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Does size actually matters?


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All that needs to be done now is to send a giant structural panel to Gilly, and look at the size difference.

With any luck, it should be big enough to eclipse Gilly from the sun.


(note, making a part that big may crash the game. I am not responsible for saves lost, Kraken angered, or "Oh the kermanity" events occuring.)

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How well did the parachute work on reentry? :confused:

Would it really need them?

Whoa, a ship that big must have tons of parts! How was your frame rate? :D

Well. I know in one of the updates we can make thinks out of just one part. Look up Scott Manly and Enterprise as that ship was to scale and counted only as 1 part. And it looks like he had a decent frame rate too. And it went silly fast.

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