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[0.90] Regolith - an open ISRU and Resource framework [0.1.7 - 2015.02.26]


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I know this question's probably been asked a zillion million times, but when can we expect Karbonite implementation?

Honestly I haven't seen that asked yet. But yes I think everyone is looking forward to it. Also hoping that Rover is working with, or at least prodding the scansat folks to make it compatible as well.

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I would recommend increasing the crash tolerance of the Regolith Excavator from 8 to like 50(like the stock Claw...). Its very easy to break it off large ships.

You have to hit the rocks hard or it tends not to grab but atm it tends to just break off....

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I would recommend increasing the crash tolerance of the Regolith Excavator from 8 to like 50(like the stock Claw...). Its very easy to break it off large ships.

You have to hit the rocks hard or it tends not to grab but atm it tends to just break off....

Odd, I have the opposite experience. A gentle touch works well.

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Probably... I do it all the time when using it.

I think I just found the problem......

Looks good with probe core.....


Ok, who bought the cheap navball.......


This explains why putting it on the back of my craft did not change the navball direction.....

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Can you explain a little more how Regolith sets up resources on asteroids. I thought it gave % values based on the actual mass of the roid but it seems not to, since I get far more resources from them then i expected to. Also the mass seems to increase as you mine it.

I also had 1 roid that seemed to not have any more resources so I repositioned my craft to move the rock and the mass increased and it had more resources to mine....

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Its me again:)

Just looking at the ISRU, I noticed the mass of my craft was going up pretty fast when converting water to LFO.

At present it converts 2 units of water into 0.9 units Liquid Fuel and 1.1 units Oxidizer. This would be all well and good if both had the same mass.

Water is 1kg per unit, Liquid Fuel is 5kg per unit and Oxidizer is 5kg per unit. So basically you take 2kg and make 10kg :)

Current code.

name = REGO_ModuleResourceConverter
StartActionName = Start H2O->LFO
StopActionName = Stop H2O->LFO
RecipeInputs = ElectricCharge,10,Water,2
RecipeOutputs = LiquidFuel,0.9,false,Oxidizer,1.1,false

Proposed change for conservation of mass.

name = REGO_ModuleResourceConverter
StartActionName = Start H2O->LFO
StopActionName = Stop H2O->LFO
RecipeInputs = ElectricCharge,10,Water,2
RecipeOutputs = LiquidFuel,0.18,false,Oxidizer,0.22,false

There should probably be some losses but ill leave that up to you guys to discuss.

Edited by Donziboy2
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nope its installed right. when u downlaod and open it u look and u have 2 sets of .mu and.png for each part and 1 .cfg for each part. when i removed the extra .mu and png still has double parts.

the download right now has 1 folder named for every part,1 asset folder and 1 parts folder. the asset and the named folders have the same files in them yet even when one is removed still double parts. i removed the named part folders and left the asset and the part folder and still double parts even with only 1.cfg and 1 set of textures for the parts.

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ok fixed it some way a set of .cfg from regloth wind up in another folder. still thou roverdude why we have 2 sets of textures for each part thou?

Glad you were able to chase down your installation issue.

The part-specific Folders are redundant since I did some reorganization, I'll clear them out next release.

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The drills seem to have a range limit that may be a little low not sure. Also I have to mining craft on 1 asteroid and when I anchored the second one I noticed I could not use its excavator.

Also when the asteroid is depleted the mining lasers cant be disabled, they aren't on but the button to turn them off does not change from showing them enabled. The same happens for the excavator.


Edited by Donziboy2
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Why would a graphics format make support for StarSystems problematic?

Because if your resource system is tied to using a PNG for a resource map, you're in trouble if you have other systems other than the stock ones (ORS has this issue). So you either need procedural generation (which has it's own set of issues) or something else.

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