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[1.12.x] Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone)


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44 minutes ago, colfighter said:

When I installed it (copying the folder that is inside the gamedata folder to my gamedata folder), I couldn't find the deflector shield. I searched 'umbra' in the search bar but only the warp drives showed up

Because the 2 drives are the only parts in this mod?

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3 minutes ago, colfighter said:

It said there was a shield bubble of some sort.

I saw SWDennis use one too.

You never said anything about a "bubble" that I can find.  If you are talking about the bubble around the ship when you use the engine, that is part of the engine's use, not a separate part.

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On ‎10‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 8:27 PM, goldenpsp said:

You never said anything about a "bubble" that I can find.  If you are talking about the bubble around the ship when you use the engine, that is part of the engine's use, not a separate part.



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Also - if you want to grab the entire USI Constellation in a single zip... head over here:  https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI_Constellation/releases/

0.5.0 - (KSP 1.2)
Fixed an issue where the warp drive was auto-activating after game load
Increased max speed by a factor of four for all engines

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I don't suppose there's a way to keep momentum when timewarping/switching away from the ship? I'm currently deploying hyperspace satellites in some of the closer systems in galactic neighborhood, and even at max warp it takes about 2 hours to get to the closer ones

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Hey, I'm really interested in this mod because I have mods that add more planets and other star systems, but every time I try to use it, I get this failsafe warning as the engine's status. Do you think you could elaborate on what triggers this failsafe and how to create conditions in order for the engine to work properly? Thanks!

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Welcome to the Forums @liamcullins i think you could find the answer on this thread.

The failsafe distance is necessary for preventing crashes into planets during warp travel. Planets get bigger very fast when travelling even on a fraction of lightspeed.
You will need a conventional engine that moves your Apoapsis out of the failsafe distance. This distance varies for everey cel. body i think kerbin has 500km or 900km. You can use Hyperedit or stock (KSP1.2) Alt-F12 orbit cheat to try the drive.

The problem i see with the failsafe distance is when you come in to a cel. body from warp and navigate into a collision trajectory when failsafe is deployed there is no chance to fix this error. But one can learn how to avoid these situations.
Navigating between planets with this drive is pretty tricky don't know how other star systems will work out... You might need to understand how changing your position in space will affect your future trajectory to use this drive effective.

I only mastered the "velocity conservation" mode - in the other i didn't understand the rules it follows (also because it slowed down the fps, maybe the 1.2 performance is better)

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@colfighter you are talking about this post? See bolded text...

On 22.11.2014 at 9:54 PM, Space Scumbag said:

So after some time with the mod, I came up with a new idea. I modfied it a bit and got this: Deflector Shield. A video will follow soon.

Maybe you can make it into another mod. A deflector shield generator would be cool, just to have the bubble and defend whatever is inside it. And maybe you could change it, so we can have multiple crafts or Kerbals inside the bubble?



Edited by KroShan
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1 hour ago, KroShan said:


I only mastered the "velocity conservation" mode - in the other i didn't understand the rules it follows (also because it slowed down the fps, maybe the 1.2 performance is better)


The other mode uses many many more calculations and is responsible for the FPS hit, however you get no free orbital energy. In most cases it seems to work backwards of the velocity conservation mode. If you go out to Jool from Kerbin for example you have far too little angular momentum, rather than with velocity conservation where you have too much. Think of it that you still do the transfer you would normally, except you pay in delta-V all at the end and you get there in 20 seconds rather than months or years (provided you don't do successive jumps to use gravity to match orbits).

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Ok - i have to try it. But i think successive jumps are the way to use a jump drive. Thats why i take this thing to orbit in the first place, so that i don't need the dV that i normaly would...

With velocity concervation i managed to do a pretty low PE Orbit around Duna/Dres/Laythe... on purpose by matching velocity vector in a pretty low sun/Jool Orbit. The funny thing is that this takes at least the same time in real life as fiddeling with maneuver nodes to get the perfect transfer burn...

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6 minutes ago, Mekan1k said:

Anyone remember the folding version of these drives? I was trying to find it, and I have no idea where to start. I know it used to exist, but where is it now?

Nope, can't say I remember any drives other than the ones that are present now.


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@RoverDude thx again for this great toy.

I just found out that the model of the bubble causes a lot of drag even when the small drive is stowed away.
I tried to build a small SSTO with warp capability. Same craft with a dummy weight in the payload compartment is totally able to reach an 900km AP orbit. With the warp drive inside it doesn't even make it to Orbit due to the drag.
Is there any possibility that i can reduce the drag in the part .cfg? i tried to fiddle with

maximum_drag = 0.25
minimum_drag = 0.1
angularDrag = 2

but i didn't see much of a difference.

The more cheaty and unsafe approach is that i set the failsafe distance lower.

MinAltitude = 0.08

As i understand it 1=diameter of cel. body. Standard is 1.5 (Kerbin 600km x 1.5=900km) 0.08 would be 48km

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