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Rockets in FAR

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I started playing with FAR a while ago. Before then I used to be great at rockets, after FAR it became great at planes. Now my problem is rockets seems way harder than planes now and most of the time my rockets just fall apart because of "Aerodynamic failures" because it spins out. I also use mechjeb wich the default ascent path is for stock aero only, I know that so I fly manually. But isnt't there a ascent path for mechjeb that will just fly my rocket without FAR issues? Or perhaps some tips on flying manually wich i don't prefer.

Thanks in advance! :)

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FAR makes all parts into wings, so if you pitch over to far (heh) it's like if you put wings on your upper stage, they grab air and throw you over.

You can't tilt as far using FAR, turn gradually so you're always near the prograde vector.

As for bits being ripped off, your thrust to mass is too high, use fewer engines :)

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the spin out is caused by the centre of pressure of the rocket being more far forward than the centre of mass (you can check this easily using the stock ksp indicators in the VAB). try putting some small control surfaces at the bottom of the craft, i usually find that some R8 winglets are enough and they are light and relatively low drag so it doesn't impact rocket performance.

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The old rule of turning quickly to a 45* at 10,000 meters no longer apply in Far. You MUST make that turn gradually or risk ripping your ship apart due to the stress of hitting the atmosphere sideways to your direction of flight.

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MJ is fine with FAR. You just need to correct your ascent path - make the turn higher - say at 15 km and make it gradual (slide up to 80-85%). Oh don't forget about fairings - you need them now. When you build rockets don't create pans, high and slim = good, fat and low = bad. Add fins too.

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What I learned from FAR is that: Start grav turn as early as possible, then let the thing point prograde all the way out of atmosphere without touching it. Otherwise it will just spin or rip itself apart. Also, there is no need to run at full throttle at all time. As long as you are going up, that is fine.

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Start your gravity turn right off the pad, but only very gently to begin with.

They key with FAR - this applies to planes as well as to rockets - is to never stray far from your prograde vector. So the whole turn has to be much more gradual, which is why starting it so early is important.

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Your rocket may also have too much thrust. In my standard FAR rocket designs I go for 1.6-2 TWR at liftoff and about 1.2 TWR after booster separation (usually at about 10-15 km up and a few km downrange).

That's a very high TWR. I usually have 1.2 - 1.4 at liftoff, which is roughly in the range of real rockets. Anyway, start turn at 50-80 m/s, slowly pitch over and hit 45 degrees at 10-15 km. Not sure about the MechJeb path, though.

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I knew before I used FAR that turn wouldn't work I didn't use that turn in the first place. I just would like to know a ascend path for MJ wich works with FAR and the path mentioned doesn't work btw.

Here's what I do. TWR no higher than 1.5-1.6 on the pad, with mechjeb settings as follows.

Disable Auto-Turn Start

Begin turn .2KM (This gives me enough vertical height to clear the tower before pitching)

End turn 50KM (Adjust to suit)

turn percent 40% (Will depend on rocket)

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As Wasmic said but you want to start your gravity turn at 100m/s or 1000m which ever happens first. With a TWR of 1.2-1.4 is perfect at launch, much higher than that and you will overspeed in the lower atmosphere and get the HIGH DYNAMIC PRESSURE warning which is BAD for rockets.

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