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POLL : Have many active vessels do you have in tracking station?


How many active vessels do you have in your career?  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. How many active vessels do you have in your career?

    • 0-15
    • 16-25
    • 26-40
    • 41-60
    • 61-80
    • 81 or over

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  zekes said:
16 bit kSP

My kod, how is this possible!? How does this even work!? My mind... can't... comprehend... this... MADNESS! :0.0:


Active vessels: Two, or maybe three! Its a lot more if you count the debris!

Obligatory specs:


KSP windows 32 bit

Quad core i5-3470 CPU

AMD Radeon HD 7800

Running lots of mods over here! ATM FTW. Also, I pruned the **** out of my game-data folder and learned some interesting things in the process. For example, did you know that the "Spaces" folder (AKA the IVA views) inside the Squad folder is over 200 MB? (or maybe one of my 58 mods is doing that, but I doubt so) In contrast, the B9-Aerospace Spaces folder is only 13 MB; and they look wayyy better than the stock IVAs. That's absurd! Ofc I deleted all of the stock IVAs ASAP and module-manger'd them out of all the stock capsules. Its not like I'll be IVAing with the stock capsules when I have the gorgeous B9-cockpits at hand.

As a result, my GameData folder is only 866 MB and I only get RAM crashes when I play with my lag monster too much.

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Around 10. Half of them are commsats for remote tech. One station in munar orbit, one around kerbin, a couple of probes spread across the system and a half finished interplanetary vessel for a big-ish duna trip. Not much traffic as I haven't set up a station around jool yet. I'm not counting flags and debris, that would be around 50, as I plant a flag at every biome I visit (cause I get confused otherwise :P )


i7 (4x2,6GHz) <- 5 years old and still awesome :D

16 gigs RAM

64x bit windows 7

ksp 32 bit (cause FAR won't let me 64bit which actually works for me :( )

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In my current 0,25.0 career save, 88 flights in progress. Haven't left the Kerbin SOI yet.

AMD FX-6300 6-core/3.5GHz,

8 GB Ram

Gigabyte R9 270 2GB,

WIndows 8.1, 64-bit.

32-bit KSP

My peak was in 0.23.5, where fleet missions to Eve, Gilly, Dres, Pol, Bop, and Eeloo layered on top of a save that I'd been playing since 0.22 resulted in 218 flights in progress.

Edited by maltesh
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34 Craft

KSP 32bit

Pentium G620 2.60 Ghz

8 Gb Ram

64bit Windows 7

GeForce GTX 660

I'd have a lot less craft but using the fineprint mod puts a lot of satellites and stations in your game. Gonna start decommissioning the old sats and merging the stations is to a couple of big ones around each body.

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Kerbin Station, Mun Station, Minmus Station, a high Kerbin orbit rescue tanker drone, a big nuke ship off to turn itself into a base on a Kerbol-orbiting E class asteroid, a wandering Scansat probe, an out-of-fuel spaceplane grounded on the Mun and whichever plane I'm flying at the time. Plus half a dozen Fine Print satellites in assorted orbits.

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Over 60

Try to have maned bases on all bodies, also a mapping and science satellite in orbit. Has some legacy stuff like the first Mun science satelite who is not in use.

Also plenty of infrastructure, orbital construction, fuel depots, tugs and taxis, SSTO planes waiting for kerbals to return.

Some astroid capture and experimental mining.

6 core i7 at 4GHz, 24 GB ram, win 7 64 bit.

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Right now I have 5+1: Satellites for science around Minus and Kerbin, A space station with lander around the Mun for collect all and return home (I did Minmus first this career), and unmanned missions heading towards Moho and Jool, taking advantage of launch windows around day 150.

Running an i5 quadcore 3.4 GHz with 8 GB RAM, win 7-64, but ksp 32 bit

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Only 2-3 active vessels at a time. I haven't gotten very far into my career game, mostly been doing stuff in sandbox lately.

CPU: AMD A8-5500, 3.2 GHz

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti

Memory: 8 GB RAM

OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit

KSP 32 bit

Edited by Rthsom
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I have 99 active vessels. About a dozen or so are flags, a lot are mapping satellites, I have bases and stations on and around Mun and Minmus, crewed ships in various places, science sats, a few rovers and landers here and there, and a couple of stations in Kerbin orbit. There's also a few contract sats spread around. It's about to be an even 100. In Kerbin orbit, there's a bunch of ships preparing to be sent out to Eve for my first manned landing attempt there, and I've decided fo launch an emergency fuel resupply ship as well, just in case it's needed.

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Currently? 39 active vessels, but that's a nearly useless figure... Depending on how much I could get done, in 1 or 2 days I could have 45 or 31... Currently have a ScanSat around every planet apart from Dres (6 days out) and a 5 pack headed to Jool (256 days out). Stations around Kerbin, Eve and Pol, 2 surface bases on Pol, and assorted probe/kerballed mission headed to or arrived at every planet apart from Duna currently.

i5 2380P @ 3.1GHz

8GB Ram @ 1600Mhz

Gigabyte GTX660 Ti

64 Bit Windows 7

32 bit KSP (with OpenGL)

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Somewhere around 70 not counting flags. This is mostly due to remote tech as my standard probe package delivers a 4 sat network to cover each SOI. I also have a fair few bases and stations scattered around so I end up with quite a busy tracking screen. It would actualy be higher but I tend to dock loose ships with stations if there are available slots.

i5-3570k overclocked to 4.2ghz

8gb ram

64bit win7

32 bit KSP (openGL)


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I think in my biggest save game (which I abandoned due to lag-related reasons) I think I had 50ish flights in progress.

Since then, I've installed a few mods (namely TAC and MKS/OKS), and I try to limit how many I have out, usually keeping it at 10 at most.

FX-4100 Zambezi (3.6 gHz) Quad-Core

4 gB RAM :(

Radeon HD 6850 (but my Radeon R9 270 should be arriving today :D )

64bit win7

32bit KSP

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Right around 20 at the moment. That may go up a bit if I develop writer's block.

Windows 8.1 64-bit

AMD FX-8300 8-core CPU @ 3.3 Ghz


nVidia GeForce GTX650 Ti SSC

KSP 32-bit, modded up the wahzoo.

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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Lots of one way trips and warships 40+

Windows 8 64-bit

Intel Celeron Processor B830

2,048MB, DDR3 RAM (1,333 MHz)

Intel HD Graphics

I take pride in my ability to deal with my asthmatic laptop with a battery life of 10 minutes with KSP.

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