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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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Hi, 1st post here! :)

I am a bit confused about the career mode now in 1.0.5. I was loving RP-0 in 1.0.4 but now I don't know what is the recommended approach to play RO in career mode. RP-0 seems to be waiting for some other modules to update so things might be late. Is the "default" career mode in RO for 1.0.5 any good, or you definitely need RP-0?

Should I go back to 1.0.4?

Thanks everyone for your amazing mods!

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16 hours ago, NathanKell said:

FélixBachiller: Known issue. Before 1.0.5, KSP didn't natively support rescaling IVAs. So the external model got resized, but the IVA did not--so they no longer match up. Now it does, so IVAs can be rescaled. Wanna help? :)

And how could I solve this? Because I am running 1.0.5 and the problem is still there.

Edited by FélixBachiller
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14 hours ago, chrisl said:

I could have sworn that at some point the J-2 engine was setup with the capability to be restarted 3 times.  That seems to match the historic engine used on the Saturn V as there was apparently enough "original ground-fill supply (of helium for fuel pressure) was sufficient for three starts".  I also know that in later Saturn V launches, after the CSM and LM had left the SIV-B stage behind, Houston sent remote instructions to the SIV-B stage to re-ignite it's engine for a third time in order to adjust the spent stages trajectory for a lunar impact.  Was there some reason that the third restart was removed from the J-2 engine?

I do not know if the J-2 had a 3 - restart capability but the "third" maneuver that you mention is not an engine burn, it is a propellant tank blowout (specifically LOX): Source (at 003:42:03 time mark)

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Hello, i have a small problem with RO/RSS, RCS doesnt work if i put monoproppellant or if i even cheated "infinite fuel". How can i use RCS in RSS/RO ?

Is there any file to use stock RCS ? :P

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3 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

I do not know if the J-2 had a 3 - restart capability but the "third" maneuver that you mention is not an engine burn, it is a propellant tank blowout (specifically LOX): Source (at 003:42:03 time mark)

I thought it was a burn but since we can't do propellant tank blowout, the only in game option we have is a third burn.

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1 hour ago, chrisl said:

I thought it was a burn but since we can't do propellant tank blowout, the only in game option we have is a third burn.

Reading further for the J-2 engine it seems that the ignition system only requires the propellants to be present in the thrust chamber, so i would guess that it can be operated like an RL-10.

Offtopic: it would be really nice if we could have an option for fuel jettisoning through an engine. Stock KSP already has the option to empty the Ore tanks on will. @NathanKell, @Starwaster could something like that be implemented via RF?

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8 minutes ago, Phineas Freak said:

Reading further for the J-2 engine it seems that the ignition system only requires the propellants to be present in the thrust chamber, so i would guess that it can be operated like an RL-10.

Offtopic: it would be really nice if we could have an option for fuel jettisoning through an engine. Stock KSP already has the option to empty the Ore tanks on will. @NathanKell, @Starwaster could something like that be implemented via RF?

What I found was that the J-2 only required fuel and gaseous Helium for pressure.  The ignition system could apparently be used multiple times (no limit stated) under any environmental conditions.  So the only limiting factor (besides fuel to burn) was Helium.  And from what I'm seeing, the Saturn V, S-IVB stage included enough Helium at lift off for 3 ignitions.

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Nnimrod: Yes, RO itself only has real engines (it's Realism Overhaul after all :) ) However, feel free to make a small "Speculative Engines" config pack!
As to being modeled accurately--uh, kerosene is ~0.82kg/L and LOX is 1.141kg/L. Where/when have you ever seen them have the same density? One liter of anything is one liter of volume, of course, but density determines how much mass of propellant is in one liter.

Config help is always needed and always gratefully recieved! :)

rgargente: We're currently waiting on Deadly Reentry to be released before RP-0 for 1.0.5 can come out. Otherwise it's basically ready. If you don't want to wait and/or try preview versions, then yeah, best to go back to 1.0.4. And thanks so much! :)

FélixBachiller: Yes, that's what I mean: KSP supports doing it now, but we have to take advantage of it. We need to make MM patches for the various internals that rescale them at the same level as the external model they're used for (so, for example, 1.6x to the Mk1 Pod IVA).

henryasia: Can you post on the CKAN thread or the CKAN repo? That sounds like a weird CKAN issue...

oguz: RCS can use one of many different propellant mixtures, just like engines. Once you've placed your RCS part, go to Action Groups Editor mode and select it, then select the mixture you want. Next find (or add) a tank that has a valid crossfeed to the RCS part, and finally fill that tank with the mixture the RCS thruster is set to.

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53 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

lixBachiller: Yes, that's that I mean: KSP supports doing it now, but we have to take advantage of it. We need to make MM patches for the various internals that rescale them at the same level as the external model they're used for (so, for example, 1.6x to the Mk1 Pod IVA).

OK so you will fix it. Thank you!

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Ive tried all the latest updates to ksp 1.0.5 and RO/RSS using CKAN and add the latest RP-0, but cant find the Aerobee engines to create a sounding rocket, also all the engines seem to be non-rp-0. Everything worked in 1.0.4 is there still issues, and is there a file for the engine

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11 hours ago, StuntFlyer said:

Ive tried all the latest updates to ksp 1.0.5 and RO/RSS using CKAN and add the latest RP-0, but cant find the Aerobee engines to create a sounding rocket, also all the engines seem to be non-rp-0. Everything worked in 1.0.4 is there still issues, and is there a file for the engine

I posted a more complete reply on similar issues I am finding on RP-0 in the proper forum(I tagged you there). Although, I'd just like to remark that the Aerobee is not part of RO, it is in the Taerobee mod, which is recomended by RP-0.

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On 12/4/2015, 7:21:51, StuntFlyer said:

Ive tried all the latest updates to ksp 1.0.5 and RO/RSS using CKAN and add the latest RP-0, but cant find the Aerobee engines to create a sounding rocket, also all the engines seem to be non-rp-0. Everything worked in 1.0.4 is there still issues, and is there a file for the engine

An Aerobee engine is included in RO as a copy of the Squad "Micro Engine". The Aerobee engine that RP-0 uses comes from the Ven Stock Revamp mod and that is not fully updated yet for 1.0.5.

Remember that the latest RP-0 is for 1.0.4 and not 1.0.5. The patch that is used to make the parts compatible with RP-0 is created only when a new update is released (named "Tree.cfg"). So if you downloaded the .zip from GitHub, then the file doesn't exist but you can copy the file from a previous installation or get it from the latest official release.

Edited by Phineas Freak
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I know there have been similar posts recently, but has the RCS thruster power been nerfed in a recent update? I recall it being substantially stronger. And yes, I'm aware different mixtures provide different ISP and thrust levels. Another thing that I noticed is that the plume produced by all thrusters is so slight that they're not noticeable at all.

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google hasn't been kind to me in trying to solve a couple problems I've been having, so I am asking here. Sorry if these problems are with another mod. Fresh RO 1.05 install using CKAN.

#1 is a problem with craft bouncing on the surface of the ocean after splash-down making it difficult to recover. I think I had a solution to this for 0.90, but can't remember what is was.

#2 is a resizing issue with the engines from a mod. I think it is the KW Rocketry engines after the RO patch is applied. Engines are too small, though the anchor points seem correct. The ascent and descent engines from Apollo were too big on previous installs, but seem fine this time around. This problem has been around since at least .90 for me. In the second photo, I used Offset to prevent a gap using the RL-10.The exhaust effect doesn't seem to be coming from the right point, though I am not really concerned about that. I think the weight/thrust/fuel consumption are correct for all engines.


I know nothing about programming but can follow directions. Are there just a bunch of things that still need tweaking after installation? Deadly re-entry works, but uses up only 1% of ablative material.



I am so happy to have KSP to play, especially with RO. I use CH controls in a HOTAS setup, which I love, though still need the NUM pad for action groups (my number pad is separate and wireless, which is nice). I use a word doc on a second monitor rotated portrait to keep track of the ever-changing action groups. If anyone wants to use it, its below. I just keep a blank one on the end for copying and title each page with the associated craft name.


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6 hours ago, Kilgore Trout said:

#2 is a resizing issue with the engines from a mod. I think it is the KW Rocketry engines after the RO patch is applied. Engines are too small, though the anchor points seem correct. The ascent and descent engines from Apollo were too big on previous installs, but seem fine this time around. This problem has been around since at least .90 for me. In the second photo, I used Offset to prevent a gap using the RL-10.The exhaust effect doesn't seem to be coming from the right point, though I am not really concerned about that. I think the weight/thrust/fuel consumption are correct for all engines.

Just delete community fixes folder of KW rocketry. Worked for me!

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Hi folks,

I had commented some time ago that in Realism Overhaul I was having trouble with probe cores indicating "not enough charge" and rockets becoming uncontrollable even though there was still charge in batteries.  This is in 1.0.4 (because RP-0 isn't available for 1.0.5 yet, so I'm still in 1.0.4).  I was told to remove the ElectricityFlow.cfg from the RP-0 directory but that doesn't seem to have fixed it (I also tried removing it from the RealismOverhaul directory).  Since probe cores seem to draw from their own internal charge before draining batteries this was causing me a lot of trouble.

I've figured out more of the symptoms, to the point that I can deal with them.  If the charge in the probe core itself runs out then the probe core will report "insufficient charge" and stop working even if there is a full battery connected directly to the probe core.  However, if the core has charge in it and you lock it then it will still function if there is a battery connected to it.  So now I'm just connecting small batteries to all my probe cores and locking the charge in the probe core during construction.  This seems to have solved the problem.

Of course, I doubt this is the intended behaviour, but if any of you are having the same problem this gives you a workaround.

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Hey, I'm experiencing a weird bug in 1.0.5. The game loads properly until after Module Manager, where it hangs on any engine part. Bobcatind loads first so it happens to be the NK-33, but any engine part will do this, including squad ones. I assume this has to do with configs or something but I have no idea how to fix it. Here are the relevant parts of my logs:


[LOG 16:15:19.053] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'BobCatind/Sovietengines/NK33/part/NK33'
[LOG 16:15:19.069] EffectList: Created 13 effect types
[WRN 16:15:19.084] PartLoader Warning: Variable RSSROConfig not found in Part
[LOG 16:15:19.107] *RF* Loading RFSETTINGS global settings
[LOG 16:15:19.110] *U* Ullage constructor called on NK33
[ERR 16:15:19.155] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleAeroReentry'

[LOG 16:15:19.197] PartLoader: Part 'BobCatind/Sovietengines/NK33/part/NK33' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 16:15:19.227] DragCubeSystem: Part 'NK33' has defined a procedural drag cube setup
[EXC 16:15:19.253] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'ModuleEngines.Flameout'.
    RealFuels.ModuleEnginesRF.GetThrustInfo ()
    RealFuels.ModuleEnginesRF.GetInfo ()
    PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (.AvailablePart newPartInfo, .Part part)
    PartLoader+.MoveNext ()


PartLoader: Compiling Part 'BobCatind/Sovietengines/NK33/part/NK33'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

EffectList: Created 13 effect types
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

PartLoader Warning: Variable RSSROConfig not found in Part
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

*RF* Loading RFSETTINGS global settings
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

*U* Ullage constructor called on NK33
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleAeroReentry'
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

PartLoader: Part 'BobCatind/Sovietengines/NK33/part/NK33' has no database record. Creating.
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

DragCubeSystem: Part 'NK33' has defined a procedural drag cube setup
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'ModuleEngines.Flameout'.
  at RealFuels.ModuleEnginesRF.GetThrustInfo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at RealFuels.ModuleEnginesRF.GetInfo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (.AvailablePart newPartInfo, .Part part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at PartLoader+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename:  Line: -1)

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