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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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All my craft files (such as the craft files from the FASA pack) are messed up in realism overhaul for example the engines will be inside off the fuel tanks. anyone know how to fix this?

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  merkmuds said:
All my craft files (such as the craft files from the FASA pack) are messed up in realism overhaul for example the engines will be inside off the fuel tanks. anyone know how to fix this?

Some nodes, e.g. in the FASA pack, don't seem to be updated yet. Another (visually) problemtic pack would the BobCatInd Soviet Engines, which have their exhaust coming from above the nozzle.

Well, that does look like a lot of work.^^'

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merkmuds: Realism Overhaul makes parts real. That involves totally changing their scale or even what they look like, and it certainly involves the real LVs being built out of different combinations of parts. You can't expect non-RO craft to work in RO.

RO does include craft files for the FASA craft (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo...)

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Hi, I'm using Bobcat's Sovietpack's Soyuz, and none of the attachment nodes fit onto each other. The heatshield can't connect with the decoupler, the docking drogue refuses to sit on top of the DM, it's all screwed up. It's something to do with part clipping because when I turn part clipping on everything's fine.

Edit: Scratch that, part clipping does nada.

Edited by plomp90
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  merkmuds said:
Is there anyway to get into orbit in Real solar system without using realism overhaul? such as a mod that makes everything more powerful without changing scale.

There is the ISP difficulty scaler. Check the last page, it works apparently:


Increasing the ISP should kinda work for a stockalike RSS. I'd still suggest getting 'bigger rocket' mods, tho. E.g. Behemoth Aerospace is very good when it comes to large rockets (5 to 10m):


Edited by Temeter
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the ISP difficulty scaler does not do anything in ksp 1.0.2 i tried using it but it does nothing. and the fix on the last page does nothing aswell.

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  Pronoes said:


So, to add some details, the OP shows the mods we have support for, though we haven't necessarily updated all the new parts in each mod with the 1.0 versions, that being said, unsupported parts will be marked as such in game, and we'll take all the help we can get updating them. It's not too hard, and we're more than willing to help you learn how to do it if you need it.

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  Mal said:
Does anyone have a hint as to how to get back to 1.0.2?

Sadly, the "previous version" on Steam is knackered and goes back to the 0.9 serie

Even if it wasn't broken, I understand that Steam will only roll back 1 version, so at most you could go back to 1.03?

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  Pronoes said:
Even if it wasn't broken, I understand that Steam will only roll back 1 version, so at most you could go back to 1.03?

Possibly. It's supposed to be 'last stable version', so 1.0.3 shouldn't be it, seeing as 1.0.4 is really the same as 1.0.3 + Hotfix.

However, we digress...

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  Mal said:
Possibly. It's supposed to be 'last stable version', so 1.0.3 shouldn't be it, seeing as 1.0.4 is really the same as 1.0.3 + Hotfix.

However, we digress...

that's really lame of Steam, all versions should be listed & available to play

I'm not quite sure if forum rules prevent it ((They do - Mod team))

Edited by sjwt
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  pvnkb1tch said:
that's really lame of Steam, all versions should be listed & available to play

I'm not quite sure if forum rules prevent it ((They do - Mod team))

Is there any other way? Or am I buggered?

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I recently tried to install the Realism Overhaul plugin for KSP v1.0.2. Installation was done "by hand" by placing the files in the KSP/Game Data file.

Thus, I'm wondering which plugins you are using to make Realism Overhaul working properly on KSP 1.0.2, without using CKAN.

I've downloaded the plugin Realism Overhaul v10.0 alongside with it's dependencies :

  • The Advanced Jet Engine v2.2.0 for KSP 1.0.2
  • CrossFeedEnabler v3.3 compiled for KSP 1.0 (which is the latest release I've seen)
  • The Ferram Aerospace Research v0.15.3.1 (up to date version) compatible with KSP 1.0.3
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.1.4
  • Module Manager 2.6.6
  • Module RCSFX 4.1
  • Real Fuels v10.2 for KSP 1.0.2, I assume ?
  • Real Chute v1.3.2.3 for KSP 1.0.2
  • Real Solar System v10.0.1
  • Smoke Screen 2.6.3

Some previous versions of Module Manager (v2.6.1, v2.6.3, v2.6.5) were already included in some plugins too.

PS: I'm running the KSP 1.0.2 on a windows 64bits. Realism Overhaul seems to stop the game when files are still loading.

Thank you.

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  niubi said:

PS: I'm running the KSP 1.0.2 on a windows 64bits. Realism Overhaul seems to stop the game when files are still loading.

Is it the first time you're running this install? If so, just give it some time. A LOT of time, actually, it will look like KSP stopped working, but in reality it's just processing all the files.

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  niubi said:
PS: I'm running the KSP 1.0.2 on a windows 64bits. Realism Overhaul seems to stop the game when files are still loading.
IIRC Windows 64bit is badly broken. I do recall hearing that 64bit is only supported on Linux.

I would love to be corrected on that though.

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