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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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On 13-1-2016 at 5:01 PM, Phineas Freak said:

Is the name of the file "RO_Squad_Engines" ? Because if it is then something is really wrong. The gimbal range of the Squad RL10 is 6 degrees: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/Squad/RO_Squad_Engines.cfg#L197

I got a file names RO_Squad_engines in the gamedata/realismoverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/Squad map
its huge. I searched it, but the RL10 engine isnt even in there (when searing for "RL10" it gives no results...

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9 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@CitizenVeenif you search for this specific line, can you find it? If not, then your RO installation for some reason is corrupted.


The whole character combination of "RL10" is not even present in the file.

(Wondering how the engine can even be in the game then)

Guess the install is corrupted. Can i replace the file with the one you linked? Or should i do a complete reinstall of the program and mods?

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On 15-1-2016 at 3:37 PM, Phineas Freak said:

@CitizenVeenif you search for this specific line, can you find it? If not, then your RO installation for some reason is corrupted.

I did a full removal of KSP, allong with all mods, gamedata, etc. Then reinstalled it, and reinstalled all mods, and restored my saves.

The RL10 engine does Gimbal when set to the default config (RL10A-1), but not when set to a different config.

Which, looking at the cfg file, I dont understand, as the Gimbal range modifier, is in a different bracket then the module engineconfigs. But I am real noobish modswise.

So anyway, the problem is: When switching to a different engine config, the new config overrides the gimbal range for some reason, and the RL10 becomes unable to gimbal. This is just for the RL10 engine, I tested 2 others, and they remained able to gimbal, even when switching engine configs.


EDIT: the LR87-H2 vacuum engine gimbal neither works anymore. It is on the basic config. Before I did the full reinstall of the game it did.

EDIT: Now it does work again (only the LR87-H2)... I reverted the launch, and put only my second stage in orbit with hyperedit and now the exact same engine on the same craft actually did gimbal. I am completely in the dark to whats going on here. My last couple of launches were futile as I found out halfway into orbit that some engine was bugged each time...

Edited by CitizenVeen
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So, the USAF just gave SpaceX a major grant to develop their Raptor engine which "requires shared cost investment with SpaceX for the development of a prototype of the Raptor engine for the upper stage of the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles". In other word, future Falcon 9 and FH variants will have a Raptor upper stage, and having access to the Raptor US variant will be necessary to make a Falcon 9. Is there any config available for the Raptor engine? Expected stats are 2300 kN thrust, 380s vac Isp, and an O/F ratio of 3.8. T/W ratio hasn't been mentioned by any SX employee but should be >100.


EDIT: made one myself, where I added a config to the J-2X engine from AIES. Will share soon.

Edited by nilof
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So I was giving RO's FASA Saturn V/Apollo stock craft a spin. Launch went ok, transposition went ok - but when I try to decouple the LEM from the third stage, the whole thing violently explodes.

Last time I was trying out this stock craft was still with KSP 1.0.4 (and I think RO 10.2, but I may be mistaken), and I distinctly remember that there was an explosion effect when decoupling the LEM that most likely shouldn't be there. But at least there was no actual explosion involved back then. But now the whole thing gets ripped apart, and fragments fly away spinning in all directions.

Tried editing the savegame and lowering the ejection force of the decoupler in question (stackSeparatorMini), but no change.

Checked the FASA mod, and noticed in the ChangeLog a bunch of changes related to collider meshes and exploding decouplers, also affecting their version of the Saturn V/Apollo. Had a look at their craft file (which I assume isn't tuned for RO/RSS...), and funnily enough they don't even seem to have a stackSeparatorMini in there...

So... any chance to get this fixed? Or maybe even a workaround for now, so that I can continue the mission?

Since NathanKell now is involved in both RO and FASA, can we expect an update of the RO version based on the seemingly more advanced FASA one? Thinking of, for example, the floats for the capsule... and of course non-exploding decouplers :)

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20 hours ago, NathanKell said:

Are you having this problem after having a fully up-to-date FASA install as well as RO? The exploding comes from collider issues in FASA which should be fixed now, it requires no RO changes to resolve.

Yes, I did install 5.44, although the craft that's in the savegame is from an older version. I assumed that bugfixes in parts would automatically propagate; but I can give it a go with a new game. More practice for the gravity turn won't hurt, eh? :)

I assumed that the RO version of the Saturn V is different from the FASA one, because I can't even load the one shipped in the FASA Sandbox into the VAB (just the capsule shows up, and it looks completely different).

EDIT: ... and the RO version doesn't have floats and uses a different decoupler, correct?

Edited by Sput42
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Any chance of support for Deep Space Exploration Vehicles? It is designed to be somewhat realistic, following design proposals made by NASA. It would be great to have that fusion engine for missions way way out there to the outer system, especially with RSS addons adding places like Eris and Sedna.

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On 1/19/2016 at 4:20 PM, NathanKell said:



@Sput42 the craft files are different because we rescale the parts so the old craft file won't work, and we reuse some old part models to make new parts as needed, etc. However, we don't change the actual geometry or colliders at all, and the problem was with 1.0.5 changing how it supported colliders.


Last I looked @NathanKell, a few of the FASA parts are still bugged, specifically one of the Explorer Sgt decouplers (looking at the kerbalstuff version, that might have been fixed, but that isn't the version hitting CKAN so that needs fixing https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/27/FASA) and either the Saturn IU or LMA base.


The RO Saturn V is in fact FASA (it has FASA in the Craft title, so....) it uses a single stock decoupler to seperate the LEM from the LMA (since FASA doesn't have a similar size/style decoupler to be used for that purpose) which is the only part I can think of off hand that isn't a FASA based part in that Craft.

I will have to take a look again with the most recent FASA to see what new surprises and changes await.

On 1/18/2016 at 1:19 PM, Sput42 said:

Thinking of, for example, the floats for the capsule... and of course non-exploding decouplers :)

The floats are superfluous in my opinion, and the RO Saturn V craft file is enough of a monster to maintain as it is. I considered them, but it should be very easy for anyone to add them on to the RO craft file if they want them.




I just tested out the new FASA. There still seems to be something buggy with the sgt decoupler, and the issues does appear to be the LMA, which is created like this @NathanKell


Is that a model that is no longer used by stock FASA? That is the last really glitchy part in FASA I think, if you know of someone who might be able to fix that, which might be a collider with a depricated FASA model?

Edited by stratochief66
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10 hours ago, NathanKell said:

@BloodDusk Since when can CKAN not install FAR?

You don't get support from ferram if you install FAR using CKAN, but there's a thread for CKAN FAR support in the support forum.

Weird. Now it installed. I would get a ton of errors yesterday from CKAN not being able to find it.

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For some reason, I no longer seem to have the ability to shut down an engine once it's ignited.  The Shutdown button isn't available and anything that I have linked to a hotkey won't actually shut down.

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  • SSTU improvements.
  • Fix max temps on BD Adjustable Gear.
  • Improve mass/volume/etc stats for Universal Storage.
  • Better support stock radiators.
  • Tweak stats and configs of US LVs and their engines (mostly FASA). NOTE: May cause engine configs to switch for LR79s in flight. Includes new parts (Delta avionics, Atlas II core) and part and engine config tweaks.
  • Add another Castor 4 config. Adjust early and mid AJ10, add new AJ10Adv clone for late model AJ10s.
  • Fix issue where A-4 guidance unit was set to type Debris.
  • Fix RZ2 diameter and stats.
  • Support CST-100 (Starliner pack).
  • Fix reversed nodes for Mk2 cargo bay.
  • Improve support for Raidernick packs including Blok D, LK/LOK, Soyuz, VA, Scout, IUS, Zenit, etc. Craft updates.
  • Add workaround for logspam from DRE.
  • Update UA solids' gimbal range to NASA spec.
  • Support BobCat Orion.
  • No longer suggest some part packs that have broken colliders in 1.0.5.
  • Fix Skylab life support stats, add science lab module to it.
  • Fixes to various old BobCat configs.
  • Fix an issue with Castor 30XL gimbal.
  • Fix to RCS plumes no longer being visible.
  • Fixed scale, nodes of ISS Destiny module.
  • Change title of Bell 80xx (Agena) engine to have LR81 prefix, and X-405 Vanguard booster to have XLR50 prefix, like other US engines.
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    Any particular reason RO doesn't install real solar system anymore?  That was my favorite part of RO :(  I thought it was a bug but I did a clean install- deleted my KSP folder and downloaded KSP from Steam from scratch- and RSS was still not installed or even listed in the mods to be installed.  I suppose I could install it manually, but I'm also wondering what else that I used to enjoy so much might now be missing.

    Edited by -Velocity-
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    I'm giving some thought to setting up a Realism Overhaul install, but I have a couple of questions about the dependency list. Sorry if the answers are already out there somewhere but I haven't been able to find them.

    First of all, FAR is listed as a dependency (i. e. required for RO to function correctly), but I'd really rather not use it unless I have to. What would happen if I were to run RO without FAR--more like "possible slight balance issues but otherwise nothing" or more like "everything completely broken?" Back in the 0.90 "souposphere" I can see why FAR would have been essential, but after trying out FAR in a regular install I'm not sure that's the case in 1.0+.

    Second, what is "Real Heat," what exactly does it do, and how is it related to FAR and/or Deadly Reentry? The link in the OP leads to a file on GitHub (updated recently and marked for KSP 1.0.5) but a Google search for a mod of that name brings up only an old mod from 0.90, not updated in a long time and looks like it should have been made obsolete by 1.0 heat modeling.

    I'm also curious about the state of the supported part packs list, some of them haven't been updated since pre-1.0. (OLDD Apollo, for instance, still has a download link to Spaceport.) Will they all still work in RO (i. e. RO has currently working configs for them, even if the original mods no longer work) or should I stick to ones that are currently updated?

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    @Hotaru welcome! :)

    1. You will have a bad time. Probably survivable, but bad. Note that FAR with real-size things behaves rather differently than in stock KSP; a lot of the things that makes FAR difficult to deal with in stock KSP (low gimbal ranges / flippyness, bottom-heavy rockets, big draggy fronts of rockets, etc) are artifacts of KSP scaling issues (and non-real part stats and sizes, and wacky payload fractions) and go away in RO. Please at least try with FAR for a few days, although for goodness sake (and this goes in general, not just re: FAR) read the False KSP Lessons RO wiki entry and for good measure the tutorials there and (especially) on RP-0's wiki.


    2. RealHeat ( thread link ) is a minimalist version of the original project. It calculates the correct shockwave temperature based on atmospheric data. It's needed so the shockwave temperature is correct for a given body at a given velocity.


    3. Yes, unless the colliders have issues in 1.0.5 (that's why we don't suggest BobCat's Proton anymore) parts even from like .22 will work fine if RO says they are supported. However, I would highly recommend the following:

    If you're just starting out in RO, you might want to try with RP-0 (the career mod; without it career isn't supported). It will slowly get you used to flight in RO, then orbit, then lunar and interplanetary. For part packs you should use:

    * SXT (required)
    * Ven's Stock Revamp (required)
    * Deadly Reentry and RealChute (not part packs per se, but required)
    * The three procedurals (Proc Fairings, Proc Parts, B9 Proc Parts [wings]--not required, but nearly).

    That's in addition to the other mods RP-0 (and RO) require.

    If you still want more parts and have RAM headroom, you can try FASA or Raidernick's various mods, but do please obey the "non-RP0" prefixes on parts, those aren't supported yet (there are always some we haven't gotten to).

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    So I'm still running a bit high on my Mem limits with the game is there any other way to trim some more redundant parts i don't need/want? i am using AutoPruner but for the parts i want to remove I'm not sure how i could implement it.


    so i made a to Scale Saturn V minus the Apollo CMD/LEM Moduals. using this information https://www.dropbox.com/s/3jjk05jwrmbivdw/saturn_v_tech_readout__new__by_unusualsuspex-d7q66s5.jpg?dl=0  assuming the info is correct. I do not have enough TWR, My payload is about 4.5 tons with its own stage for final insertion and correction burns. the rest of the craft is from the info in the photo, with only ProceduralFairings and some kick/ullage motors added. any help would be appreciated.

    Craft  https://www.dropbox.com/s/h2jd6wo0rwda3vc/Apollo%20TelSat%20OneMKIII.craft?dl=0 

    Edited by MissMolly
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