the craft still blew up, but the probe core was able to ride the heat shield all the way down (not sure if the patch did that).

I suspect the size of the heat shield was an issue. I'll try tomorrow with a bigger one.

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  On 4/6/2016 at 9:30 AM, Oksbad said:

With the patch, the craft still blew up, but the probe core was able to ride the heat shield all the way down (not sure if the patch did that).

I suspect the size of the heat shield was an issue. I'll try tomorrow with a bigger one.


I tried to duplicate your craft as best as I could. I overestimated the size on the first try. The second time, it felt like it was too tail heavy and unwieldy. If it was even a few degrees off, the RCS was getting burned off and then it got harder to keep it oriented.

So I suspect that you're right. It's possible to get it down safely but it has zero margin of error.

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does anyone else experience issue with wheels clipping into runway and causing everything to tumble and explode? I reproduced it on clean save, with both T2 and T3 runways, with multiple wheels. This does not happen on firm ground, only on runway. All my mods (except for CustomBarnKit and ModuleFlightIntegrator) are updated to latest versions via CKAN.

My mod list:

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  On 4/6/2016 at 10:23 PM, Mirean said:

does anyone else experience issue with wheels clipping into runway and causing everything to tumble and explode? I reproduced it on clean save, with both T2 and T3 runways, with multiple wheels. This does not happen on firm ground, only on runway. All my mods (except for CustomBarnKit and ModuleFlightIntegrator) are updated to latest versions via CKAN.

My mod list:

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Yep, I experienced that.  Go to your Tracking Station and switch to a different launch site, then switch back.  This is done via KSCSwitcher if you have it installed.  Always clears the problem for me.


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  On 4/6/2016 at 11:57 PM, cytosine said:


Yep, I experienced that.  Go to your Tracking Station and switch to a different launch site, then switch back.  This is done via KSCSwitcher if you have it installed.  Always clears the problem for me.



That didn't work for me :/ At least not when I did this before simulation, did you do this while plane was already on runway? 

EDIT: Nevermind, it worked after trying for second time...thanks, I can fly planes properly now :)

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  On 4/6/2016 at 10:04 AM, Starwaster said:

I tried to duplicate your craft as best as I could. I overestimated the size on the first try. The second time, it felt like it was too tail heavy and unwieldy. If it was even a few degrees off, the RCS was getting burned off and then it got harder to keep it oriented.

So I suspect that you're right. It's possible to get it down safely but it has zero margin of error.


Realized I forgot to get back to you on this.

Bigger heat shields worked like a charm!

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Hi RO Mod Devs!  Thanks for this great addition.  I played Kerbal for 300 hours, and only this mod has returned me a sense of challenge and excitement which was present in the first hours of regular Kerbal.

I have one issue presently which I suspect relates to the labeling of parts as "Non RO"  Specifically in my career game I have a Science part (e.g. Non RO - Ionization Chamber) which is labelled Non-RO.  This issue arises that I am unable to complete the contract as the contract requires that the part be attached to the spacecraft, and does not recognize it due to the naming convention change.

I tested renaming the part in my saved game file and when I log in to my game the contract shows then all conditions met, however I have to switch to the craft to complete the contract, and in doing so RO then relabels the part "Non-RO".  Hence I am unable to complete.

This was my only test, but it was consistent in two separate tries.

My preferred solution would be to have only the descriptions changed, but not the names as this I suspect would solve it, while still informing me which parts are RO and which are not.  Mostly I refer to this only for Tanks and Engines.  In addition the name change is slightly annoying which searching parts out.

Thanks for you consideration (or alternative solution if my testing is incorrect).

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@DocUrlaub hey, awesome, glad it's giving you that thrill!

RO doesn't support career mode unless you're also using RP-0, so I would expect any number of very bad issues going on there...


The name change is intentionally done to the title precisely so that sorting / searching changes. The point is that the part _should_ be marked as apart, because it's going to work very oddly (if it works at all), since it hasn't been patched for RO use.


Regarding your specific issue, if you really just want to complete the contract (although see above about career really not working without RP-0!) you can add RSSROConfig = True to the part.

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So I'm having frequent crashes when transitioning (craft - craft, VAB -> Space Center, craft -> Space Center etc). Only very rare crashes when actually flying a craft (exceptions seem to occur coming out of time warp). It seems to have gotten more frequent. Is this due to memory issues? If so, going by the first page, does running in windowed mode really help? Any use in dynamic texture loading or active texture management mods?

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  On 4/13/2016 at 7:29 AM, NathanKell said:

@DocUrlaub hey, awesome, glad it's giving you that thrill!

RO doesn't support career....


Thanks Nathan Kell for pointing me out what I missed and to the Rp-0 mod.  Overlook it!

I converted my save to a Science Campaign, however will try RP-0 out in the not to distant future!  Thanks for your contributions (replies and mods)!

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@DocUrlaub you're most welcome!

FYI the issue there isn't so much that things aren't balanced in terms of costs and contracts (although they are), it's that RO drastically changes what parts even are. For example, the LR-1 is cloned to become a starting engine (while the original is left as a mid-tree RCSlike thruster); the LV-T45 is actually a midgame engine and the Mainsail a starting engine, etc. So having a tree where part placement hasn't been altered to comport with RO will lead to, hmm, how did I put it last? Running a marathon with a Ferrari and stilts.

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I just launched a probe into LEO which i wanted to get to moon orbit. But after a short amount of time it's always spinning out of control and I can't do anything to stop it. Would be really nice if someone could help.




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  On 4/16/2016 at 8:19 AM, LeuZ said:

I just launched a probe into LEO which i wanted to get to moon orbit. But after a short amount of time it's always spinning out of control and I can't do anything to stop it. Would be really nice if someone could help.



Can you post a picture of your craft? Also are you playing with RP-0 (if so, what's your tech level?)?

Also, I have a bug to report. I seem to have an issue with weird rotations during EVAs:


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  On 4/19/2016 at 2:55 PM, bradwiggo said:

Does deadly re-entry do more than the stock game?


Yes. It makes every craft you build, no matter how protected, burn up into a fiery ball, causing you much grief and rage quitting.






Kidding of course, though on a bad day, you might think that's true. DR makes you have to really plan your re-entry in terms of speed, attitude, and thermal protection. It's very challenging, but when you finally suss it out, it's very rewarding.

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  On 4/19/2016 at 3:15 PM, jonrd463 said:

Yes. It makes every craft you build, no matter how protected, burn up into a fiery ball, causing you much grief and rage quitting.






Kidding of course, though on a bad day, you might think that's true. DR makes you have to really plan your re-entry in terms of speed, attitude, and thermal protection. It's very challenging, but when you finally suss it out, it's very rewarding.


Do you have to use it?

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