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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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thanks for your responces guys and of course I understand the reason to not release a buggy system , so was discontinued , my point was that in .25 I never had crashes , and kindof assumes some people who know how have undone the modularfulesystem broken compatability when we kmow its possible , I just wish I could fix the code myself lol

also realised ive posted in the wrong realism thread , should have used the discussion thread , ill head over to have a good read and track down some x64 KSP gamers or even a nice pack of .25 parts would be nice , my old PC RIP

cheers guys

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I have a feature idea. Some engines (such as the RS-68 and the J-2X, IDK how the original J-2 throttles) can throttle, but IRL they can only throttle in a "step" if memory serves. In other words, they can operate at minimum thrust or maximum, but nowhere in between.

Similarly, I've heard the SSME can only throttle in whole number percentages.

Could this "step" throttling be implemented into RO?

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GigaG: Not without a new plugin that can do this. RO can simply set min/max, fuel ratio, Isp, etc. Actual engine control is dependent upon stock engine module with the minor tweaks of RealFuels.

Ah, that sucks. I'm no coder, but it can't be any harder to code than EngineIgnitor. Right?

On another note, for single-step throttles, what about making one part have 2 single-thrust-level "engines" that can be switchd with an action group? Two issues here - you'd have to use multiple "ignitions" and also prevent using both "engines" at once - perhaps by overheating? (Also, it would be confusing at first glance.)

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GigaG: Good point! I can't see why that couldn't be done with the MultiModeEngine that is used with Rapier, RealFuels supports it now...now THAT shouldn't be that hard to code.

That's a great idea. I was thinking two engines in one part that could be configured to swap. Your plan allows good use of EngineIgnitor and simpler use, along with not having to mess with overheating to prevent using both modes at once.

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Link to "RealPlume" is not working. Can't find it around either.

RealPlume is integrated with Realism Overhaul by default, so just make sure you have SmokeScreen installed, and all the RealPlume effects should be good to go!

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Hello guys,

There seems to be a problem with downloading the RO package through CKAN (which everybody does). There is a fatal clash between 'Regolith 0.1.7' and 'ModuleFixer 3' which crashes install of RO.

Any pointers would be good,


EDIT: On Linux install by the way.

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The large majority of people does, installing RO without CKAN is, well, hileriously impossible.

And I didn't post the log because it's kinda obvious what is happening by the log, but here it is anyhoozles:

The following inconsistencies were found:

Regolith 0.1.7 and ModuleFixer 3 conflict with each other, yet we require them both!


Thank you.

EDIT: Tried to install via command-line also, but also failed. Is anyone else having this problem?

Edited by samhuk
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Only impossible for the simple minded.

So this is a CKAN problem. While I don't use CKAN, what I DO know is that neither ModuleFixer OR Regolith is REQUIRED by RO. Now. ModuleFixer is recommended, kind of a fail safe for an otherwise bad config. Regolith must be required by one of the possible additional mods that RO supports. So...make your decisions based on that. Either remove ModuleFixer, or remove Regolith and/or whatever mod depends upon it.

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Only impossible for the simple minded.

So this is a CKAN problem. While I don't use CKAN, what I DO know is that neither ModuleFixer OR Regolith is REQUIRED by RO. Now. ModuleFixer is recommended, kind of a fail safe for an otherwise bad config. Regolith must be required by one of the possible additional mods that RO supports. So...make your decisions based on that. Either remove ModuleFixer, or remove Regolith and/or whatever mod depends upon it.


Crossing off ModuleFixer the download on the CKAN GUI freezes at "updating required mods", well, the bar still moves but it does not progress after that.

As for regolith, when you install RO on CKAN regolith isn't even listed as a requirement...

Probably just my PC being a douche...


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* Tons of fixes/additions by A1Ch:

* Add Kestrel (AIES M-SE clone).

* Add missing gauge to CECE configs.

* Gimbal and thrust curve for Castor 30XL.

* Added non-gimballing NK-33 config (as historic), but there's still a gimbal config.

* Add configs for IUS.

* Fix RS-68 sound volume.

* Fix any remaining N2O4 entries.

* Other changes:

* Switched the model of the Aerobee Sustainer if Ven's Stock Revamp is installed.

* Add Apollo SPS using cloned LV-1.

* aw94: fixed shuttle OME size.

* aw94: fixed RCS block code issue.

* Fix old config issue with LR-87, add speculative upgrades and speculative Vacuum config (what it's been for now); new default is the as-planned config to be used on Titan C.

* Fix M55 (Minuteman) gimbal.

* aw94: tweak temperatures for fairings and nose cones.

* stratochief66: fix FASA SPS and SLA so they mount at the bottom node of the SPS rather than adding a whole new node.

* regex: add B9 RCS configs, add Cavea-B config to RCS.

* Fix LM Ascent Engine gimbal (shouldn't have one), fix animation of LM Descent Engine gimbal.

* Put intakes back in the Aero category.

* Fix stock science lab rescaling issues (thanks Rabada).

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Thanks for the update Nathan! :D

EDIT: Argh, still getting that CKAN bug for linux, not downloading module fixer 3 still doesn't solve the problem, and CKAN just crashes on 'updating mods' ;.;

Thing is, you're going to be like "well it's a ckan bug so they will know", and ckan folk be like "well the conflict is the mod's fault not ours"

god dayum accountability :P

EDIT 2: I forgot to do the "apt-get install libcurl4........" thing for CKAN, and that combined with not installing Module Fixer 3 seems to have fixed some things.

Edited by samhuk
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What historical mods fully compatible with the RO and RSS?


BobCat Soviet and American Packs?

Space Factory?

Soviet Probes?

US Probes Pack?


Non historical:


KW Rocketry?



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Can somebody help my fixing NFT VASIMR engine?

I posted this several times but never got answer.

This engine requires Hydrogen, not LqdHydrogen.

+ Nevermind, I figured out that I didn`t edit VariousISP module.

Edited by FennexFox
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I've been having trouble with the new style AJ10 that got added(looks like a larger version of what the Aerobee Sustainer looked like before this update with Ven's Revamp installed) and the Generic 1kN Thruster. These are the only 2 so far but haven't checked everything yet. Whenever I click to use these engines I'm able to place them where I want but once I've click to place these parts then I'm not able to do anything with them again. It's like they cease to exist but you can still see them. Whether you place them on a node to your craft or if you place hem to one side(greyed out) they do(or don't do) the same thing. This has only happened since this update.

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