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[1.0.5](Nov18/15)Auto Actions: Automatically activate action groups(RCS/SAS) on launch


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  Diazo said:
@Zeroignite: That should be possible, just did not think of it because Precision Controls isn't actually an action group.

@drtedastro: That is out of scope for this mod, however it is a good suggestion for my Actions Everywhere mod. I should be pushing a new version with some other pilot/SAS stuff in the next few days, I'll try to add it to that.


That would be uberFantastic.... And good and ......

Many thanks for so many great mods...


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hello all,

many thanks for this amazing mod, we are playing for fun not for repeating the same boring things at start (or after reverting flight). so thank u verymuch! :)

One thing i'm dreaming is to select the view (for exemple i like chase view for plane especially with the great Improved Chase Camera, and auto or free on rocket,...).

so if u can ad this u will be my hero! :P

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Sorry about taking so long to respond, but I've been waffling on this one.

I am going to have to say no, I will not add the ability to select the view to this mod.

The reason is that this mod only runs once when the vessel spawns, changing the vessel view would need to happen every time you switched to the vessel, which this mod is not capable of doing.


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Ok, thank you for answering and congrate for your usefull mod anyway!

But i'm thinking: just choose the view when vessel spawn could be great even it will not be saved when switching to another vessel: it could be usefull when tuning/testing a new vessel and re-launching it every 30s.

Now i know what to do: learn to program and doing this "view selector/recorder" mod myself... :wink:


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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  Muhahahahaz said:
Where am I supposed to use this, in the VAB? I clicked the "AA" button, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Yes, the VAB (or SPH) is where this mod is used.

Note that it only shows on the Actions editing screen. If you are on the Parts or Crew editing screen it will not show.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this mod, along with all of your other mods.

It seems that at least for the GEAR button, the 'setting' of GEAR to green in VAB actually just toggles the state when going to launch pad.

The Gear button on the launch pad is usually green (gear deployed), so when I set AA to have gear Red (do not set), it was still green at launch. When I set Gear in VAB, make it green, the gear button is off in launch.

Am I correct that I can use toggle rather than SET for gear, brakes and lights??

again, thanks for all of your mods.

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The GEAR group is a special case.

All other action groups are off at launch, the Gear group is on at launch.

How this mod works is if the button is red in the GUI window, that group is not toggled on launch (most stay off, gear stays on).

If the button is green on this mod's GUI, that group is toggled on launch (most groups off -> on, gear on -> off).

Then individual parts handle the group activation in different ways.

Most stock parts care about direction. So the gear group off -> on extends the landing legs and gear group on -> off retracts them. So if the landing legs are already extended, but the gear group is off, that first toggle of the gear group (off -> on) does nothing as the legs are already extended.

Most mod parts don't care about direction. If the gear group is toggled, they will always change state so you can have the gear group going off -> on acts to retract the landing leg.

I'm not sure what you meant about toggle vs set on the last line of your post, but I hope that explanation covers what is going on.


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  • 3 months later...
[b]Version 1.6[/b]

[url=https://github.com/SirDiazo/AutoAction/releases/tag/1.6]Download here.[/url]

KSP 1.0.5 Update.

No functionality changes but this is a breaking update.

KSP 1.0.4 please stay on 1.5, KSP 1.0.5 needs 1.6

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not sure how good of an idea that actually is, AutoAction does not show by default in the editor, how many vessels would be lost to action groups activating on launch unexpectedly because you forgot you'd set the default to activate?

Also, it would actually be somewhat problematic from a code perspective, currently all data is saved to the vessel, when there is no vessel to save to where do I save the data? There are several answers to this question and different ways of doing it, but it would be a lot of code for a feature that I'm not convinced has a lot of value.

If you really want defaults though, it can be done via ModuleManager with a one-line code change, this means no in-game editing of them however.

Find the KSP\GameData\Diazo\AutoAction\part.cfg file, it will contain this:

name = ModuleAutoAction

Change it to:

name = ModuleAutoAction
activateAbort = False
activateBrakes = False
activateGear = False
activateLights = False
activateRCS = False
activateSAS = False
activateGroupA = 0
activateGroupB = 0
activateGroupC = 0
activateGroupD = 0
activateGroupE = 0
activateGroupF = 0
setThrottle = -50
setPrecCtrl = False

True activates a group, False does not.

ActivateGroup takes a number of 1-10 (1-250 if AGX installed), 0 is don't activate a group.

setThrottle is a percent from 0-100, -50 is the "don't set throttle" command.

Does that work for what you are trying?

edit: Actually, this doesn't need a code change, I just have to format the MM patch correctly. Note it has changed from yesterday.


Edited by Diazo
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  • 4 weeks later...

It just seems odd to activate the throttle and have it default to what it already is. If I enable throttle, it's always going to be because I want it to be something else than the default, maybe a new add on is needed that set the basic defaults (Most of what this mod can do pr craft, but not action groups.), with separate default for SPH and VAB.

Back to throttle though, on my system the entry field for throttle is not wide enough, 100 shows as either 10 or 00 and I think it even cut off a pixel of two numbers.


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I'm not sure I follow what you are asking for when you talk about the default?

If the "set throttle" command is enabled, it will set it to whatever percentage you type in the text box. If it is not enabled, this mod does nothing to the throttle.

The only thing I can think of is you are referencing the "-50" from the MM patch in the previous post, but note that isn't the default of 50, it's "negative 50" which tells the mod to not set the throttle. (It's not a "set throttle to 50% command.)

The text box being too small is an easy change.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi, @Diazo!

I’ve forked your mod to make some changes:

  • I’ve added the ‘Default settings’ block where global defaults can be set.
  • In the ‘Per-vessel settings’ block, the switches are now three-state: Default (gray), On (green), Off (red). On and Off values override the global defaults.
  • The ‘Gear’ switch is not inverted now.


  • KSP 1.1.x supported now.

There is an issue with the precise control indicator however. The ‘renderer.material.color = …’  trick doesn’t work in 1.1.x. I haven’t found a solution yet. So the PCtrl switch works, but the indicators do not change their color :(

You can download it from here:
AutoActions 1.6f (formicant’s fork) for KSP 1.1.x release

Edited by Teilnehmer
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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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