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Win64 any time soon? 0.25 or 0.90?

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This isn't intended as a complaint thread. I know Win64 sucked in 0.24.2 despite it's ability to "seem" like it worked, which created a horde of headaches for mod supporters. I also know that it's even worse in 0.25.

But 3.6gb is not enough. I want FAR, I want B9, I want EVE and BA, KAS, and all the other gizmos and doodads. They're awesome, really.

Yes yes, switch to Linux. I want to record my gameplay, too. I cannot replicate my recording environment outside of Windows. Sorry, I can't. I use Virtual Audio Cable and a few other items to make it line up right, and other programs that are not available outside of Windows. I installed Ubuntu, Gentoo, and even tried to work with Arch -- no dice.

What's the state of the Win64 builds of Unity and KSP, please?

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Have you tried GLC on linux it's a command line GL recorder as for audio the closes equivalent for VAC on linux is JACK with what ever gui program running over it preferably for setup. There would be a learning curve but I guess the question you have to ask yourself is, "is 64bit ksp on linux worth learning how to use these new tools on a new system?".

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  MisterFister said:
What's the state of the Win64 builds of Unity and KSP, please?

0.24.2: worked fairly well, though the random crashes existed

0.25: got much worse than 0.24.2, so bad a lot of modders disabled their mods for x64

0.90: we don't know, but unlikely to be much better than 0.25 as there is very little SQUAD can do directly to fix such issues

Currently the hope is that Unity 5 which is due out soon will have a lot of fixes for x64 and when KSP moves to that version of the engine x64 will become more stable.

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  ToTheMun said:
Is KSP moving to U5 for 0.90 though? If they are, then it should fix most of the x64 specific bugs and make it more stable, as @Xaiier said.

I wouldn't have thought so. Unity 5 has only just hit beta and I wouldn't expect Squad to use it (other than, perhaps, internal dev and testing) until it is officially released.

I suspect we will get an update to the latest Unity 4.5 release though I wouldn't expect that to have much impact either way on the stability of the Win x64 build.

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Unity 4.5 may help. 4.6 should be out soon-ish too, and it may help too (it was supposed to be only UI but bug fix got in afaik).

U5 is far from neutral. I had a look at the upgrade instruction and there are a lot of code change (most of them automated with a script) and some component are really different (like the whole Wheel system. Not sure if it the one KSP use however). And as other pointed out it's not out anyway.

So, let's wait for 0.90 first.

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  AcidRoot said:
Have you tried GLC on linux it's a command line GL recorder as for audio the closes equivalent for VAC on linux is JACK with what ever gui program running over it preferably for setup. There would be a learning curve but I guess the question you have to ask yourself is, "is 64bit ksp on linux worth learning how to use these new tools on a new system?".

I really do respect this answer, and appreciate the obvious desire to help behind it. That said -- I'm a power-user of Windows with more than twenty five years experience using it. I have other always-on programs that I use on an employment basis that are Windows-only that will not port to Linux. My willingness to this point to use Linux at all (read: formatted and repartitioned my ssd to accommodate a dualboot Linux partition) has been for this specific task -- making mod-heavy KSP videos.

Please understand, I recognize the whiney nature of my post here. I'm not complaining about KSP performance directly, I'm complaining about interactivity, which is NOT Squad's problem. I get that. I've run into references to JACK and other utilities. I don't doubt that they would be very useful -- if I knew how to frickin use them, which I don't, and cannot afford to invest the time to learn. It'll take two weeks to tweak a Linux desktop to my preferred settings.

Antonio Banderas acted in The Mambo Kings in 1992 without knowing any English -- he had to learn his dialogue phonetically, on a per-syllable basis. I can't do that with my computer, still enjoy what I'm accomplishing, and maintain my offline responsibilities at the same time. Have you seen the smug attitudes on even the Ubuntu forums, let alone those on Arch? Microsoft evolved away from command line command interfaces twenty years ago. I still can't seem to disable duplicated HDMI audio devices, I do NOT have an innate understanding of Terminal or bash commands, and it took me four days of pulling my hair out to finally discover that this "sudo apt-get" nonsense was actually case-sensitive for all terms and operands. The fact that my NumLock key won't cooperate, and cut/paste don't work the same as I have learned to expect, only add fuel to my ire.

tl;dr Thank you. I've tried what I'm willing to try in Linux. One might as well suggest to me, "Have you tried buying a MacBook? The Mac x64 version of KSP works pretty decent, too." I haven't tried that, and I'm sure there are Linux things I haven't tried. (If someone were willing to actively work with me -- I like the idea of learning Linux more thoroughly and becoming more of a power user -- please PM me. I'll me happy to invest some more time.) My question here is in parallel to all of that: while I lick my wounds and try to make up for twenty five years of Linux-ignorance in doses of a few hours per week, what's the state of Win64? We all know that by the time I get stable and usable in Linux, Win64 will be here, and I'll have to migrate back. :-\

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In case you didn't know, Mac doesn't actually have a x64 build. Mac only has a x32 build. Just FYI. @Padishar made a good point that U5 is still in beta, so it's unlikely that Squad will even use it. And as @sarbian pointed out, even if Squad did change to U5, its likely that most of the scripting will have to be changed to accommodate the new structure of U5. And also that new wheel system. I would say that at this point in time, it is unlikely that the x64 build will be COMPLETELY stable at version 0.90, but I would think that some bugs would be fixed at least making the x64 build playable/less unstable than it currently is. Also, check out my PM - I'm not sending it now, but I will send one xD I just don't have time atm. :P



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