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WIP - Environmental Visual Enhancements Development


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Are there any custom pack like Astronomer's that is updated to work with eve overhaul? I've found that there is "RSS Visual Enhancements (RVE)" and it looks good though I never tried RSS. Are there any other?

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Nope. This is still a work in progress so no custom packs are available yet.

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Their are a few bug in the Terrain Manager I like to see if I can tackle. One of them is that lack of the highTexture. It looks pretty straight forward to add but I have a question which the answer will help me work out the proper solution. For the terrain shader you have:

half vertLerp = saturate((32*(saturate(dot(IN.objnormal, -IN.sphereCoords))-.95))+.5);

which is used for the blending of the vertical textures and the main textures. Where does the .95 and .5 come from?

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any progress on getting rid of the giant-red-sun-glow problem? Seems to have been an issue since day one of WIP EVE I think.

Wrong. That glow is there just since a few versions and is not a bug: is the new atmo/sunset system (unfinished yet).

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Wrong. That glow is there just since a few versions and is not a bug: is the new atmo/sunset system (unfinished yet).

Ok. So firstly, "problem" =/= "bug", please quote correctly. They mean different things. If English is not your first language I apologise since your error is expected.

"bug" = unintended features of software that are usually hinderances.

"problem" = features of software that are hinderances, they can be intended, I.e. temporary/placeholder feature

also...I said "seems", in other words, not necessarily 120% fact down to the exact date. I saw EVE-WIP from early public days and it did have the red glow. So not sure where you're coming from there.

The fact is the red glow is a problem, and I was asking for progress on it.

Thanks for getting back regardless. :)

Edited by samhuk
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Using the latest dev version I've been trying to apply a detail terrain texture in scaled space, but no matter what I do I can't get it to work. Am I just stupid, or does this still need to be implemented?

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Ok. So firstly, "problem" =/= "bug", please quote correctly. They mean different things. If English is not your first language I apologise since your error is expected.

"bug" = unintended features of software that are usually hinderances.

"problem" = features of software that are hinderances, they can be intended, I.e. temporary/placeholder feature

also...I said "seems", in other words, not necessarily 120% fact down to the exact date. I saw EVE-WIP from early public days and it did have the red glow. So not sure where you're coming from there.

The fact is the red glow is a problem, and I was asking for progress on it.

Thanks for getting back regardless. k_smiley.gif

I follow this development since the beginning, that massive red tone in the atmo exist since just some versions ago (I'm speaking about versions here, not about time). As far I know (I'm not the developer and I have not his knowledge) this is a derivative problem from the new atmo system (unfinished).

English is not my main language, but that is not an excuse, I should learn to express my thoughts properly (maybe even learn to be quiet if I can't/don't-know answer properly). So please, excuse any misunderstood. I really appreciate your tip on grammar, many thank you.

Using the latest dev version I've been trying to apply a detail terrain texture in scaled space, but no matter what I do I can't get it to work. Am I just stupid, or does this still need to be implemented?

The trick is in the detail distance. ;)

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English is not my main language, but that is not an excuse, I should learn to express my thoughts properly (maybe even learn to be quiet if I can't/don't-know answer properly). So please, excuse any misunderstood. I really appreciate your tip on grammar, many thank you.

Why thank you Proot. Say, if you liked my grammar tip so much maybe we could IRC some time? I would love that. I could teach you how to be helpful and sociable on forums! I'll even throw in the odd sarcasm lesson.

Sorry rbray for the forum clutter, but this guy is just on another level...

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Why thank you Proot. Say, if you liked my grammar tip so much maybe we could IRC some time? I would love that. I could teach you how to be helpful and sociable on forums! I'll even throw in the odd sarcasm lesson.

Sorry rbray for the forum clutter, but this guy is just on another level...

Whoa... Hold on here. No need to be snarky. Proot was genuinely interested in helping out and trying to manage the "defect talk" that tends to plague WIP threads. Proot apologized for coming off a bit strong, no need to take it so personally.

As an aside: The atmospheric sun glow has been around only for about a month now. Much shorter than the ongoing dev time.

Thanks guys for being patient. I know it seems like it is taking a decade to complete, but I swear it will be worth it. After cleaning up a few of the shaders, I'm tackling the ocean now.

If you tried the most recent version, you may have noticed that the volume particles merge seamlessly into the 2D layer... This is something I've wanted to get done for a long time now. They also use the detail image as well, so the clouds should look better than ever.

After I fix some of the work with oceans, it is back to the cloud shadows, and more shader improvements!

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Oh, you can't see how he was being facetiously "me no understood"?.

Ah never mind, forget it, I like this project and the peeps who help develop it, I don't want to mess things up over something as silly as this.

Continue at shader-factor 10 scotty!

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Using the latest dev version I've been trying to apply a detail terrain texture in scaled space, but no matter what I do I can't get it to work. Am I just stupid, or does this still need to be implemented?

Are you setting the _DetailTex for the PlanetMaterial. Currently I'm able to set the detail terrain texture for scaled space.

- - - Updated - - -

Rbray89 has _DistFade and _DistFadeVert have been moved to the settings section for cloud.cfg with the latest checkins?.

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Rbray89 has _DistFade and _DistFadeVert have been moved to the settings section for cloud.cfg with the latest checkins?.

Yes, they should be anyways... Is the GUI not working? Or do you just prefer manually editing configs?

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Yes, they should be anyways... Is the GUI not working? Or do you just prefer manually editing configs?

Would be nice though if the configs had comments, like a random example....

_DistFade = 420 //this changes the rate at which textures fade with distance

Well that's for C languages. Dunno what the comments are for the language you're using :P

EDIT: There are pros and cons I suppose. You could then get an increase in people asking for help with modding the config, which will increase workload way more, which I don't think you would want :/.

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Would be nice though if the configs had comments, like a random example....

_DistFade = 420 //this changes the rate at which textures fade with distance

Well that's for C languages. Dunno what the comments are for the language you're using :P

EDIT: There are pros and cons I suppose. You could then get an increase in people asking for help with modding the config, which will increase workload way more, which I don't think you would want :/.

I'll likely end up documenting the GUI... Tooltips or a help mode. The config method squad uses isn't comment friendly.

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Just posted an update... I think these are the best, most configurable clouds we've ever seen in KSP.

- - - Updated - - -

This also means I'll stop toying around with the clouds for now, and shift gears towards the ocean.

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Just posted an update... I think these are the best, most configurable clouds we've ever seen in KSP.

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This also means I'll stop toying around with the clouds for now, and shift gears towards the ocean.

Congrats! I wish to give you more reputation, but I can't yet. Meanwhile: kudos Ryan, you have all my admiration, respect and support.


May I ask...?: why you have the main cloud layers in DDS? Is possible to use DDS here, now? I've tried my own without success, I'm missing something?

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Rbray... This... this is a new level. The clouds work smooth, without tiling effect, perfectly blended, much more consistent... The new features are awesome: the rotation, area, translation and sizes... (Much) more new effects are possible now!

I've found just three small issues: 1) color & alpha-channel seems to not work for the particles; 2) Set any cloud shadow as "false" still seem to smash everything; 3) the cloud shadows are yet flickering and misplacing in movement at the map view/tracking station (I seen this behaviour just in the two last versions, never before; I thought it could be caused by scatterer but it still happens without scatterer).

Seriously, congrats. This will be revolutionary for KSP.

PD: Terrains works differently now? Some textures looks much more dark and I can't set the specular colors or the shininess.

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Rbray... This... this is a new level. The clouds work smooth, without tiling effect, perfectly blended, much more consistent... The new features are awesome: the rotation, area, translation and sizes... (Much) more new effects are possible now!

I've found just three small issues: 1) color & alpha-channel seems to not work for the particles; 2) Set any cloud shadow as "false" still seem to smash everything; 3) the cloud shadows are yet flickering and misplacing in movement at the map view/tracking station (I seen this behaviour just in the two last versions, never before; I thought it could be caused by scatterer but it still happens without scatterer).

Seriously, congrats. This will be revolutionary for KSP.

PD: Terrains works differently now? Some textures looks much more dark and I can't set the specular colors or the shininess.

1) What exactly isn't working with the particle color? The source looks good... Do you mean the textures?

2) I'll have to check that one...

3) Yeah, the scaled space shadows will be off until I replace the mechanism I'm using there.

4) Only sort of. The default textures are now the ones KSP uses.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, also there is a new version up that fixes some issues with the oceans.

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1) What exactly isn't working with the particle color? The source looks good... Do you mean the textures?

2) I'll have to check that one...

3) Yeah, the scaled space shadows will be off until I replace the mechanism I'm using there.

4) Only sort of. The default textures are now the ones KSP uses.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, also there is a new version up that fixes some issues with the oceans.

1) Changes in the "color" (color and alpha) setting for the particles seems to do nothing atm. I mean: 1,1,1,1 drop the same result than 2,6,1,5 (random example). Color and transparency are always the same.

2) Perfect, thanks!

3) Oh, ok!. (I hope to not be annoying asking for this but... would be possible to get an alpha setting for the shadows? or cast the shadows from the detail texture, if it's present, in that new mechanism?) Just if you can/want to do it, of course.

4) Since time ago I'm using my own textures (like the last sea texture I sent you), but some of them look different since the PQS changes (not worse or better, just darker in the case of the "vertical" -elevation- ones). That, IMHO, is not important at all (I just need to do new textures), I miss much more the specular and shiny options for the planet. Gives an impressive look to the planets.

- - - Updated - - -

The cloud shadow disable bug is fixed :)

Wow, before to publish my last post! Man, sometimes you are like flash! :D

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Just testing out the latest release and ran into some things. Dunno if these are suppose to be like it but thought I'd post them just in case.

First thing is the glow that is put around Kerbin seems to not color correctly I guess. If what I'm guessing is correct, you made it so the corona (is this the corona???) either glows blue when not receiving light from the sun and then reddish when it is. But this is making it so when you're looking directly away from the sun onto Kerbin it shows red. Again, I'm not sure if this is suppose to happen or not but it's what I saw. Here is that image.

Second thing, does this disable the SM3 Terrain Shaders? When I installed this, the ground around KSC looks like this which seems to me what happens when that setting is disabled. Just a curious observation more than an issue.

And finally, I got this looking directly at the sun during flight. Feature or bug, I do not know :P

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Just testing out the latest release and ran into some things. Dunno if these are suppose to be like it but thought I'd post them just in case.

First thing is the glow that is put around Kerbin seems to not color correctly I guess. If what I'm guessing is correct, you made it so the corona (is this the corona???) either glows blue when not receiving light from the sun and then reddish when it is. But this is making it so when you're looking directly away from the sun onto Kerbin it shows red. Again, I'm not sure if this is suppose to happen or not but it's what I saw. Here is that image.

Second thing, does this disable the SM3 Terrain Shaders? When I installed this, the ground around KSC looks like this which seems to me what happens when that setting is disabled. Just a curious observation more than an issue.

And finally, I got this looking directly at the sun during flight. Feature or bug, I do not know :P

Basically all the colours of the sun and related to it are not finished yet. That includes looking at the sun through a planet and the red glow around the planet edge, and the huge red glow around the sun when looking straight at it through the atmosphere.

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