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"Space Station" is a misnomer

Whirligig Girl

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A Station is, by definition, something that is stationary (the world or object reference frame is not moving). But a space station is constantly moving relative to everything except the contents of the station. Sure, it doesn't accellerate, it stays in roughly the exact same orbit, but it's still moving at a rather alarming rate.

Perhaps a name such as "Orbion" A portmanteau of Orbit and Station. Or maybe just accept that "Station" is a holdover term. Yeah, probably just do that.

Technically, they're called Orbital Laboratories, but even official names of the most prominent of orbital laboratories refer to the "International Space Station"

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A Station is, by definition, something that is stationary

Not really. The word station is derived from latin statio which means "to stand." It would basically refer to a place where people/animals would stand on duty while waiting to receive jobs to perform. Waiters stand at a station. Horses stand at a station (I don't think it's a coincidence that the word stable has the same stem but I'm not a etymologist). The firebrigade stands at a station.

The "non moving part" of stationary does not necessarily refer to the station itself, but to what the subjects of interest do at a station: standing (idling/waiting, etc). The station is where you keep things standing and they are stationary. A space station is a place where space ships dock; they don't orbit around it but remain in a stationary position with the station.

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If you are that pedantic* you'll have to consider that every station on the surface moves, too. The Earth rotates. So if a station is defined by staying at the same place in reference of the Earth's surface every geostationary satellite would be a station.

According to my dictionary a station could be a place where a person can stay or rest. This definition fits the ISS and a train station but not a geostationary satellite.

* It's always good to be pedantic in science.

Edited by *Aqua*
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