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[1.1.2] Realism Overhaul v11.0.0 May 8


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  TeeGee said:
Does real plumes currently only have cfg for FASA engines or is KW rocketry also supported? I would like to only use real plume supported engines right now and aside from FASA Im not sure what other engine packs are supported.

By looking inside the realplume config folder, I see see configs for AIES, AtomicAge, BobCat Soviet Engines, CSS, FASA, KWRocketry, NovaPunch, Procedrual SRBs, RLA Stockalike, Realism Overhaul, RaiderNick, SXT, Stock Engines, StarShineIndustries Merlin Engines, and VenStockRevamp.

Plenty of mod support, my friend! What gave you the idea only FASA was supported?

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  NathanKell said:
Temeter: I wasn't aware you could save with engines running (i.e. providing acceleration). If you throttle back an engine to "zero thrust" that _is_ turning it off. :)

No, you can save and load during burns just fine, it even reliably works during ascent in low kerbin atmosphere with large rockets and mach effects. Not sure about the way KSP handles this, I think the engine is basically shutdown on reload and then instantly activated to the level it was during saving (it takes the fraction of a second to start burning). Which I could imagine easily conflicts with the Ignitor.

Found that feature, as soon as it was implemented, to be very useful when trying risky stuff/different maneuvers in atmosphere, as well as a way to make sure you're not loosing too much time if the last part of a 30 minute burn misses the target. Makes it of course really usefull for RSS/RSS, since they tend have a lot longer burns.

What docs would have made your life easier? It sounds like we need more docs. :) And awesome! :D

Reading the correct part of the Real Fuels Thread would have helped me a lot.^^'

In my defense, it's quite easy to overlook for such an incredibly important element.

Personally I would have liked a small explanation how much ullage thrust/T-W/acceleration time is needed (in combination), maybe examples. There are too many variables to be intuitive: If I have a 100 Ton interplanetary stage, how much ullage thrust do I need? What if the tanks is half full? A quarter full? How much difference does a service module make, if it makes any outside of pressure-fed hypergolic engines. What about smaller crafts, how does what engine (on what tank?) influence the equation? What goes for multiple tanks? Can I put a small service module at the bottom and a baloon tank above it, would that be an exploit?

I'm not sure how the system works, but, outside of the engine ignition indicator, some percentage how 'ready' a tank/engine is to ignite would help alot, so I could follow how much difference my RCS makes, even if i have too little (or is there no too little and it's only a matter of time/acceleration?). The whole thing just doesn't feel that intuitive right now, there are so many question. Which is why some transparency, e.g. in the form of a settling indicator, would already help a lot! Could also tell beginners that there indeed is something like ullage.

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  NathanKell said:
Ratzap: That means, if the venting acceleration from boiloff is > the threshold, no diffusion at all takes place. If it's <= threshold, then the diffusion is proportional to 1- acc/threshold (which will be 1 when there is no venting accel from boiloff at all).

Even if it's 1 (no venting at all), as I showed above the value used in the lerp is small. The formula I gave is what it uses when there's no venting at all, and you can see the result is only a lerp factor of 0.00112. If you want to change how slowly the propellants diffuse to fully diffused, lower the naturaldiffusion factors.

Ok, that being the case then to change from 'very stable' 1.0 to 'very unstable' 0.0 should take 1 / 0.0012 = 833 Update() changes right? Is that 833 frames or a set time slice of some sort? If Update() was called 50 times a second it should still take 16 seconds to settle and that's clearly not the case. As the other guy said, documentation of the whole thing would be great and will definitely save answering a lot more posts in the future I think ;) If we knew what times were expected then we'd have a baseline.

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More results from testsing with the FASA Saturn:

- The APS unit is not able to ullage the S-IVB. I needed to attach 4 (burn time of 5 minutes) and then add RCS thrust from the SM in order to be able to restart the S-IVB. From what I can tell the Saturn had 2 APS units and the ullage time was ~80 seconds

- There is no fuel cell included in the lunar module any more, and this is (note that I am not using TACLS) causing me to exhaust the batteries before reaching the moon. I have tried to place a stock fuel cell array in the service compartment on the SM but this did not appear to work, bu I am still concerned with the ability of the LEM to retain battery power throughout the landing and return to CSM

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  jandcando said:
By looking inside the realplume config folder, I see see configs for AIES, AtomicAge, BobCat Soviet Engines, CSS, FASA, KWRocketry, NovaPunch, Procedrual SRBs, RLA Stockalike, Realism Overhaul, RaiderNick, SXT, Stock Engines, StarShineIndustries Merlin Engines, and VenStockRevamp.

Plenty of mod support, my friend! What gave you the idea only FASA was supported?

When I launched a rocket with RO using a KW rocketry engine, there was no real plume.

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  TeeGee said:
When I launched a rocket with RO using a KW rocketry engine, there was no real plume.

real plumes seem to be a bit messed up for a few people at the moment, im sure they will have it fixed soon

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  smartdummies said:
More results from testsing with the FASA Saturn:

- The APS unit is not able to ullage the S-IVB. I needed to attach 4 (burn time of 5 minutes) and then add RCS thrust from the SM in order to be able to restart the S-IVB. From what I can tell the Saturn had 2 APS units and the ullage time was ~80 seconds

- There is no fuel cell included in the lunar module any more, and this is (note that I am not using TACLS) causing me to exhaust the batteries before reaching the moon. I have tried to place a stock fuel cell array in the service compartment on the SM but this did not appear to work, bu I am still concerned with the ability of the LEM to retain battery power throughout the landing and return to CSM

Seen this as well, a Kerbal solution is to use the APS to rotate the spacecraft before the ullage burn, this coupled with the very low thrust is enough to ullage. Otherwise make an modified J-2 for the final stage that does not need ullage.

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  NathanKell said:
Mitchbra: SolverEngines should have fixed that issue. What engine(s) are you getting that message from? (Can't ignite while shielded)

I am not using RO, but have ran into this still happening with any engine and using Pfairings fuselage sides with an interstage adapter.

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  danielguo said:
Hi, I'm seeing that solar panel is providing around 1/5 of claimed power.

For example, the XT3: @chargeRate = 2.743 // Level 3 @ 0.211kW/m^2

On Earth orbit I'm getting about 0.54kW

Applying Kopernicus hotfix solved the issue.

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Small issue: The (skipper looking) RL-10's description says 1.5m, when it's actually 2m ingame.

Btw, checking lots of mod engines: Is there no better non-cryogenic engine than the Aestus II? Seems to be the gold standard for interplanetary travel and landers alike.

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  Temeter said:
Small issue: The (skipper looking) RL-10's description says 1.5m, when it's actually 2m ingame.

Btw, checking lots of mod engines: Is there no better non-cryogenic engine than the Aestus II? Seems to be the gold standard for interplanetary travel and landers alike.

That's all there is that fits the bill. There are a few others with 10 or 16 ignitions but unlimited is nicer and the other options have other disadvantages. All the near future engines are realistically useless (unless you fancy a 16 month burn) and the sad fact seems to be that there just aren't many other real world options. They probably design the engines knowing exactly how many times they plan on burning and fit round that.

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The Aestus II is limited to 16 ignitions. ;)

Should be easy to deal with, e.g. only using 2 engines for small course corrections should give them a long life and allow multiple interplanetary transfers and refills. An interchangeable thrustplate, maybe adding 500kg, would make a heavy interplanetary transfer vehicle fully reusable.

Afaik only the space shuttles orbital engines have unlimited ignitions, the real world things are build for ~1k uses. It's otherwise far inferior in terms of size, thrust/weight and ISP.

Starwaster told me he is working on near-zero boiloff cryogenic tank systems, tho, similar to what NASA imagines for their nuclear mars transfer ship. So in near future we might be able to use liquid hydrogen and nuclear driven ships for interplanetary meaneuvers and multi-year missions.

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Hello guys, this may seem unprofessional. I am having an issue with this mod pack where I keep getting stuttering during any sort of launch that has releases a lot of smoke. This only occurs in atmospheres when there is smoke. Even after I stop the engines, and the smoke is still there, I am getting fps drops. I assume this is an issue with Smokescreen. Perhaps my i5-4440 is not enough to withstand those smoke trails, but I doubt it. Also I am using a GTX 970, and I really doubt that the issue is from my hardware. I've been searching for a fix in the mod's thread, but considering that Realism Overhaul uses its own .cfg files, which I have no clue how to mess around with, I hope someone can help me out in here. Thanks for your efforts.

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  Hybirdman said:
Hello guys, this may seem unprofessional. I am having an issue with this mod pack where I keep getting stuttering during any sort of launch that has releases a lot of smoke. This only occurs in atmospheres when there is smoke. Even after I stop the engines, and the smoke is still there, I am getting fps drops. I assume this is an issue with Smokescreen. Perhaps my i5-4440 is not enough to withstand those smoke trails, but I doubt it. Also I am using a GTX 970, and I really doubt that the issue is from my hardware. I've been searching for a fix in the mod's thread, but considering that Realism Overhaul uses its own .cfg files, which I have no clue how to mess around with, I hope someone can help me out in here. Thanks for your efforts.

Press the smokescreen button on the toolbar (in-game), and lower the max displayed particles until the smoke is down to a reasonable level. That should help your lag problem.

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hey guy,

i am trying out this realism overhault and I must say frist, wow you did such an amazing job, please keep doing it !!!

I also want to ask how far it works fine with 1.0.4 now ?

But there are some things, which I find quite odd, the probe cores heat by themselfes or did I put stuff together wrong?

Also things blow up very easily, e.g. when I accelerate to orbit in around 6000kmph at 90km or ist this supposed to be like that and I just messed up? I don't know, it is my first try with RO.

For example installing it with ckan, there is no deadly reentry, so in installed this melificent version. But is it good?

Can things blow up due overheating in 120km? (about same apoapsis)

Best regards


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  nablabla said:
hey guy,

i am trying out this realism overhault and I must say frist, wow you did such an amazing job, please keep doing it !!!

I also want to ask how far it works fine with 1.0.4 now ?

But there are some things, which I find quite odd, the probe cores heat by themselfes or did I put stuff together wrong?

Also things blow up very easily, e.g. when I accelerate to orbit in around 6000kmph at 90km or ist this supposed to be like that and I just messed up? I don't know, it is my first try with RO.

For example installing it with ckan, there is no deadly reentry, so in installed this melificent version. But is it good?

Can things blow up due overheating in 120km? (about same apoapsis)

Best regards


The Atmosphere goes up to 125km now, so you want to be higher. You can get very fast above 40/50km, it's just the orbital burn that should be done outside of the atmosphere. ;)

Aiming for 200km is always a solid bet. Low enough to be fast and efficient enough (as well as being able to reentry easily), high enough to maneuver around.

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so is it [my install] correct if it blows up at 100km with 7000kmph? How is it then even possible to reenter?

okay I installed deadly re-entry melificient version and now the effect is lessend and also the unexplainable overheatings are gone.

But there is no skin to int flux on my mk1 pod

now i have

RO v10.1.0

Real heat v1.0 (the only version?)

Deadly Reentry v7.2.0 update, July 9, 2015 (The Melificent Edition)

kopernicus beta 1 (there was an issue with its beta 2 version which caused solar panels to not produce charge on stock or outer planets mod)

FAR 1:v0.15.3.1

which versions have you installed to get it work?

I also seem to have an issue with better bouyancy, i cannot recover stuff, because it ceeps moving in water

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  nablabla said:
so is it [my install] correct if it blows up at 100km with 7000kmph? How is it then even possible to reenter?

With heatshields? 200 Apoapsis/30 Periapsis should allow you to savely reenter.

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Hello, I'd like to ask: does anyone manage to play RSS and RO and put up without hangar extender?

For some reason I'm having great difficulty with building tall rockets such as the FASA saturn V provided, it looks difficult if not impossible to place more than a few parts above the ceiling.

how do you people do it? is there a Hangar extender alternative that I'm unaware of? or are there any tricks about building taller?

Many thanks

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  Temeter said:
With heatshields? 200 Apoapsis/30 Periapsis should allow you to savely reenter.

mh, yes thank you, it works, but it gets yellow colored und red-temperature-gauged very early up and it says skin temperature is at 2700K somtimes in the trajectory (and my ascend was from 200 to 80 or something) while the ablator was hardly used, 248/250 remained (as I say, I have no 'real' experience yet)

also there is no intererior-to-skin conduction

I have another question :D why is remote tech delaying some signals like experiments and SAS RCS but not the attitute/strafe controls?

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  nablabla said:
mh, yes thank you, it works, but it gets yellow colored und red-temperature-gauged very early up and it says skin temperature is at 2700K somtimes in the trajectory (and my ascend was from 200 to 80 or something) while the ablator was hardly used, 248/250 remained (as I say, I have no 'real' experience yet)

also there is no intererior-skip conduction

There are some issues with heating, FAR has a bug, and KSP itself also has some issues. One would be that parts are getting hotter during physics timewarp.

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