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WIP - Environmental Visual Enhancements Development


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rbray89 could you look up one issue? I dont know if anyone repported it before.

One of the EVEs plugins makes ground texture on every planet shaky. It is small high frequency shakes, but defenetly a problemm if you building moon base or any ground structures. I'm 100% positive it is something in EVE. I'v done many tests with and without plugins. Deleted terrai.dll havent helped. Il continue testing

Edit1: I removed All shaders from the mod,

and removed Allmost all plugin.dll's.

The dll's that still in place are Utils.dll and ShaderReplacer.dll - Ground still shaking, thou I removed all shaders.

Removing ShaderReplacer.dll makes ground stable again.

Edit2: Yea. ShaderReplacer.dll is the culprit. I guess it embeds few shaders inside if I learned correctly(like 14 or something?). Something in there is broken

Edited by Reveral
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Hey rbray, how about some shots of the WIP as it exists lately? I'd love to see the best!
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EVE WIP plus scatterer

Does not represent the finished project. But possibilities with clouds sandstorms and changing textures WIP

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Hi all,

New to the forum here, but felt I had to post as I've been using rbray's new EVE WIP and it wouldn't be right not to share some of these screenshots. Speaking of which, honestly, rbray, this (EVE) is some seriously impressive work. I've obviously encountered bugs but it in general it runs really well and looks really good. Though, I do wonder why the clouds are so dark in some images, as the color is set to 255 across the board, and the texture is fairly white. Shadows from atmosphere layers or something? or maybe storm clouds?

Anyways, here you go. I started a new career for this and started to use FAR, so excuse the weak rocket!

Mods active visually are: EVE WIP, Scatterer, PlanetShine, DistantObject, Collision FX, HotRockets/Smokescreen, and Reshade/SweetFX on top (to add vibrancy, SMAA, sharpening)



Edited by chrisv
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I grab new version what you release today & i get a weird result

A. if i use a fully update version, last your release, all working like in previous feedback what i give you, white planet when game start & rest of shenanigan ...

B. if i use config file what came with new release from BoulderCo BUT i replace terrain.cfg with file what was came on older release what you done on Jul 17, 2015 > when game start noo more white planet & all seems to be fine only in one place it need to be use manually apply to fix clouds!!!!

How i discover this: when i grab your new release i update only EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements ... keeping old BoulderCo from 17.07.2015 what was end having a partial working result, better one, what was make me to say ok let add new config file to for see if all it will be ok & surprise was worst aka first thing game start > white planet > open eve manager hit apply terrain manager happy planet aka hmm bad result

Because first combo new EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements + older BoulderCo from 17.07.2015 was work better & know or have idea how it work thing inside i keep terrain.cfg, old one, & i use new clouds.cfg + new cityLights.cfg, last one is irelevant coz nothing special inside

soo actual new release combine with old terrain.cfg file from your previous release it work better i know is WEIRD & i am confuse but the point is all actual problem is from bad config file, value, word something ... i will add in spoiler config to see your self







_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Terrain/Textures/grass

_DetailVertTex = BoulderCo/Terrain/Textures/rock

_DetailScale = 4000

_DetailVertScale = 200

_DetailDist = .00001

_OceanColor = 0,0,0,1

_OceanDepthFactor = .0015

_Color = 1,1,1,1

_MinLight = 0.5

_Albedo = 0.02




_SurfaceColor = 0,0.38823,1,.5

_UnderColor = 0,.1992,.5976,1

_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Terrain/Textures/ocean

_DetailScale = 1000

_DetailDist = .000001

_Clarity = .002

_SpecColor = 1,1,1,1

_Shininess = 10

_MinLight = 0.5

_LightPower = 1.75

_Reflectivity = 0.08







_Color = 1,1,1,1

_DetailTex =

_DetailVertTex =

_DetailScale = 4000

_DetailVertScale = 200

_DetailDist = 0.00875

_MinLight = 0.5

_Albedo = 0.02

_OceanColor = 0,0,1,1

_OceanDepthFactor = 0.002




_Color = 1,1,1,1

_SpecColor = 1,1,1,1

_Shininess = 1000

_DetailTex =

_DetailVertTex =

_DetailScale = 4000

_DetailVertScale = 200

_DetailDist = 0.00875

_MinLight = 0.5

_Albedo = 0.5




at this point i am in a infinite loop error don't know what to undestend O.o

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Is it just me, or does the Mun look awful?

I mean it looks great in 'system' view, but when you have a ship orbiting, it looks plain awful even though I'm using a higher res texture.

It looks much better when I remove EVE.

It's as if it's stuck in low detail mode, when you first leave system view and go to system view, when you see the textures gradually go higher and higher detail.

They basically don't do that, staying on a super low detail. I haven't got to try other planets. Kerbin is fine.

Edited by CreepyD
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Is it just me, or does the Mun look awful?

I mean it looks great in 'system' view, but when you have a ship orbiting, it looks plain awful even though I'm using a higher res texture.

It looks much better when I remove EVE.

I start up KSP for you. to check the setting. OMG I'm so lazyyyy...

Edit nr 1532:

_DetailDist Set it to 0

in terrain. On every planet you have terrain setting On. Take it off Kerbin too, including ocean

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Hello Rbray! Thanks for the wonderful work on EVE and EVE overhaul! I would like to ask if you are planning to add eclipse shadows. This feature IMO is really needed for KSP to be realistic and so far, I haven't found it anywhere.

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rbray89 could you look up one issue? I dont know if anyone repported it before.

One of the EVEs plugins makes ground texture on every planet shaky. It is small high frequency shakes, but defenetly a problemm if you building moon base or any ground structures. I'm 100% positive it is something in EVE. I'v done many tests with and without plugins. Deleted terrai.dll havent helped. Il continue testing

Edit1: I removed All shaders from the mod,

and removed Allmost all plugin.dll's.

The dll's that still in place are Utils.dll and ShaderReplacer.dll - Ground still shaking, thou I removed all shaders.

Removing ShaderReplacer.dll makes ground stable again.

Edit2: Yea. ShaderReplacer.dll is the culprit. I guess it embeds few shaders inside if I learned correctly(like 14 or something?). Something in there is broken

I have the exact same issue. It's making me seasick when i'm looking at my bases for too long ;-)

I've also tried it out with various Kerbin rescales (x2, x3.7, x6.4 and my own x2.5) and all had the same issue.

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After test multiple time eve i can say this:

1. you use RGBA colors system = Red, Green, Blue & Alpha

2. on Terrain Manager

- terrainMaterial > _OceanColor

- oceanMaterial > _SurfaceColor

Any value are add on Alpha it seems it not working at all, 0-255 noo effect!!! but if it use 0.5, 1.xxx, x.xxx value it trigger a exception "[Exception]: FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format" (Error Spoiler A) & it remove single color planet, same thing it happen if it add bigger value like 256, 300 (max been 255) it trigger other exception "[Exception]: OverflowException: Value too large." (Error Spoiler B) & same result noo more single color planet aka all is fine: cloud are there, continent are there, ocean is there

Soo if any it encounter black, white, blue or what ever single color planet from high orbit: problem came from fact Alpha not working properly at list from what i see & what get from testing, personal i remove completely at some point terrain.cfg file & some problem was fix

i remove & manually add value on eve manager (terrainManager) to have everything 100% correct aka when it press add in Eve manager it will add default value, from were it get not know ...

System.UInt32.Parse (System.String s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider)

System.Byte.Parse (System.String s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider)

System.Byte.Parse (System.String s)

ConfigNode.ParseColor32 (System.String vectorString)

ConfigNode.ReadValue (System.Type fieldType, System.String value)

ConfigNode.ReadObject (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node)

ConfigNode.ReadObjectCreateNew (. field, .ConfigNode node)

ConfigNode.ReadObject (. field, .ConfigNode node)

ConfigNode.ReadObject (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node)

ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node, Int32 pass, Boolean removeAfterUse)

ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node)

Terrain.TerrainObject.LoadConfigNode (.ConfigNode node, System.String body)

EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].ApplyConfigNode (.ConfigNode node, System.String body)

EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].Apply ()

EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].DrawConfigManagement (Rect placementBase, UnityEngine.Rect& placement)

EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].DrawGUI (Rect placementBase, Rect placement)

EVEManager.EVEManagerClass.DrawMainWindow (Int32 windowID)

UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)

System.Byte.Parse (System.String s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider)

System.Byte.Parse (System.String s)

ConfigNode.ParseColor32 (System.String vectorString)

ConfigNode.ReadValue (System.Type fieldType, System.String value)

ConfigNode.ReadObject (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node)

ConfigNode.ReadObjectCreateNew (. field, .ConfigNode node)

ConfigNode.ReadObject (. field, .ConfigNode node)

ConfigNode.ReadObject (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node)

ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node, Int32 pass, Boolean removeAfterUse)

ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, .ConfigNode node)

Terrain.TerrainObject.LoadConfigNode (.ConfigNode node, System.String body)

EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].ApplyConfigNode (.ConfigNode node, System.String body)

EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].Apply ()

EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].DrawConfigManagement (Rect placementBase, UnityEngine.Rect& placement)

EVEManager.GenericEVEManager`1[T].DrawGUI (Rect placementBase, Rect placement)

EVEManager.EVEManagerClass.DrawMainWindow (Int32 windowID)

UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)

cheer & lurking mode activate

--- update ---

problem can be generate by ARGB / RGBA shananingan what can easy rect shader but is only a suposition


--- update ---

Edited by Blacks
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CreepyD said: "Is it just me, or does the Mun look awful?"


I found Mun looked like a plastic toy.

I went looking in terrain.cfg and under Mun/PlanetMaterial found "_Shininess = 1000".

I changed that to "_Shininess = 100" and Mun looks great again!!!

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Can anyone help me to understand why I am getting this and how to fix it? I have seen this in the past and it had something to do with the png file in the city lights textures but I looked in there and all I see are two .tga files. Do I have to convert these to .png? I can't remember what I did to fix it.

In 1.0.2 I am running ATM and I believe that fixes the city lights bug. But I cannot run ATM in 1.0.4. When I try all my flag textures dissapear, I get no clouds at all. Also, as the game loads I do not see ATM compressing anything like it does when it's not borked. Also, all the toolbar and stock icons get borked so I had to pull ATM. It was the latest version non-aggressive 1.0_x86.


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Because EVE adds City Lights would it be possible for you to make the runway lights BLUE at KSC? it would help see where the runway is admid all the other city lights
I'm not an expert, but after tweaking playing with this and other mods settings, shaders and textures, it seems that KSC is like its own module. You know how there is 3 different modules in EVE overhaul for editing planets? Clouds/Atmo, CityLights, And Terrain. My guessing is that for possibility to change anything in KSC would be the forth one. Seems to me that city lights is actually an overlaying planet textures. So I thing changing anything in KSC would require hard work, additional mod, independant of what is already done. Whole runway together with a buildings is like one structure placed on the planet. Structure liek a bubble into its own univerce

But I'm just speculating. Dont take my word for it.

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Can anyone help me to understand why I am getting this and how to fix it? I have seen this in the past and it had something to do with the png file in the city lights textures but I looked in there and all I see are two .tga files. Do I have to convert these to .png? I can't remember what I did to fix it.

In 1.0.2 I am running ATM and I believe that fixes the city lights bug. But I cannot run ATM in 1.0.4. When I try all my flag textures dissapear, I get no clouds at all. Also, as the game loads I do not see ATM compressing anything like it does when it's not borked. Also, all the toolbar and stock icons get borked so I had to pull ATM. It was the latest version non-aggressive 1.0_x86.

try to deactivate citylights

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As a very hypothetic question about the the cloud mapfile.To be clear (I'm at work and don't have access to the exact file name), I mean the file that contains the orbital view of the clouds, and is used to position the volumetric clouds.

If I manage to update this file with a new cloud pattern, will it be updated 'on the fly' in kerbal ? Or do I need to use the 'ctrl-e' trick to reload EVE ? Or do i need to relaunch kerbal ?

The final goal here would be create a small plugin (or whatever, details are still a bit fuzzy) that will update this picture with 'real time' weather.

Is this thing possible with the current EVE build ? (not the plugin part, the cloud map autoloading)

PS : as I said, very hypothetical question. Generating an earth wide cloud map picture is a huge work. I'm not 100% sure i can do it. At least with better results than a simple perlin noise generator.

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Well, if we are to keep current texture-based cloud system then can we have it cubemapped? With 6 separate textures. COnverting them isn't very hard, there are tons of converters available, but it will allow us to have much more consistent detail and finally get good-looking clouds at poles. ALso it would allow moving clouds in different direction than directly east-west, due to reduced number of seams.

Also, for auroras, it will save some memory, as only top/down textures would be needed. Same for Jool clouds and some others,

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As a very hypothetic question about the the cloud mapfile.To be clear (I'm at work and don't have access to the exact file name), I mean the file that contains the orbital view of the clouds, and is used to position the volumetric clouds.

If I manage to update this file with a new cloud pattern, will it be updated 'on the fly' in kerbal ? Or do I need to use the 'ctrl-e' trick to reload EVE ? Or do i need to relaunch kerbal ?

The final goal here would be create a small plugin (or whatever, details are still a bit fuzzy) that will update this picture with 'real time' weather.

Is this thing possible with the current EVE build ? (not the plugin part, the cloud map autoloading)

PS : as I said, very hypothetical question. Generating an earth wide cloud map picture is a huge work. I'm not 100% sure i can do it. At least with better results than a simple perlin noise generator.

You would have to edit the Texture2D instance in-game (you can't just edit the file), but yes if you modified the texture, it would reflect on the cloud particles and 2D layer.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, if we are to keep current texture-based cloud system then can we have it cubemapped? With 6 separate textures. COnverting them isn't very hard, there are tons of converters available, but it will allow us to have much more consistent detail and finally get good-looking clouds at poles. ALso it would allow moving clouds in different direction than directly east-west, due to reduced number of seams.

Also, for auroras, it will save some memory, as only top/down textures would be needed. Same for Jool clouds and some others,

I did this at one point, but people complained about the increased memory usage. Clouds will be able to move in more directions once I make some enhancements to that mechanism shortly.

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What about resolution you've used? Maybe you've just dedicated more megapixels to the testure than it was with plan cylindrical map?

Oh, and I know it is stupid question, but where to get latest version? THey aren't marked or numbered, it creates such a mess

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