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How long have you been playing KSP?

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Since what Version?  

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  1. 1. Since what Version?

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What damn poll is this?

KSP was only made public on v0.7.3, so what is that aswer 0+ doing here? We are now on version 0.14.4, that 2 versions away from 0.16. Where is 0.13, 0.10,..

I\'m playing since 0.12.

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I made it early in, i think like 3 weeks after the game came out. I think 0.7 i started played the game and i loved it right away :D

much later i joined the forums i don\'t know when

You joined the forums on: July 15, 2011

I started playing at 0.12 or 0.11.1...

I know it was in November of 2011...

I ragequit until 0.13.

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Forget which version, I don\'t have it anymore, but I was playing since July 16th 2011. I remember though, the times when the water was solid, and the atmosphere cut short at 40,000 m or something like that. It was awesome orbiting so close.

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ha! i played the game before it was first released back when it was 2D :D

but then, i don\'t think i count for this... i did help invent the general concept, and i do happen to be harvesters twin brother :P

yeah well... carry on then :thumbup:

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I learned about it in 0.11 but when I got around to actually getting it it was ninja\'ed up to 0.12. At first I thought this was one of those awesome game-idea projects that had already died and would be forever stuck at that level. Boy was I wrong hehe :)

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Forget which version, I don\'t have it anymore, but I was playing since July 16th 2011. I remember though, the times when the water was solid, and the atmosphere cut short at 40,000 m or something like that. It was awesome orbiting so close.

I remember when water was solid.

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I\'ve been playing since Mid September so according to Wiki about v0.10. I never made it into orbit(didn\'t have the patience) and I mainly just crashed ICBM\'s into random mountains. I quit after a week or two downloaded 0.12 played like all of a day(couldn\'t get the map up). Then I came back in 0.13 and been half way consistent since

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0.8.0, on July 11th (I registered on the forums immediately after downloading)

Back in the days when the dark side of the planet was full of explosive mines

And when winglets almost always destroyed your craft, no matter how you placed them

And when you had to eyeball radial part placement, as there was no symmetry

I could go on.

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