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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but here goes. I have installed RO and all of the recommended mods. Since I installed this (on a clean copy of ksp), I've not been able to load quicksaves, revert to launch (revert to vehicle assembly still works), or access a probe from the tracking center (meaning once I go back to KSC, I can no longer control my probes). The issue is that whenever I try to load one of these, only the probe core appears with what looks like it may be strange aerodynamic effects on the one side of it. It says 'No connection' (remote tech), even though the craft should have a reflectron dp-10 and a dish. In map view, it also doesn't appear as if the ship is selected. The example craft is using an explorer core, and is in Low Earth Orbit. I'm running 32-bit with active texture management. I have no control of the craft in these instances.


Any help would be great!

Please provide your output logs as described by NathanKell

Here they are. Thank's again!


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Thanks, I'll try that.

I had assume that items that were not visible were "inside" the fairing, but FAR may use a different definition of "inside".

I'll let you know if proving more clearance fixes it. In the previous design the fairing was tight.

  Starwaster said:
If possible, try to keep those parts away from the fairing wall. AFAIK, FAR uses a bounding box to determine what is inside the fairing. So it's possible for things to lie outside of the walls of the box. Not sure if the size of the box is based on the fairing or the fairing base.....
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bobskythecanadianguy, your install looks quite damaged. I suggest nuking KSP from orbit, installing a fresh copy, and then grabbing CKAN and letting it do the install for you. CKAN is a *great* tool, and it was designed with RO in mind. :)

(You can get it via the sticky link in this forum.)

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  Hattivat said:
The "command line magic" on linux involves opening command prompt, navigating to the correct folder and running this script:

And this just part of what can be done to improve things. Nothing comparable to this can be done on windows. Dx11 may make x64 more stable, but it certainly does not really fix it. Don't spread misinformation.

can you ellaborate on eeverything please, Id like to give linux ksp a shot

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Realism Overhaul - V7.0.3


v7.0.3 -- \/

* Added EngineGroupController

* Fixed several misconfigs in FASA

* Heat shields now add mass to your ship whether you have DRE installed or not.

* Updated Module Manager to 2.5.3

* Various patches pulled over from RP-0

* Configs added to RLA for the J2-X

* Added decouplers to the Procedural Fairings bases.

* Added support for OLDD and Bobcat's Proton packs

* Added compatibility for ScanSat

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just in time. on one of my first installs I had a bunch of engine mods and I had a lot of engines I liked but I am not sure which packs they are in. I tried downloading the mods and scanning the parts folders but I'm still left hanging. I was looking for the well known engines like the rs25, rs68, and other engines that are used on a lot of american LVs. I am also having a hell of a time with procedural tanks and choosing tank types.. There is no certain way to know what to use so I have to guess and I know sometimes have to be wrong and I hate not knowing. Only a few engines actually say pressure fed in their description. I don't know what do you do with a cryogenic service module engine as there is no cryo-servicemodule option.

Is it possible to give procedural fairings matching textures to procedural tanks? As it is now there is stock off white, which would be ok if procedural tanks had a matching texture, and a few textures like german and an egg shaped saturn.

I just saw EVE is on ckan now, too bad my RO install is downloading at ~200kbps.

Edited by Bender222
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  Dragon01 said:
I'm not spreading misinformation. For a lot of people (including me, I tested), it makes 64bit perfectly stable. At least on Windows 8 64bit. Some reported odd things happening to graphics (both in 64bit and 32bit, actually), at least one had DX9 actually run better, but those are isolated cases, likely related to graphic card peculiarities. In general, on a modern rig (which most 64bit ones are) it's confirmed to work.

The arcane Linux stuff is best left to those who can actually stand that system. I was forced to use it once, and unless I end up taking another programming course that uses it, I'm not gonna use it again (even for that course, I did all homework in MSVC).

I'm glad DX11 makes your 64-bit game stable, but to paraphrase your own declaration "the arcane figuring-out-which-set-of-command-line-arguments-makes-x64-work-with-your-gfx-card-if-any-does stuff is best left to those who can actually handle it". If someone is capable of figuring this out, he is equally capable of sending out a few PMs to mod authors and taking responsibility for what he is doing. The vast majority of forum users, however, does not seem to be capable of that. And besides, it's not really necessary - with DDS conversion, some part pruning and -force-opengl I am currently running every single RO-supported mod, plus tons of beautification (RVE, chaterrer, TR skybox and heads) on windows 32-bit, at full texture resolution and without ATM, and it is stable.

  frisch said:
Sadly even with a substantially oversized fairing, parts inside break from aerodynamic stress.

I'm using the procedural "fairing base ring" and "egg shaped fairing".

Weird, I've just tested and it works for me:


(Look at PartsShielded: 15; you can turn this info on in FAR settings in space center view)

Are you sure that it isn't just antennas that are failing? I know Remote Tech used to have problem with not recognizing fairings, not sure if it was fixed, quite possibly not.

  Bender222 said:
can you ellaborate on eeverything please, Id like to give linux ksp a shot

Obviously first you need to pick a linux distribution and learn the basics of using it (shouldn't take long), especially basic command prompt functionality (how to navigate folders in it, etc.)

Then start by reading this: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Linux

Their "automatic script" solution is what I used and would recommend.

Further help and suggestions can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24529-The-Linux-compatibility-thread!?highlight=linux+compatibility/|A

Among the things you may need to do is changing your linux's key bindings so that it uses something else than alt to drag windows, thus enabling its use in KSP. Also, in my experience in order to run CKAN on Ubuntu you need to update your mono library and make sure it is the full version, not sure what it is like on other distributions.

  Bender222 said:
just in time. on one of my first installs I had a bunch of engine mods and I had a lot of engines I liked but I am not sure which packs they are in. I tried downloading the mods and scanning the parts folders but I'm still left hanging. I was looking for the well known engines like the rs25, rs68, and other engines that are used on a lot of american LVs. I am also having a hell of a time with procedural tanks and choosing tank types.. There is no certain way to know what to use so I have to guess and I know sometimes have to be wrong and I hate not knowing. Only a few engines actually say pressure fed in their description. I don't know what do you do with a cryogenic service module engine as there is no cryo-servicemodule option.

Is it possible to give procedural fairings matching textures to procedural tanks? As it is now there is stock off white, which would be ok if procedural tanks had a matching texture, and a few textures like german and an egg shaped saturn.

I just saw EVE is on ckan now, too bad my RO install is downloading at ~200kbps.

RS-68A is in AIES Aerospace, RS-25 is in stock (SLS core) and as a separate part in SXT. Other American engines are mostly either stock or provided by FASA. As for procedural tanks - normally you use "default", unless using a liquid-hydrogen-fueled engine, or needing to keep liquid oxygen or methane for a long period of time, in which case you need cryogenic (for short-term lqd oxygen and methane use "default" is fine). If the engine is pressure-fed, then you need "service module", but you only *really* need it if you are using the Engine Ignitor mod, otherwise the game does not simulate this feature. Do we have cryogenic pressure-fed engines? O_o I didn't know that. If you mean a non-pressure-fed cryogenic engine that could sort of be used as a service engine, then it's simply a cryogenic fuel tank.

Balloon tanks are a feature of some real-life launch vehicles, but they have serious drawbacks in real-life (most notably, being structurally weak), which the game does not currently simulate, so you can think of them as a sort-of "cheat" option, unless used to emulate a real-life rocket that uses them.

As for giving procedural fairings matching textures - that is nice idea, but AFAIK not as simple as just linking to textures in config - proc fairings seem to use a different texture size ratio than proc parts.

  Alpheratz said:
This might be a dumb question, but what is EngineGroupController? I searched the entire GameData folder for this string and found nothing.

It is a mod that allows you to assign engines to "engine groups" and control these separately, which for example makes it easier to turn off part of your engines in flight to reduce TWR, like Saturn V did.

Edited by Hattivat
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Well, figuring out which mode works on Windows is pretty trivial. There are three modes, one of which (DX9) is "the usual". So you try either flag (-force-opengl or -forced3d11) in Steam launch options (or in a shortcut). If it works, it works. If it doesn't, you try the other. Nothing arcane, no messing with command line, scripts or anything like that, just a shortcut flag. In fact, that's how you run mods in many games (ArmA series until recently, FreeSpace 2 Open...). If someone is incapable of figuring that out, he probably shouldn't be using mods at all. It's a trivial task compared to mucking about with Linux command prompt (with it's DOS-era ways of doing just about everything), not to mention installing Linux from scratch.

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about linux. I already have some experience and I have installed ubuntu x64 on an sad with an updated ksp and can. I also installed RO while I was at it. I chose to use the odds 8k textures for Rss. my ram usage for Ksp is still at about 2.55-3gb for Ksp and about the same for RSS which is conveniently separate and is even displayed and labeled separately. the issue I have yet to play with is that my mouse pointer flickers. I believe I need to change the driver from the open source one that was installed by default to the proprietary one. I will try that later today is see what else pops up.

Having played career with rp-0 and FASA installed I tried to recreate the Mercury atlas launcher but I did not have the tank available so I attempted to use 2 simlarly shaped procedural tanks with the "Atlas" texture. First of all mechjeb seems to have trouble with assigning the correct delta V to individual stages as no matter what I could not get it to display separate delta v before and after iIdecoupled the boosters with that weird fairing thing. Anyway, everywhere I researched about it I read about how the tanks where so much lighter than others and how that gave it an advantage. Supposedly without having pressure in the tanks they would collapse under their own weight. That sounds like balloon tanks to me, am I wrong?

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Thanks for integrating this mod with CKAN, I came to dread installing Realism Overhaul.

The Hakari F-1 Engine has Roll control when launching with a single engine, I couldn't find a way to remove it with module manager, so if you find a fix I would love to see it.

The FASA F-1 seems to work correctly and sounds nicer anyway.

It also appears that you have tried to set the procedural SRB to have 5 degrees of gimbal but it has almost none (I think it's set to the default amount of 0.25 or 0.1 depending on the bell shape). I think this could be because you set the module name wrong, but I don't really understand module manager.

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I originilay was thinking that I'd like to do some more in depth research into the proper atlas staging but looking at it now it seems like the air starting upper stage is better and its not worth the effort.

Edited by Bender222
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  Hattivat said:
  frisch said:
Sadly even with a substantially oversized fairing, parts inside break from aerodynamic stress.

I'm using the procedural "fairing base ring" and "egg shaped fairing".

Weird, I've just tested and it works for me:

Don't know if it's supposed to be like that, but deployed RemoteTech2 antennas break from atmospheric pressure regardless of being shielded; Apparently it's because RT2 uses it's own system to calculate the pressure and break the antennas.

Just wanted to get that out there, in case the parts @frisch is talking about are RT2's, or in case I'm the only one experiencing this issue.


On other news, I'm finishing off AutoPruner GUI, and I expect it to be ready for public within the next 2 days. So stay tuned!

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Bender222: There are no pressure-fed hydrolox engines modeled in RO, as far as I know, but if there were, you'd still use ServiceModule.

As for proc fairings, e-dog planned to switch to proc parts's texture database, but he hasn't had a chance yet.

frisch: sounds like you need to update FAR.

AlmightyR: yeah, although the RT crowd were considering checking for FAR shielding, dunno if they ever added it. There's an issue on the repo...

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It was antennas that were the problem - or maybe the TAC life support parts they were attached to. These antennas were not specific to RT, but were supported by it. (I need to check which ones they were).

I don't really need the antennas since the craft is manned, just figured the kerbals might want to phone home on their multi-year mission.

I'll check my RT version #. It was installed recently by CKAN

thanks everyone for the help.

  undercoveryankee said:
RT changelog says versions 1.5.0 and higher respect FAR shielding for antennas. Looks like they've closed those issues.
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  frisch said:
It was antennas that were the problem. (...) These antennas were not specific to RT, but were supported by it. (I need to check which ones they were).

You need to use fixed (non-deployable) (I think there are only 1 or 2...The rest are dishes), or at least non-deployed antennas (since some now have a non-zero non-deployed range) for atmospheric flight. RO's recommended RT settings file changes RT's range model to be increased with the number of antennas, so it's also possible to replace a single deployed antenna by multiple non-deployed ones during atmospheric flight, having the benefit of greatly increased deployed omni-directional range, at the cost of some extra weight and slightly increased micromanagement (having to track and control safety of antenna deployment).

Here is my basic planetary-grade comsat design (And if you think it's just a sputnik with comm-dishes taped to the sides, you are right. Reason: Kerbal methods FTW!); Basically, the probe core's internal range is enough to get me to space, and once there, I can deploy those 8 antennas to give me a reasonably large omni-range, leaving the 3 dishes free for true long-range comms, even if my probe is reasonably far from the planet it's orbiting. Might give you some idea of how to use that "quantity-can-also-mean-quality" principle:


Edited by AlmightyR
Changed image to linked thumbnail, because reasons.
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Question: I'm making my own personal mod of Chaka Monkey's Orion and Altiar to work with RO (just config editing), and the Altair ascent and descent stage both have this problem: I need to store both cryogenic propellants (LH2 and LOX) and pressurized propellants (A50/NTO for RCS), and in the case of the Altiar Ascent stage, even life support resources (Food, water, etc.) all in the same part.

At first, I tried simply using the fuel tanks config twice, but it looks like KSP really does not like that (the parts masses went off, and no menu came up in the VAB when I right-clicked the parts).

For now I'm just putting the LH2 and LOX in the service module tanks. But is there a way to put two different tank types in one part?

(Actually, something else I might try is putting everything non-cryo under just "resources," not using Modular Fuel tanks, and putting the Cryogenics under a Cryo fuel tank. This will work, but if I want to edit the non-modular tanks, I'll have to go back to config editing, so It's not really a "polished finished," so to speak.)

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  Comet Tail said:
For now I'm just putting the LH2 and LOX in the service module tanks. But is there a way to put two different tank types in one part?

Yep! It's a little more manual, and there's no magic "auto fill to exactly the right mix" button, but you can manually edit resource volumes in the tank GUI, up to a total of the tank volume.

What you might try doing is making a dummy "engine" (or fuel configuration for an existing engine) which happens to consume your various resources in exactly the right proportions, and use that to auto-fill your tanks.

EDIT: Uh, unless you mean mixing cryo/service module types. You might want to define your own tank type in this case. Go to RealFuels/Resources/RealTankTypes.cfg, copy the cryogenic tank type (that'll get the cryogenic rates right), give it a new name, your desired basemass, and any resources you may want. Not sure how to incorporate TAC:LS resources yet.

Edited by Starman4308
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