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Raptor's Craft Download Catalog - Tested & Proven


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  On 11/19/2018 at 3:01 PM, U.S.S Experimental said:

But have you considered to publish Javelin Series and Olympus Series?


Absolutely, that's been on my list of things to do for quite some time...I just haven't gotten around to it due to real-life commitments and other craft files having higher priority.

Also, welcome to the forums. :)

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  On 11/19/2018 at 3:16 PM, Raptor9 said:

Absolutely, that's been on my list of things to do for quite some time...I just haven't gotten around to it due to real-life commitments and other craft files having higher priority.

Also, welcome to the forums. :)


I have used your crafts for nearly a year but never said anything lol. :)

Hope your crafts well become more and more wonderful. :0.0:

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Anybody that is following my activity on KerbalX will unfortunately get spammed by a handful of craft updates next time they log in.  I updated most of the Satellites & Probes craft files to have a more consistent and standardized action group set-up; along with a few other small tweaks sorted out, like RCS settings, autostruting on launchers, etc.

Aside from that, there are four new craft published today.  The first three are organized in a similar fashion as my Duna orbiting satellites, except these are optimized for use in the Eve SOI.  The first, 'Mauve Sky', is modeled after the Venus Express probe by the European Space Agency, which entered Venus orbit in 2006.  The second, 'EveRSSat', is modeled after the Venera 15 probe that was sent to Venus by the Soviet Union in 1983.  This is the odd ball of the group in that it is my first satellite with both an M700 survey scanner and an M4435 narrowband scanner on the same satellite.  The third satellite, 'EveLink', is modeled after the Magellan probe launched to Venus by the Space Shuttle in 1989, which coincidentally had a similar mission to the Venera 15 probe.

Eve%20Orbiting%20Satellites%20Small_zpsisr3xe2s.png     Jack%20Rabbit%20Small_zpsdoz7wc0z.png

Last but certainly not least, is the 'Jack Rabbit' Duna lander.  For those that are up to speed on current space news, this lander is obviously modeled after the InSight Mars lander, which will be making it's entry, descent and landing (EDL) on Monday, November 26th.  For those interested in watching it live, it's going to be streamed on JPL's Youtube channel and NASA's Youtube channel between 2:00 PM and 3:30 PM Eastern Standard Time in the U.S. (7:00 PM to 8:30 PM UTC).  In the mean time, you can try your own hand at launching this lander toward Duna and attempting to land this probe to conduct your own set of experiments.

These craft complete Phase 2 of my Satellite & Probe revamp.  Before I begin work on the third and final phase of the Sats/Probes, I'm going to pivot back to Phase 2 of my SPH revamp project, which will update the remainder of my SPH craft and add a few new ones.  Intermixed in between will hopefully be some updated legacy craft like my HLV-6 Duna landers.

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A Sudden Turn of Events

Radioactive Projects has long been a customer of Raptor Aerospace, keeping two KeoSats launched atop Arrow 3 launchers in orbit around Kerbin. However, today, a KeoSat was observed to be reentering the atmosphere due to unknown causes. The KeoSat was on a polar orbit and crashed into the North Pole. Both the Zebdee Polar Launch Facility and the North Pole Bio-Dome observed the KeoSat burning up.

Unfortunately, due to the incident, Radioactive Projects has had to cancel its contract with Raptor Aerospace for its KeoSats, and has built its own Standard Communicator atop a C. Kraft Unmanned Launcher.

The KSC-oriented Standard Communicator 0001 has replaced KeoSat 0001, and KeoSat 0003, deployed after the loss of KeoSat 0002, will be terminated soon after the launch of Standard Communicator 0002.

Radioactive Projects apologizes to Raptor Aerospace and hopes to collaborate with it on future missions.




Chairman and CEO, Radioactive Projects

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Hey, sorry to disrupt this forum, but I have a few questions.

I have noticed that your EV-1B, C, 'Kerbin Orbiting Laboratory,' EV-2A, 'Sky Lab,' and LV-1 use specialized rockets: 'Thunder 1' and 'Olympus' rockets. However, they aren't available on the Rocket Market. I understand that you did this because the real-life inspired rockets in your Rocket Market weren't analogous the real-life rockets used in the respective real-life missions your other craft used. But, what I don't understand: is why you didn't preload your new 'EveLink' (stated to be obviously inspired to the point of being analogous to the Magellan spacecraft, which was launched via Space Shuttle, just like how Kerbin is analogous to Earth, the Mun in analogous to the Moon, etc.) in your SVR-20. I also understand that you aren't trying to create replicas, you are trying to create stock-alike analogues fr use in your own stock career mode save. I very much respect that, which is why IMHO your craft are much better functionally and in form than Adam's Stock Replicas. That is why I adore and frequently check your forum.

This logical question also applies to every other craft that doesn't use the appropriate rocket.

A few more questions; are you going to create more rockets for your Rocket Market? I Soyuz even feasible with stock parts? What crafts do  use to service 'Pioneer' and 'Depot' Stations? Why is 'Depot Station' in Munar orbit and not in LKO like Mir? Cassini-Huygens and OPM? What are your plans for crewed missions to Eve, possibly in relation to real-life concepts? Jool? Other planets? What is the intended way to remove SpaceLab from your SVR-20 and load SM sub assemblies? Do you enable multiple CommNet stations? Why are your 'NavComms' not in Kerbisynchronous orbit, (half a Kerbin sidereal day)? Europa Clipper? Galileo? Salyut? Soyuz? Why struts and not landing legs (other than Gilly)? SEP-AC Mk2? Luna 17? Pathfinder?

Sorry I typed so much, I've been following this forum for over a year. I understand that it is late. Respond to some questions if you want to when possible. Again sorry if this was way too many questions at once.

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Oh boy, here goes...

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

I have noticed that your EV-1B, C, 'Kerbin Orbiting Laboratory,' EV-2A, 'Sky Lab,' and LV-1 use specialized rockets: 'Thunder 1' and 'Olympus' rockets. However, they aren't available on the Rocket Market.
are you going to create more rockets for your Rocket Market? I Soyuz even feasible with stock parts?


This question is partially answered at the top of this page: Because I haven't gotten around to publishing the 'Javelin' and 'Olympus' as dedicated rocket lifters yet.  The reason the EV-1C and KOL use specialized launchers is in my mind those are sort of precursor prototype rockets of what eventually became the production 'Thunder' rockets.  When you look at the Atlas rocket family, you can see how that system evolved from ICBMs, to Mercury crew launches, to the Atlas V that we see today.  Will I make a Soyuz-inspired rocket down the road? Maybe, I don't know; there are other things I want to do first.

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

why you didn't preload your new 'EveLink' (stated to be obviously inspired to the point of being analogous to the Magellan spacecraft, which was launched via Space Shuttle, just like how Kerbin is analogous to Earth, the Mun in analogous to the Moon, etc.) in your SVR-20. I also understand that you aren't trying to create replicas, you are trying to create stock-alike analogues


You more or less answered your own question.  These are not replicas; but to be more specific, they are not meant to be replicas in form nor function.  It is cheaper in cost and easier logistically to simply launch the EveLink by a rocket, instead of doing a dedicated SVR-20 launch.  I will frequently make design changes based on what makes more sense or works better than strictly adhering to a real-life inspiration.  Part of this is due to the limitations of KSP.  Did my 'Pathfinder' (Voyager analogue) require such a big launcher to send it to Jool? No, but the real-life Voyager had mechanisms allowing it to be folded up inside it's payload fairing.  Since we don't have such simple and compact mechanisms in KSP, I chose the rocket based on the size of fairing I needed to accommodate the 'Pathfinder's width.

Another trap you should avoid is equating every engineering and development decision in a fictional Kerbal space program in a video game to an equivalent decision in real-life.  We as humans make a lot of decisions in spaceflight that have absolutely nothing to do with scientific necessity or technological efficiency.  That is a fact.  I try to not constrain myself to such sillyness in my KSP career.  This is why I no longer use my SVR-20 in my own career.  I can do the same jobs quicker, easier, and cheaper with other craft.  I don't adhere to this religiously, because "fun" always wins out, which is why I built 'Pioneer Station' using my SVR-20 just like the ISS and the Shuttle.  After I did it once to prove to myself I could, I never did it again.

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

This logical question also applies to every other craft that doesn't use the appropriate rocket.


The definition of an "appropriate rocket" in my mind is the rocket that can get the job done in the most efficient manner possible for the least amount of funds, even if it isn't "accurate" to a real-life counterpart.

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

What crafts do use to service 'Pioneer' and 'Depot' Stations? Why is 'Depot Station' in Munar orbit and not in LKO like Mir?


I use either the EV-2B or the SVR-10 to service my 'Pioneer Station' in LKO, depending on my mood.  I believe you are referring to 'Apex Station', the current designation of my Mir-analogue.  Since Kerbin has only one space program, it seemed redundant to spam LKO with research stations, between KOL, 'Sky Lab', 'Pioneer', and then a fourth?  I wanted to put it somewhere else to make it interesting.  And with an M700 scanner on board, a polar orbit around the Mun seemed appropriate.

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

Cassini-Huygens and OPM? Europa Clipper? Galileo? Salyut? Soyuz? SEP-AC Mk2? Luna 17? Pathfinder?


All things I have considered in the past, and I can neither confirm nor deny if any of those are in active development for future KerbalX publishing.  Not that I'm under any self-imposed NDA or anything, I just hate it when I say "I'm gonna make this and put it on KerbalX" and then never do.

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

What are your plans for crewed missions to Eve, possibly in relation to real-life concepts? Jool? Other planets?


I'm pacing myself with those.  But that's why I've been focusing on getting the infrastructure ready for future operations.  Communications, resource scanning, ISRU capabilities, orbital staging of assets.  It's why I'm making satellites with small docking ports for servicing at a later date from propellant depots.  I'm planning for the future.

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

What is the intended way to remove SpaceLab from your SVR-20 and load SM sub assemblies?


Click on the SpaceLab, delete it or save as a subassembly.  Select the desired SM subassembly from the list, mount as necessary.  Nothing fancy about it.

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

Do you enable multiple CommNet stations? Why are your 'NavComms' not in Kerbisynchronous orbit, (half a Kerbin sidereal day)


Not sure what you mean by the first question.  My NavComm satellites are inspired in look by GPS satellites, but are used more like low orbiting communications satellites like the Iridium network.

  On 11/24/2018 at 5:49 AM, AlchemicRaven said:

Why struts and not landing legs (other than Gilly)?


Sometimes even the smallest landing legs are too large (case in point my 'Beacon' Mun lander), or I simply do not want suspension.
And now I'm going on break :sticktongue:

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  On 11/25/2018 at 4:49 AM, Jestersage said:

Hey Raptor9, How did you manage to get KVV take the photo from the same angle of your craft everytime?


I calibrate the angle I want in KVV, take the screenshot of the first craft.  Close the window, open the next craft, re-open the KVV window, take the screenshot.  Repeat as necessary.

I've just finished my SPH revamp, which brings all my SPH craft to currency in 1.5.  Notably, the 'Atlas' heavy transport aircraft received a major revision, and it looks way better now IMHO.  Along with that, the C7 320 'Atlas' is now model 300, and the 325R variant is now 305R.  I removed the legacy 300 and 310 aircraft from the catalog because I haven't used them since publishing them a couple years ago, and I can't imagine a situation where I need to transport 64 Kerbals anywhere around Kerbin.  Not to mention they were horribly balanced.

Not only does the new 'Atlas' look much more like it's C-17 inspiration, it performs better too.  I did shorten the cargo bay to just the standard CRG-100 cargo bay length.  The previous version had an additional CRG-25 segment in there, but I think it was unnecessary.  This obviously led to the research variant receiving a desperately needed update.  The previous version was around 300 parts, not including the ATSV if you wanted to load one in the cargo bay.  The current 305R is now just 157.  I tweaked some settings on the ATSV as well, to make it handle better without flipping over...which also means it can power-slide like a boss.

Two new craft accompany the final SPH updates: the C7 150 'Heron' and C7 152R 'EagleEye'.  These are inspired by the Grumman C-2 Greyhound and E-2 Hawkeye respectively.  In designing the 152R, I wanted to make an aircraft that was capable of performing any sort of research anywhere on Kerbin (except the SC-9001 Science Jr).  The 'EagleEye' is fast, with engines capable of efficient long-range flight as well as high speed dashes.  It's no slouch at higher altitude flight compared to it's big brother, the 305R, either.  It's can also easily handle rough field landings, it can perform resource surveys below 1,000 m AGL, and can plot navigation waypoints into KerbNet for other aircraft if necessary.  I've also mapped out action groups to take rapid measurements from all available sensors and either delete or transmit that data all at once.  The 305R received the same action group setup as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/4/2018 at 3:25 PM, Kradgger said:

Are you planning on doing a soviet-like line of craft with the new goodies by any chance?


Well, I've already done a couple of Soviet-inspired probes like Venera 9, Venera 15, and Luna 3.  But I assume you're referring to bigger and better things like the R-7 rocket, Soyuz spacecraft, Progress, etc?  I don't have any current plans to do dedicated rocket lifters or spacecraft along these lines, but that may change in the future.

So who knows.

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  On 12/4/2018 at 4:53 PM, Raptor9 said:

But I assume you're referring to bigger and better things like the R-7 rocket, Soyuz spacecraft, Progress, etc?  I don't have any current plans to do dedicated rocket lifters or spacecraft along these lines, but that may change in the future.


Damn, I better hurry up with my clones before you make them!

True to be told, the beauty of Soviet Space program is that many are paper project and or prototype that got scrapped or remixed. Eg: Almaz APOS split into VA capsule and Salyut.

The challenge is to decide what the size you want to use. For example, the VA capsule is a conical capsule at 2.9m. So is it best represented by the Mk1-3 capsule (for shape) or the KV-3 (for size)? I've been experimenting on both, and I still can't really decide (so my TKS and Almaz APOS cloen is actually sitting in my folders). And if you want to keep consistency, then suddenly you are not designing one project, but a bunch of related one: VA capsule is used in TKS (originally actually manned) and the LK700 (which my clone use the Mk1-3; on hindsight maybe not so good idea) 

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  On 12/4/2018 at 5:57 PM, Jestersage said:

Damn, I better hurry up with my clones before you make them!


Nah, you have all the time in the world.  I was just saying that I wouldn't rule out me ever doing those projects, but I have A LOT of other things I want to do first.  The other aspect is it's hard for me to justify taking time to make another craft that fulfills the same role as an existing craft when I have so many other capability gaps in my craft catalog/career save.  An example would be doing a Soyuz analogue for transporting three kerbalnauts to LKO, when I already have such a capability in the form of the EV-2B.

In other news, the day has finally arrived that I can wrap up my Satellite/Probe Revamp project.  This has been touch-and-go for a while, for the better part of this year, and it actually ballooned into way more than I ever intended to do.  In early June I decided I was going to finish with some dedicated comms relays for Duna and Eve, but I ended up having so much fun with these various gadgets, making a Phase 2, then a Phase 3 portion of the project.  Not only that, (and I know I've mentioned this before) they have taught me a great deal on interplanetary trajectories, gravity assists/brakes, even a little aerobraking.  They've also really improved my overall design and building skills by forcing me to do more with less, think critically to build small, and make more precise calculations of when to use a given part in place of another.

Not pictured here is the 'DresLink' comms relay satellite.  It's an analogue of the Rosetta spacecraft, but unlike its real-world inspiration, it doesn't have the Philae lander.  It's quite similar in construction to the 'Dark Sky', but focused on communications with a secondary research mission.

In the process of narrowing down a consistent launch configuration, action groups, and naming convention, I had to make a small tweak to the 'Emerald Sky' and re-named the 'Explorer' Dres probe to 'Dark Sky'.  As a result, I ended up reusing the 'Explorer' name on a Galileo analogue, which became a sort of dark horse late in the project.  Unfortunately, my probe doesn't have the atmospheric probe that the real Galileo dropped into Jupiter.  The 'Explorer' can easily be used to dart around the Jool SOI and take readings from multiple moons, but in my career save I built it primarily targeted to Tylo orbit.  At LF+O exhaustion, I had placed it into a 42-deg inclined 20x830 km orbit around Tylo, leaving the secondary thrusters with 30 units of monoprop in reserve to make orbital trim adjustments.

Explorer%20Small_zpsd66nakkj.png     JoolLink%20Small_zpsvpac3fbt.png

The second craft is modeled after one of the concepts for the Europa Clipper, a probe targeted to launch in 2023 on the SLS (we'll see :rolleyes:).  But in essence it's a dedicated communications bridge to the Jool SOI, like all the other "-Link" satellites to their respective planetary SOI's.  Not much to this one, but like its cousins it carries science experiments on board to perform along the way.  It can also be refueled by future assets that may be sent to the Joolian SOI.

Next up is a BepiColumbo analogue, which launched to Mercury just this past October 20th.  I should note that you won't be able to operate the ion engines at full thrust until you get closer to the inner Kerbol system, but it's definitely not a showstopper.  It just requires some patience on the plane change and Moho capture burns.

Fire%20Sky-Pacer%20Small_zpsojctrldr.png     Scout-Outrider%20Small_zpsb4xpokpq.png

Finally, my personal favorite, is my Cassini-Huygens analogue.  This went through three iterations and was one of the original craft I tried building as part of my initial revamp project.  To be honest the first prototype was garbage, and its accompanying Laythe atmospheric probe was even worse.  So thankfully I shelved that for a while until I had time to improve my build techniques on others in the project.  Due to it's high mass you will need to use a Tylo gravity brake maneuver.  But if you can pull that off, you will have plenty of propellant to nudge the 'Scout' around the Jool SOI and do multiple flybys on every moon (I only expended 200 dV to get captured into the SOI).  I would recommend that Laythe is your first stop to drop off the 'Outrider' probe so you can lighten the mass for the follow-on destinations.  Please review the action groups and engineer notes I typed up in the OP just above the download link.  You'll need them to be successful.

Have fun with these, because I sure did. :)

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Please upload the x-10 x-20 and x-21. Althrough these are just prototypes, they NEED to be uploaded.

Also replase some "it's" by "its". This small grammar mistake does hurt eyes.

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  On 12/8/2018 at 7:00 AM, Gojira said:

I personally find myself wishing that these were more easily usable in an early career game without too much modification. How could I go about doing that?


Well I'm not a fan of constricting myself to the structure of the career tech tree.  I've gone through multiple early career grinds trying to get to the point where I have the majority of the tech tree available.  Aside from modding, the Alt-F12 cheat menu, or a lengthy early career grind, there's really not much else you can do.

  On 12/8/2018 at 8:04 AM, Gapone said:

Please upload the x-10 x-20 and x-21. Althrough these are just prototypes, they NEED to be uploaded.


I would disagree, there is no necessity in doing this.  It would require more graphics to be made for craft files that are almost identical, and could lead to confusion when someone is trying to download the real deal.  The catalog is big enough as it is, the last thing I want to do is add more redundant craft files to maintain.

On the other hand, you could easily make them yourself in a few minutes.  In the case of the X-10 and X-20, just remove the launch stacks from the SVR-10 and SVR-20, move the craft over to the SPH, remove any mission equipment like antennas or power generation, rename and save.  Same thing with the X-21, remove mission equipment from the SR-21A, rename and save.

  On 12/8/2018 at 8:04 AM, Gapone said:

Also replase some "it's" by "its". This small grammar mistake does hurt eyes.


Isn't that kind of hypocritical considering you misspelled "Althrough" and "replase"? :sticktongue: Life isn't so serious.

  On 12/8/2018 at 10:05 AM, Frank_G said:

After so many years, this is still my most favorite thread. Thank you Raptor9 for your inspiring work :)


Thanks @Frank_G:)

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  On 12/8/2018 at 10:32 AM, Raptor9 said:

On the other hand, you could easily make them yourself in a few minutes.  In the case of the X-10 and X-20, just remove the launch stacks from the SVR-10 and SVR-20, move the craft over to the SPH, remove any mission equipment like antennas or power generation, rename and save.  Same thing with the X-21, remove mission equipment from the SR-21A, rename and save. 


Tank you.

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