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[1.12.x] Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)


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RoverDude, first I want to thank you for the extraordinary work you've done to make this game more fun for me - I have installed and use pretty much all of your mods, and they are pretty sweet.

Unfortunately I too have experienced a bug involving WarpDrive. It appears to have something to do with a SOI change.

If I switch SOIs either by loading a ship in the space center or moving through it on another ship, then the bug occurs.

Everything seems normal until I try to timewarp.

Once I've started timewarp, the ship seems to freeze in space - nothing changes whether it be velocity or position.

I tried to uninstall Warp Drive to fix this, but the game crashed every time I switched to my ship travelling

from Kerbin to Mun with a SOI change in the future. Reinstalling it fixed this, but the bug still exists.

Another case that just occurred - I was launching a ship, approaching my apoapsis, around 85k I started to timewarp, and the ship froze - but now the apoapsis continues to increase whilst the ship's velocity stays the same (as does its position)

Thanks again, looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future through 0.90 and beyond.

Hello RoverDude,

The same here. I just now installing and restarting game with each and every mod I like.

Because of two bugs: the first and more annoying one was this freeze. (I just researched the drive so I hadn't got the chance to actually try it out.)

No Logs indicating strange things though. (and YES, I downloaded this mod almost a week ago, and using KSP AVC.)

In that great search and destroy process I figured out the other slightly less annoying bug:

The other is maybe related to MKS vs Remotetech. with some parts: like the stock airplane wheel, the shielded dockingport or an antenna if I click an option their menu freeses not changing to the oposite.

I get this error first related to the orbital constructor dock of MKS. Particularly it's light not wanted to turn of even if re-rightcliked the part and chosed turn of from the menu.

This error came up only when USI and Remotetech is presented in the same install of mine. But as soon as I install MKS (after everything else)

Hope these can help you somehow.

Oh by the way I am not including a "mechjeb part" as I have the MJ and engineer for all mod (just MM config to add it to anything with "module controll")

Althoug I still like all your mods, they are stylish. So I don't want to left them.

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I was.

Ritght now as I am found that others have those Freeze thing suspected by this mod. I am not installed it.

Today I will testing the sh*t out of my game. If freezing (without this mod :( ) You will be the first I will shot a message.

If that helps: My freeze was with a "tug" each and every time after I landed + docked Only MKS parts (that neat base with legs, center hub, greenhouses and the agriculture modul) and basic stock parts like: (senior dockings and that 2.5 drone core) nothin more. (I had this mod but wasn't any Alcumbiere Drives involved in any of the ongoing flights)

But still. Each and every time after I docked a modul at minmus and wanted to create an orbit to return home my "tug" it freezed just at the moment I wanted to wrap time for Apoapse (even with manual time changing (not using MJ or Alarmclock))

Hit the . key and the ship frozen. none of the indicators showed something just tha apoapse meter.

Switching back and forth to the space center / tracking station / back to the given ship sometimes let my ship fly a little more (up until the next wrap request)

After yesterday I got rid all of my mods and one by one installed agian, each and every time waiting for literally hours to load up, I stoped the mod install before this mod (it was the last of em)

And only the light bug I found. This freeze wasn't an issue yet with this reinstalled version.

Logs didn't show anything beside the usual things.

Other mod I use maybe you know some kind of incompatibility issues and therefore suspected base of the freezing bug:

Tweakscale, far, MJ, alarmclock, final frontier, extraplanetary launchpad, achievements, remotetech (this one could be buggy too), Tac -fuelBalancer -Lifesupport, All of the USI mods (except ART which wasn't working for me as you know) And I don't included modular storage as well,

B9's HX class, bundled firesplitter dll, module manager, bundled rcsfx, chatterer, KAS, Internal Robotics (this is the reason I installed TweakScale),

active texture manager, scansat, realchute, hotrockets, throtle contorlled avionics, K Flight indicators, joint reinforcements, procedural wings and fairings,

Docking port alignment (navyfish), Distant object enhancer, ambient light adjutsment, stock station part extension.

Waypoint manager.

I have installed LLL but that is the usual last mod of mine. So usually I installing it after everything else is working.

These mods runned so far with each other on another installation I just tried TAC lifesupport and remote tech since a week So I suspect there should be the incompatibility issue if we have one.

OH... I using -force-opengl -popupwindow (And usually along 2.6 -3 gig of ram usage after a half an hour KSP-ing)

So that is all the information I can give you right now, but ask specificly and I am willing to help in any way.

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How about another data point? I'm rocking my experimental version of the very latest other contributions and am doing time-warps with the warp drive a lot with no issues... I just ran a whole mission with it actually, landers and all using a 275 part ship.

In your output_log file are there any errors that start with [WARP] or any NullReferenceException? Are you time warping with your warp bubble deployed (aka drive activated)?

I'm using from your list: FAR, Alarm Clock, EPL, all of the USI mods (all fully up to date), MM, Firespitter, RCSFX, ScanSat, RealChute, KJR, Procedural Fairings, Docking Port Alignment, Waypoint Manager. So conflicts aren't likely with those.

Also using -force-openGL -popupwindow. As another reference point I'm at about 1.8 GB mem use. The actual limit to KSP is closer to 3.5gb and you only have about a half gig of overhead. I've been finding in .90 I need to keep my mod load under about 2.2GB, and better 2GB at load. It could be that you're running into memory limit. KSP doesn't always crash to desktop when it hits memory limit. Uninstalling the WarpDrive might be giving you just enough overhead that the game is more stable.

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Thank you for the infos.

That is an option too. The memory issue. If it happens today I surely look into that one as well.

I am planning to get rid of the lifesupport and remotetech anyway. (the first one has issues with timewarp too, not bugs, just don't count for generators on highly accelerated time (for other pnalet missions) and allways breaks my timewrap because system running out of electricity (altough I generate more EC than all that systems and kerbals on ship needs) But that is not an issue in this thread) and the LLL those part looks plain so I end up not using them. Although I'd like a retro scifi style boxed parts.

And I do wanna try out this drive eagerly :D

As I wrote Never used it yet. Just researched recently.

And no there aren't warp, nor nullreferences in my log looked throught the alt+f12 debug window.

My game only crashed once so I don't have many logs on file.

So long stories short: As I understand you suggest that this freezing is more likely a memory issue?

I'll sure look into that till squad make a stable 64 bit windows client. (I don't like the idea to install a linux just beacuse of one game).

Thank you anyway.

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I think memory issue is likely. Or as Tarheel1999 said, tweakscale. It's a wonderful idea and I used it a lot pre .90 but I wouldn't call it stable just yet though the new caretaker is working on it and I'm confident it'll get sorted.

You do have an output_log that will show you everything that was logged during the last play session in KSP_Data. Alt+F12 doesn't show it all.

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In that way I am sure have to get rid of the robotics mode as well. :( :(

I am now cleared up things (also killed all of my craft/satelites) uninstalled Tac-LS and Remotetech, LLL (THIS was Intended. I made a copy of my saves directory. So no worry :D)

The only thing left is the MKS agriculture module which wasn't connected yet to my minmus base :D And wich has no use from now on other than looks cool inflated :D

Oh and two flags :D So With full tech I can start over :D :D

My mem is 1.9G now. Looks stable so far.

Also updated MKS as AVC shouted at me to download it.


I just uninstaled that 3 mod. And the issues with the MKS shipyard module's light in VAB hase been gone now. Or it was the upgrade from something.26 to something.28?

Also antennas working fine without the menu glitch.

And no it wasn't a memory issue as I DID looked at it before removing those mods it was 3.2 after a hour gaming (without freeze).

Should I report the menuglitch to remotetech's author? (I mean it is just a suspicion because of the anternas writes different stuff and right now works perfect (the menu's not glitching)

Now I am going to install this drive, and testing the sh!t out of it finally :D

Edited by Ricardo79
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Hell, anything over 2.6gb is risky area in my experience.

Okay okay. Maybe :D

Serriously with this many "must have" mods We still need a stable 64 bit client :D

Or just pushing SQUAD very hard commonly to integrate all of the USI stuff into the core game. (Sorry Bob It would rob you from the enjoyment of the development) :D :D :D

But any time you cam out with an idea it soon become a must have one. Congratulation.

Ok right now I have no issues with freezing (I do have installed warp drive again) Testing it though more.

But I don't want to poison this thread with a feature request for other USI stuff.

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Okay okay. Maybe :D

Serriously with this many "must have" mods We still need a stable 64 bit client :D

Or just pushing SQUAD very hard commonly to integrate all of the USI stuff into the core game. (Sorry Bob It would rob you from the enjoyment of the development) :D :D :D

But any time you cam out with an idea it soon become a must have one. Congratulation.

Ok right now I have no issues with freezing (I do have installed warp drive again) Testing it though more.

But I don't want to poison this thread with a feature request for other USI stuff.

I think everyone can agree the game needs a stable Win 64bit client. Rolling all of these mods into stock wouldn't help however. it would just make the stock game more bloated and actually be worse if there were people who wanted to play modded KSP but actually didn't want to use the USI stuff. (I know crazy people but still).

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Done. Kinda made a mess as I copy and pasted the whole file out of Xamarin to make sure I didn't miss anything, I did have all of the previous changes imported.

Still getting an error on drive activation with destroy nearby vessels.

I ran an actual mission with this build with no other problems so should be good to go.

Make sure you give a shout out to Serino in the credits. His help was absolutely invaluable.

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I am so out of touch on what has been going on with the entire constellation. Did I miss anything crucial? I ask cause my internet is currently slow from the ice that we keep getting where I live. Yes or no is really all I am asking for since if yes then I will slowly go through the thread.

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I am so out of touch on what has been going on with the entire constellation. Did I miss anything crucial? I ask cause my internet is currently slow from the ice that we keep getting where I live. Yes or no is really all I am asking for since if yes then I will slowly go through the thread.

LOL yes probably. Why not just read each release notes. Shouldnt take long and should give you enough of an idea.

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Changes on Alcubierre you already had as I was implementing those in the experimental version as they came out.

There have been changes to Regolith and MKS/OKS. Not a ton on anything else. RoverDude supports KSP-AVC so if you install that it will tell you where you're at as far as updates go.

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Yea I have KSP-AVC already on my main install but the test install I was using for the AD doesn't have it and my main one needs a bit of work to get working again cause I have a corrupted file somewhere. That's the main reason I asked. Gotta take a look at MKS now to see if my mobile orbital colony needs to be reworked.

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How so? The restriction ends up being relative to the electrical power, which is a restriction anyway.

It's necessary to return to Kerbin to refuel the Xenon. The way my warpship is set up the Xenon gas is the only limit on my total warp distance. Ec doesn't reduce at all during warp drive, Exotic Matter limits my single trip distance and the power limits how quickly I can warp again, but Xenon limits the distance until I need to either visit a base or Kerbin to get more. LH2 most of us use for our primary fuel anyway so we're packing a lot of it. Though if I were to author a Module Manager module for you guys I'd have it use A LOT of LH2 to stay with RoverDude's wishes so it would greatly limit your overall non-warp Delta-V.

Since the 15c and krakensbane translation changes it might actually be necessary to increase the consumption of exotic matter and xenon, because our fuel efficiency went way way up.

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That's pretty much it - Xenon Gas is a distance limiter. Recharging is free, fuel is not. And to make it meaningful you'd end up nerfing your non-warp engines.

I am thinked it alot. I mean xeon is so underestimated in your mods. I know if teher is an atmosphere presents you can use those nice scoops from Karbonite I suspect. But without atmosphere you have no way to get xenon (only using USI mods).

Two way I can think about around this "problem":

1. make the distillers not just creat monoprop but xenon too as a byproduct from karbonite.

2. make the aclumbiere drive using monoprop instead of xenon as the fuel for the those "correction drives".

I'd prefer the first one (as you see if downloaded the zip I sent you in the dev-thread, I using my own IonDrives. They are sooo much overpowered for the sake of that demo. the real ones have the original ISP inside athmosphere. So I neeeeed a lots of xenon anyway :D )

I don't know what about the new "byproduct" from PDU's in MKS. Am I dreamed or read it in the changelog, but they do generate xenon. Let's try that one.

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I am thinked it alot. I mean xeon is so underestimated in your mods. I know if teher is an atmosphere presents you can use those nice scoops from Karbonite I suspect. But without atmosphere you have no way to get xenon (only using USI mods).

Two way I can think about around this "problem":

1. make the distillers not just creat monoprop but xenon too as a byproduct from karbonite.

2. make the aclumbiere drive using monoprop instead of xenon as the fuel for the those "correction drives".

I'd prefer the first one (as you see if downloaded the zip I sent you in the dev-thread, I using my own IonDrives. They are sooo much overpowered for the sake of that demo. the real ones have the original ISP inside athmosphere. So I neeeeed a lots of xenon anyway :D )

I don't know what about the new "byproduct" from PDU's in MKS. Am I dreamed or read it in the changelog, but they do generate xenon. Let's try that one.

Being able to harvest Xenon elsewhere gets rid of its purpose, to limit the amount of distance you can travel before having to return to Kerbin.

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