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Project Arctic Film- Be Part Of Something Great


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Erm, can someone clarify whats happening tomorrow at 11AM GMT? Haven't had any internet for the past few days, so dunno whats going on. I have read the posts but still confused. :P


PS: 200th Comment! WOOP.

there is going to be a meeting on KMC IRC channel, at 11am gmt, this will allows us to talk about rhe film for the first time

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Have there been any meetings already or nah. I loose track of time with the stuff I've been doing lately :P

Edit: Just read the last page, i'll be there!

Not sure If this would fit with the plot but I thought I'd post it anyways :)

Edited by SpriteCoke
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I'm starting to work on the "alien tower" that was mentioned in the script snippet on Drive (as it's a set piece), and I'm brainstorming some bits to add to the script as I type. :)

Sounds good. I wrote the intro script elaborated off Vagani's script earlier in this thread. The doc has pretty simple organization as you've seen. Best of luck writing! Just make sure it's well explained ;).

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Oh oh, it looks like somebody has been messing around with the google drive document, there are bits all over the place that dont make sense :/


Added overview script

Added KMC IRC Channel and info

Edited by Vagani
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Well here is the conversation, flick through it

[11:18:28] <Vagani> hello!![11:18:37] <Vagani> having a good day?

[11:19:33] <Morthgal> yerp

[11:19:53] <Vagani> good good

[11:21:19] <Morthgal> Anyone feel like bursting out in song?

[11:21:42] <Vagani> haha, unfortunately i cant type fast enough XD

[11:21:52] <Vagani> but yes

[11:22:06] <Morthgal> Ksp is just so awesome...

[11:23:02] <Vagani> i love the mountains

[11:23:17] <Morthgal> i love the clear blue skys

[11:23:37] <Vagani> i love big boulders

[11:23:47] <Morthgal> i love to make things fly!

[11:24:07] <Vagani> i love the whole world

[11:24:21] <Morthgal> and all its crazy things!

[11:24:59] <Vagani> bomm di adda, boom di adda

[11:25:13] <Morthgal> bomm di adda, boom di adda

[11:25:34] <Vagani> i love the oceans

[11:25:41] <Morthgal> I love real shiny things!

[11:26:09] <Vagani> i love to land fast

[11:26:11] <Morthgal> I love toridal springs :D

[11:26:43] <Vagani> i love the whole world

[11:26:45] <Morthgal> And all the physics too!

[11:27:18] <Vagani> boom de yada boom de yada

[11:27:21] <Morthgal> bomm di adda, boom di adda

[11:27:39] <Vagani> i love the pine trees

[11:27:42] <Morthgal> I love the giant squids. (In monotone)

[11:28:05] <Vagani> i love hot plasma

[11:28:07] <Morthgal> And spinning massive rings.

[11:28:41] <Vagani> i love the whole world

[11:28:41] <Morthgal> its such a brilliant place!

[11:28:46] <Vagani> boom de yada boom de yada

[11:28:49] <Morthgal> bomm di adda, boom di adda.

[11:29:06] <SolarLiner> Oh hi

[11:29:08] <SolarLiner> guys

[11:29:17] <Vagani> boom de yada boom de yada, hey solar

[11:29:20] <Morthgal> hey. boom di adda, boom di adda.

[11:29:32] <Vagani> all done :)

[11:29:32] <SolarLiner> normally my client would have popped up notifications

[11:29:33] <SolarLiner> anyway

[11:29:34] <SolarLiner> hi

[11:29:54] <Morthgal> bomm di adda!!!!

[11:29:59] <SolarLiner> k

[11:30:04] <Morthgal> That makes me so happy

[11:30:18] <Vagani> hi hi, every having a good day

[11:30:44] <Morthgal> should get some more people now. tis 10:30!

[11:31:21] <Vagani> no meeting starts at 11

[11:31:33] <Morthgal> i know.

[11:31:37] <SolarLiner> will not be here for long

[11:31:42] <Morthgal> hokay

[11:31:43] <SolarLiner> btw

[11:31:57] <Vagani> ok solar, we'll send you a report after

[11:32:06] <SolarLiner> gonna be visiting the space museum in my town

[11:32:13] <Morthgal> just gunna keep jammin out to my favourite title sequence songs from anime :D

[11:32:20] <Vagani> nice

[11:32:40] <Morthgal> currently listening to comic party

[11:33:14] <Morthgal> Tomodachi!

[11:33:19] <Morthgal> :D

[11:35:06] <Morthgal> apparently world domination is accesible through comics...

[11:36:12] <Vagani> haha

[11:36:41] <Morthgal> Quick! make a comic of Project Arctic!

[11:36:55] <Vagani> that would be cool

[11:37:01] <Morthgal> sure would.

[11:37:02] <SolarLiner> If we take it seriously

[11:37:05] <SolarLiner> there will be one

[11:37:11] <Morthgal> YESH.

[11:37:23] <SolarLiner> cuz' storyboard

[11:37:34] <Morthgal> oooo. good point.

[11:37:43] <SolarLiner> not the best comic you'll ever see, but it's one, right?

[11:37:50] <SolarLiner> it just contains drawings of the shots

[11:37:52] <Morthgal> point. taken.

[11:37:55] <Vagani> yep

[11:38:06] <SolarLiner> BTW

[11:38:26] <SolarLiner> I fiddled around with some sounds and made a sort of Admundsen's theme

[11:38:39] <Morthgal> it'd be nice if there was a official, proffesional one tho.

[11:38:41] <Vagani> thats cool, have you got a clip?

[11:38:41] <SolarLiner> based on the little I heard

[11:38:53] <SolarLiner> Yep

[11:38:55] burnoutforzai [webchat@host86-176-49-142.range86-176.btcentralplus.com] has joined #OfficialKMC

[11:39:01] <SolarLiner> Hai o/

[11:39:02] <burnoutforzai> Oh hai

[11:39:07] <Morthgal> hai burnout

[11:39:07] <Vagani> hai!!!

[11:39:15] <burnoutforzai> yo vagani :D

[11:39:22] <burnoutforzai> hey morthgal :D

[11:39:31] <Morthgal> WAZZUP

[11:39:36] <SolarLiner> Sound's uploading

[11:39:45] <Morthgal> coolio

[11:39:59] <Vagani> thanks solar

[11:40:06] <burnoutforzai> I'm making the sled...

[11:40:13] <burnoutforzai> any tips for hiding wheels?

[11:40:16] <Morthgal> hokay.

[11:40:28] <Vagani> have a look at zekes design

[11:40:43] <burnoutforzai> sure thing

[11:41:11] <SolarLiner> it's in a very very VERY early state, but here it is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_D5rfm0gWO1ZGtQdy1NeDk5T28/view?usp=sharing

[11:42:29] <Morthgal> doesn't seem to work for me... Anyone Else?

[11:42:33] <SolarLiner> this is just not my everyday music style ^^

[11:42:44] <burnoutforzai> beautiful solar :o

[11:43:08] <SolarLiner> try to open it with one of the recommended Google Drive apps

[11:43:11] <Vagani> not working solar :3

[11:43:15] <SolarLiner> @Morthgal

[11:43:19] <SolarLiner> and @Vagani

[11:43:25] <burnoutforzai> *#chill music ftw

[11:43:29] <burnoutforzai> xD

[11:43:44] <Morthgal> k!

[11:44:11] <SolarLiner> maybe this will work http://www.driveplayer.com/#fileIds=0B_D5rfm0gWO1ZGtQdy1NeDk5T28

[11:44:23] <burnoutforzai> :| I... am... lost for words solar

[11:44:33] <SolarLiner> thanks :)

[11:44:37] <Morthgal> is workin

[11:44:38] <SolarLiner> it's not yet finished tho

[11:44:40] <SolarLiner> just even started

[11:44:45] <burnoutforzai> wow

[11:45:21] <Morthgal> noice

[11:45:56] <SolarLiner> The One and Only Jedi Master is very looking forward to hear this

[11:46:10] <SolarLiner> I hope he can make it to here

[11:46:29] <burnoutforzai> MHM

[11:46:31] <Morthgal> sounds like something from a scifi/neo anime!

[11:46:33] <burnoutforzai> whoops caps xD

[11:47:47] <burnoutforzai> uploading my images now :D

[11:48:13] <SolarLiner> Morthgal: Is this any good? Not a fan of anime ^^

[11:48:14] <Vagani> oh for petes sake, solar, whats the name of the file so i can find it on the drive app?

[11:48:23] <Morthgal> wow.

[11:48:27] <Morthgal> just wow.

[11:48:27] <burnoutforzai> http://imgur.com/a/RxU6u#0

[11:48:36] <Vagani> damn ipad cant even play an audio file

[11:48:40] <SolarLiner> "Refractor pres. Rellenade - Admunsen's Theme [Early WIP 2].mp3"

[11:48:41] <burnoutforzai> xD

[11:48:53] <burnoutforzai> d'ya like the sled

[11:48:58] <burnoutforzai> it's a wip right now

[11:49:04] <SolarLiner> Vagani: Maybe you want to download it directly then

[11:49:07] <Morthgal> its noice burnout!

[11:49:15] <burnoutforzai> really thanks :D

[11:49:31] <SolarLiner> Vagani: DL it here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_D5rfm0gWO1ZGtQdy1NeDk5T28/view

[11:49:32] <Vagani> nice, but it doesnt look old fashioned, like wooden :/

[11:49:59] <SolarLiner> there are not a lot of wooden parts in KSP I believe xD

[11:50:43] <Morthgal> we will have to make our textures if we want to make it look right.

[11:50:54] <SolarLiner> nice design tho burnoutforzai

[11:50:57] <Vagani> zekes coloured the struts brown, so it look as old fashioned as possible ;) Solar, the link just opens the file but wont play it

[11:50:58] <Morthgal> yerp

[11:51:10] <SolarLiner> Vagani: ye

[11:51:12] <SolarLiner> DL it

[11:51:19] <SolarLiner> normal if you're on iPad

[11:52:00] <Vagani> no i cant download it, theres no download icon, and when i press play nothing happens :/

[11:52:49] <Vagani> and with the player it just says an error occurred :(

[11:52:55] <Morthgal> well

[11:53:06] <SolarLiner> D:

[11:53:23] <SolarLiner> putting in on dropbox, there's a diret link there, might be better

[11:53:25] <burnoutforzai> well...

[11:54:26] <Vagani> thanks solar



[11:55:34] <Morthgal> :D

[11:55:38] <burnoutforzai> UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

[11:55:43] <Morthgal> Jontron Refrence!

[11:56:01] <Vagani> neon genesis evangelion theme is beast, thats what im listening to

[11:56:10] <Morthgal> oh well.

[11:56:16] <Morthgal> thats.

[11:56:19] <Morthgal> fine?

[11:56:47] <Vagani> only ever watched one anime and that was girls und panzer

[11:56:54] <Morthgal> lol wut

[11:56:57] <burnoutforzai> :|

[11:56:58] <SolarLiner> Vagani: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98670603/Refractor/Refractor%20pres.%20Rellenade%20-%20Admundsen%27s%20Theme%20%5BEarly%20WIP%202%5D.mp3

[11:57:01] <burnoutforzai> so bad xD

[11:57:11] <burnoutforzai> I meant girls + panzer...

[11:57:13] <burnoutforzai> so ....

[11:57:28] <SolarLiner> I never watched anime

[11:57:28] <Morthgal> you should search up some! some of them are alright.

[11:57:52] <Vagani> no its amazing, need to watch attack on titan, solar this is epic so far XD

[11:57:55] <burnoutforzai> sao's a good place to start

[11:58:49] <burnoutforzai> well it's basically time to start now

[11:58:55] <Morthgal> Currently watching comic party.

[11:59:00] <SolarLiner> brb lunch

[11:59:01] <Morthgal> like right now.

[11:59:01] <Vagani> yep, get people if you can

[11:59:26] <burnoutforzai> sure

[12:01:02] <Vagani> might just be us XD

[12:01:03] <burnoutforzai> It's 11 now

[12:01:07] <burnoutforzai> yeah

[12:01:39] Andrew123 [webchat@cpe-66-27-71-141.san.res.rr.com] has joined #OfficialKMC

[12:01:45] <Andrew123> 3AM here

[12:01:57] <Vagani> haha, andrew :)

[12:02:10] <Andrew123> 'nother all-nighter... maybe.

[12:02:11] <Morthgal> dare yori mo taisetsu na

[12:02:29] <Andrew123> Haha

[12:02:36] <Vagani> andrew do you know if others are coming?

[12:02:39] <Andrew123> I'm actually Korean-American

[12:02:43] <Andrew123> Not really

[12:02:45] <Morthgal> oh hai

[12:02:49] <Andrew123> Most are asleep

[12:03:00] <Andrew123> I will be too, soon

[12:03:11] <Vagani> ok, shall we begin?

[12:03:18] <Morthgal> les go!

[12:03:24] <Andrew123> I say we have ten minutes, yeah. :)

[12:03:53] <burnoutforzai> sure

[12:03:54] <Morthgal> heh heh

[12:04:01] <Vagani> ok so the first point id like to talk about is: Mods, what we think and should we use them?

[12:04:17] <Andrew123> Not really

[12:04:22] <Morthgal> firespitter!!

[12:04:30] <burnoutforzai> nah

[12:04:31] <Andrew123> They'd screw up production is there were any disappearing authors

[12:04:33] <Morthgal> kerpaint

[12:04:36] <burnoutforzai> it's meant to be stock imo

[12:04:41] <Morthgal> kerbpaint even

[12:04:48] <Vagani> i think kerbpaint should be used

[12:04:49] <burnoutforzai> Kerbpaint

[12:04:52] <Andrew123> Yeah

[12:04:53] <burnoutforzai> is fine imo

[12:05:14] <Andrew123> I just use structural panels on all of my ships, because I'm too lazy to paint. :P

[12:05:20] <Morthgal> lol

[12:05:26] <Vagani> how about effects mods, like collision fx, ive been using it in my videos and it adds a lot to the game, another is rover wheel sounds

[12:05:40] <Morthgal> oooo

[12:05:42] <Morthgal> das gut

[12:05:49] <Andrew123> Things that won't fundamentally change the base game, yes

[12:05:53] <burnoutforzai> hmm I think that stuff can be added in later

[12:06:02] <burnoutforzai> during editing

[12:06:07] <Andrew123> Adobe after effects is pretty useful

[12:06:14] <Andrew123> Along with maya and 3ds max

[12:06:16] <burnoutforzai> mhm

[12:06:27] <Andrew123> DOn't forget blender

[12:06:37] <burnoutforzai> yup

[12:06:37] <Vagani> so mods that dont impact the game, because the rover wheels sounds change depending on speed etc

[12:06:44] <Andrew123> Yes

[12:06:45] <Morthgal> yerp

[12:06:54] <Morthgal> so no part packs?

[12:06:58] <Andrew123> No

[12:07:06] <burnoutforzai> mhm

[12:07:07] <Andrew123> You can make most in the stock game

[12:07:07] <Morthgal> good

[12:07:12] HatBat [webchat@host-92-31-113-104.as13285.net] has joined #OfficialKMC

[12:07:18] <Morthgal> hatty batty

[12:07:18] <Vagani> hey hatbat

[12:07:22] <Andrew123> For example, you can make guided missiles easily

[12:07:23] <HatBat> hey guys :)

[12:07:25] <burnoutforzai> yo hatbat

[12:07:29] <Andrew123> You just have to learn

[12:07:37] <burnoutforzai> yup

[12:08:08] <Andrew123> I'll have to go soon, so quick not

[12:08:22] <Andrew123> Sbower (fleet) might be back...

[12:08:26] <burnoutforzai> :|

[12:08:29] <burnoutforzai> ugh

[12:08:36] <Vagani> hatbat we have decided not to use mods that impact the game, so instead we use things like collision fx and rover wheel sounds

[12:08:38] <Andrew123> With multiple accounts

[12:08:52] <burnoutforzai> yeah ikr

[12:09:06] <Andrew123> Yeah, I agree with the mods

[12:09:16] <HatBat> yeah, me to

[12:09:18] <burnoutforzai> mhm same here

[12:09:42] <Vagani> ok next point, cameras, fx and recording

[12:09:43] <Andrew123> And, before I go to bed, please don't provoke too much tension between the companies

[12:09:45] <burnoutforzai> anything else vagani?

[12:09:47] <Morthgal> we will need to put links to the mods on the forum

[12:09:52] <burnoutforzai> lol xD

[12:09:58] <Andrew123> Zekes and I are already waging a mock naval war...

[12:10:00] <burnoutforzai> yup

[12:10:08] <Andrew123> And the mods can go ballistic

[12:10:17] <Andrew123> Good night.

[12:10:22] <Morthgal> noight

[12:10:29] <Vagani> yes morthal, night andrew well send u a report

[12:10:30] <HatBat> have you considered creating a gamedata folder and share it on google docs vagani?

[12:10:46] <burnoutforzai> hmm good idea

[12:10:46] <Andrew123> Thank you. God speed on your movie. :)

[12:10:53] <burnoutforzai> cya

[12:10:55] <Morthgal> oooo thsts a point

[12:11:05] <Morthgal> bai!

[12:11:08] Andrew123 [webchat@cpe-66-27-71-141.san.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed

[12:11:24] <Vagani> problem is a, it might contain squad bits which is piracy and mods authors sometimes dont like people redistributing their mods

[12:11:39] <burnoutforzai> yep

[12:11:46] <burnoutforzai> maybe a list with links

[12:11:49] <Morthgal> just put links to the mods on the main forumpost

[12:11:59] <Vagani> yeh, thats the easiest way

[12:12:07] <burnoutforzai> yup

[12:12:18] <Vagani> ok, so cameras, mods? or just hand work them?

[12:12:22] <Vagani> i think mods

[12:12:26] <Morthgal> same

[12:12:28] <Vagani> like kerbcam

[12:12:32] <Morthgal> yerp

[12:12:34] <Vagani> and camera tools

[12:12:42] <burnoutforzai> kerbcam definately

[12:12:56] <Vagani> Hatbat?

[12:13:02] <burnoutforzai> ALSO (Nearly forgot to ask you) could I be in multiple roles?

[12:13:17] <Vagani> probably, yes, i dont see why not

[12:13:19] <HatBat> well, obviously keep the squad bits out. And I know modders can be a little touchy about the redistribution of mods, but this is only private sharing between a selection of people (not the public). For camera mods we'll need kerbcam and camera tools

[12:13:24] <Vagani> actually yes XD

[12:13:45] <burnoutforzai> yeah good point

[12:13:55] <Morthgal> point. noted.

[12:14:28] <burnoutforzai> http://imgur.com/a/RxU6u#0

[12:14:31] <burnoutforzai> more sled stuff

[12:14:37] <Vagani> I discovered today that the script on google plus has been played with :( The parts are all int he wrong order, so we need to fix that too

[12:14:54] <HatBat> forgot to mention: We'll be wanting hullcamera VDS too

[12:14:58] <burnoutforzai> sure thing

[12:15:11] <burnoutforzai> did you save stuff on your own pc

[12:15:12] <Morthgal> hmm

[12:15:20] <burnoutforzai> Oh ok hatbat

[12:15:24] <Vagani> yes, hullcam is epic, burnout, could you make the sledge smaller

[12:15:46] <Morthgal> yerp

[12:15:50] <burnoutforzai> umm sure hting vagani

[12:16:13] <burnoutforzai> mind giving my a pic of some kind to see what you are wanting?

[12:16:46] <HatBat> for visuals will we be going with Astronomer's Interstellar, texture replacer, and Green Skull Inc?

[12:16:56] <burnoutforzai> I don't mind

[12:17:16] <Morthgal> hokay

[12:17:20] <Vagani> i guess

[12:18:29] <Vagani> bear with burnout, im trying to find the post

[12:18:45] <burnoutforzai> sure thing

[12:18:57] <Vagani> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100023-Project-Arctic-Film-Be-Part-Of-Something-Great?p=1551782&viewfull=1#post1551782, this is great

[12:19:01] <Morthgal> activate the elevator music!

[12:19:02] <HatBat> anyway, so after this meeting is a success. What's the next step in pre-production?

[12:19:07] <Vagani> that size

[12:19:51] <Morthgal> wait, to get the kerbals to pull the sled we might need KAS right?

[12:20:01] <burnoutforzai> yeah

[12:20:07] <burnoutforzai> and ok vagani

[12:20:10] <Morthgal> ah. ah.

[12:20:13] <Vagani> well thats my next point, we need to get organised, we'll probably start after christmas on the planning and such, so how do we organise and communicate to our script writers

[12:20:35] <burnoutforzai> google docs

[12:20:38] <burnoutforzai> 'nuf said

[12:20:54] <Morthgal> same thing. also i am one of the script writers

[12:20:55] <Vagani> they need to be secure though

[12:20:58] <Vagani> or this happens

[12:21:10] <burnoutforzai> there's a way of making it private

[12:21:20] <burnoutforzai> they would need to give you their gmail tho

[12:21:41] <Vagani> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vQgYkGZDM0m9cU8JacmY0VhhHJeueSTt3vbZtZWenGY/mobilebasic

[12:21:49] <HatBat> one writer needs to create a draft for the film. (with suggestions from the other writers) once that is on google docs each writer gets a chance to make their own draft based on the original. Rinse and repeat until you get the final draft.

[12:22:19] <burnoutforzai> yeah

[12:22:22] <burnoutforzai> I guess

[12:22:24] <Morthgal> iwould you like me to precede over it?

[12:22:40] <burnoutforzai> ?

[12:22:43] <Vagani> its been fixed XD thats sounds good

[12:22:55] <Morthgal> over the script writing session

[12:23:21] <Vagani> yes morthgal see how you get on

[12:23:26] <burnoutforzai> http://imgur.com/j4l0ogf

[12:23:27] <Morthgal> hokay.

[12:23:33] <burnoutforzai> got this smaller

[12:23:33] <Vagani> the base is on the OP in a spoiler

[12:23:52] <Morthgal> i've got it open next ot me

[12:24:12] <Vagani> ok so next point is sound

[12:24:23] <Vagani> the vois

[12:24:23] <Morthgal> would a date after xmas be fine?

[12:24:26] <burnoutforzai> hmm

[12:24:32] <HatBat> what about it :o ?

[12:24:39] <burnoutforzai> Voice actors must have a good mic

[12:24:42] <burnoutforzai> imo

[12:24:50] <Morthgal> also, chatterer?

[12:25:13] <burnoutforzai> yeah

[12:25:19] <burnoutforzai> that's a good mod

[12:25:31] <Vagani> the voices, yes morthgal after christmas is fine, well i know kerbals speak backwards spanish, but is that good for an action pack feature film to just be reading subtitles?

[12:25:52] <HatBat> yes

[12:25:57] <Morthgal> well, you could do that in english sub anime soo...

[12:25:59] <HatBat> everyone loves subtitles

[12:26:08] <Morthgal> can even

[12:26:16] <Morthgal> so i think that would be fgine

[12:26:17] <Vagani> hatbat i hope your joking

[12:26:20] <burnoutforzai> Love da subtitles

[12:26:28] <Vagani> we could make various versions

[12:26:36] <burnoutforzai> m

[12:26:40] <Morthgal> although it would be better with voice acting

[12:27:05] <HatBat> reverse dialogue also makes it less important to have a good mic because the listener won't really be able to tell. We could also sell it as radio effects

[12:27:09] <burnoutforzai> yea I guess

[12:27:17] <burnoutforzai> They would have to be really good tho

[12:27:23] <Vagani> good point hatbat

[12:27:33] <Morthgal> if we have any aliens, they could speak in english!

[12:27:42] <Morthgal> :D

[12:27:45] <HatBat> I do it quite a lot: say the line in english but with the sentence in reverse order. Then raise the ..... and reverse

[12:27:46] <Vagani> haha, the alien doesnt speak

[12:27:49] <burnoutforzai> We could just speak in english but that would be crazy amiright

[12:27:56] <HatBat> pitch8

[12:28:04] <Vagani> hatbat hahhahaha XD

[12:28:06] <HatBat> I meant pitch D:

[12:28:08] <Morthgal> oh ok

[12:28:27] <Morthgal> lewl

[12:28:35] <Vagani> hatbat the b is nowhere near thenp, what were you thinking :)

[12:28:43] <Vagani> the p*

[12:28:57] <HatBat> magical thoughts

[12:29:03] <burnoutforzai> :S

[12:29:15] <Morthgal> HatBat = magical.

[12:29:18] <Vagani> haha, so yes, it also allows us to just change the subtitles to different languages

[12:29:27] <Vagani> instead of new sounds

[12:29:34] <burnoutforzai> indeed

[12:29:59] <Vagani> so yes, now advertisements and trailers,when and how?

[12:30:09] <burnoutforzai> trailers are easy

[12:30:09] <Morthgal> now and with potarto

[12:30:14] <burnoutforzai> just make people hyped

[12:30:19] <HatBat> I usually make half a film and use that for trailer content

[12:30:34] <HatBat> but for teasers we can just use the opening scene

[12:30:46] <Vagani> yes thats good plan

[12:31:05] <Morthgal> make a trailer, put it in the first posts of the Project Actic threads

[12:31:10] <burnoutforzai> advertisement on the other-hand is really hard. We could ask squad to say something in their blog or put it on the forums as a banner advert...

[12:31:16] <Morthgal> also put ads in our signatures

[12:31:24] <burnoutforzai> We could also make a website and I know how to do that

[12:31:40] <Vagani> ok so last point, how are we going to make sure crafts are to the same build quality?

[12:31:55] <Morthgal> just doin checks

[12:32:17] <burnoutforzai> Somebody (cough: you) could just check in the sph/vab then use them for a bit

[12:32:21] <Vagani> yes, we could ask squad

[12:32:30] <Vagani> haha, thanks burnout

[12:32:39] <burnoutforzai> :P

[12:32:47] <burnoutforzai> we could even have trusted testers

[12:32:55] <Morthgal> Dance with me, baby!

[12:33:03] <Morthgal> sorry what?

[12:33:09] <burnoutforzai> alteration mother f***ers!

[12:33:15] <Morthgal> :D

[12:33:15] <Vagani> well thats settled, ill post this on the thread, testers would be a good idea, although builders should throughly test them anyways

[12:33:18] <burnoutforzai> lolwut?

[12:33:28] <burnoutforzai> indeed vagani

[12:33:40] <Morthgal> yeah thats a point

[12:33:50] <Vagani> so thats it, any questions?

[12:34:00] <burnoutforzai> OOHHHHHH I get why you're called vagani now. Pagani! WHOAAAA! WORD PLAY!

[12:34:16] <burnoutforzai> I guess that's it for now vagani...

[12:34:16] <Morthgal> where does the potarto come in?

[12:34:21] <Vagani> wow, finally somebody gets it

[12:34:43] <Morthgal> i've known that since i first saw your name...

[12:34:47] <burnoutforzai> :D

[12:34:48] <burnoutforzai> :D

[12:34:49] <burnoutforzai> :D

[12:34:58] <Morthgal> dude. you is so slow

[12:35:10] <Vagani> morthgal, you should speak up and tell the world

[12:35:19] <SolarLiner> am back

[12:35:22] <burnoutforzai> xD

[12:35:34] <Vagani> hey solar, so yes any questions?


[12:35:58] <Vagani> hahahaha thats good

[12:36:07] <SolarLiner> questions about what?

[12:36:15] <Morthgal> the shizzle wizzle

[12:36:24] <SolarLiner> oh yeah I have one

[12:36:26] <SolarLiner> what is that? xD

[12:36:33] <Vagani> the film and such, the conversation will be on the thread

[12:36:58] <Vagani> so are we done?

[12:37:09] <Morthgal> GTA MOTHER FUDDER

[12:37:09] <SolarLiner> yeah

[12:37:16] <SolarLiner> for me I don't have anything to add

[12:37:21] <Morthgal> same

[12:37:26] <Vagani> haha solar XD

[12:37:27] <SolarLiner> except if writers are here

[12:37:34] <Morthgal> i am a writer

[12:37:36] <Vagani> morthgal is a writer

[12:37:38] <SolarLiner> ohh

[12:37:39] <SolarLiner> well

[12:37:41] burnoutforzai_ [webchat@host86-184-168-148.range86-184.btcentralplus.com] has joined #OfficialKMC

[12:37:47] <burnoutforzai_> what happened?

[12:37:50] <Morthgal> wut

[12:37:56] <Morthgal> 2 burnouts?

[12:38:00] <burnoutforzai_> I lagged out xD

[12:38:02] <burnoutforzai_> WHOA

[12:38:07] <Vagani> haha

[12:38:12] <burnoutforzai_> WHOA jesus 2 burnouts

[12:38:13] <SolarLiner> then when writing the storyline, be sure to put (as a comment, or a side note) explicitely the feeling of the scene, even if it's obvious

[12:38:14] <Morthgal> ILLUMANATI BICH

[12:38:23] <SolarLiner> it will help me transcribing that into music afterwards :)

[12:38:28] <burnoutforzai_> yeah

[12:38:36] <Vagani> yes, thats a good idea solar

[12:38:39] burnoutforzai [webchat@host86-176-49-142.range86-176.btcentralplus.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 186 seconds

[12:38:44] <burnoutforzai_> http://imgur.com/zGNakK4

[12:38:47] <Morthgal> hokay! we will have a writing session after xmas

[12:38:51] <SolarLiner> noice

[12:39:12] <Vagani> Burnout smaller! We need smaller

[12:39:23] <burnoutforzai_> really...

[12:39:24] <burnoutforzai_> :|

[12:39:27] <burnoutforzai_> fek

[12:39:35] <Vagani> and the kerbal wont be sitting on it XD

[12:39:35] <Morthgal> (Add .... joke here)

[12:39:42] <SolarLiner> Well on my end I'll polish the music theme to something good enough that i can base the OST on

[12:39:55] <burnoutforzai_> k

[12:40:07] <SolarLiner> Vagani: that was not what she said xD

[12:40:08] <Morthgal> ok

[12:40:19] <Vagani> THANKS solar :) so thats it, just copying thing

[12:40:40] <Morthgal> aight!

[12:40:42] <SolarLiner> also if you need help as I stated in my job post on the thread

[12:40:44] <burnoutforzai_> Also Vagani... Could you add me to the recording team and script writing team?

[12:40:50] <Vagani> is anybody on pc?

[12:40:54] <SolarLiner> if you need help in VFXs and Voice Acting as well, I'm here

[12:40:56] <SolarLiner> I am

[12:41:06] <burnoutforzai_> I'm on my pc vagani :D

[12:41:08] <Morthgal> yh

[12:41:12] <Vagani> solar can you copy the conversation and then pm me it

[12:41:17] <SolarLiner> k

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I just added a little segment about music for the intro. Here's a paste in of what I put in the doc (link to doc):


Hey Avera9eJoe here. I’ve been trying to pin down a track that sounds like what I imagine for the intro but I’m having troubles.

, and give me your opinions on these three tracks.

- I’m not sure about this one’s style, but I would like a melancholy piano intro

- doesn’t have a good build up or an abrupt stop. I still like the piano though.

- has a good ending but builds way too much for a "peaceful and desolate" scene of the Arctic with the crew trudging along.
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I just added a little segment about music for the intro. Here's a paste in of what I put in the doc (link to doc):


Hey Avera9eJoe here. I’ve been trying to pin down a track that sounds like what I imagine for the intro but I’m having troubles.

, and give me your opinions on these three tracks.

- I’m not sure about this one’s style, but I would like a melancholy piano intro

- doesn’t have a good build up or an abrupt stop. I still like the piano though.

- has a good ending but builds way too much for a "peaceful and desolate" scene of the Arctic with the crew trudging along.

I think these are great!

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