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Anti-aliasing on AMD graphics cards

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I decided to give the ubuntu version of ksp a try, but it turns out anti-aliasing doesn't seem to be working. I did some googling, and the general consensus seems to be that it flat out isn't supported on AMD cards. Is there a workaround, or will I just have to get used to jagged edges or stick to the windows version?

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit with Radeon HD 7850 and 64-bit ksp.

Here's a quick screenshot - the jagged edges are particularly visible on the buildings: http://imgur.com/a/gEAny

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The AMD proprietary driver is really bad and it seems that Unity3D has blocked the AA for the AMD Hardware. But I saw that it worked on Mint: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24529-The-Linux-compatibility-thread%21?p=1231935&viewfull=1#post1231935 but this is with Nvidia graphic cards :P

I don't know if this will change the AA but Catalyst will have a major update soon: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTg1NTE

Edited by Malah
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Yeah, the proprietary driver didn't seem to run any better than the open source one and seemed to cause some stability issues while at it. Now I wish I had chosen that Nvidia card instead back when I built this computer a few years ago :P

I suppose I'll have to wait for that update and see how that turns out. Thanks for the link!

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AA works fine for me, using an old RD 5860 and Catalyst Driver 14.301.

I noticed this awhile ago when I was playing around with linux KSP (I use the Windows one normally because that where most my games are, but the 32 bit problem when I run enough mods is forcing me back, especially now with so few wanting to support win64 ksp) so what I did was I downloaded Catalyst Controler directly from AMD: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download you should get... amd-catalyst-14-9-linux-x86-x86-64.zip... hum that the old one, guess that new one talk about above is not out yet, any times THIS week I guess. Anyways unzip that install it, open it up and force AA on, then start KSP and you should have AA.

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Thanks for the replies! I've actually managed to force anti aliasing on using the Catalyst control center, but unfortunately the fgrlx proprietary drivers seem to freeze my entire system upon loading a craft in ksp. The open source driver on the other hand doesn't seem to have the option to force on anti aliasing, as far as I can tell anyway.

At any rate, I'm trying to figure out what exactly is going on with that proprietary driver now, and if that doesn't work I might just re-install ubuntu entirely to see if that fixes it, since it hasn't been long since I got it in the first place. Any similar issues I've been able to find were typically solved by reinstalling pretty much everything, so I might as well make sure there's nothing lingering around and ruining my day, considering I'll only have a handful of things to re-install afterwards. :)

Edited by Yski
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I use the first driver, the proprietary, I guess it works with my older card. Still sadly it does not compare with the graphical performance I can get out of this game on windows with directX and windows driver, AMD must not like linux.

I've been testing out Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnomon, think I'm going to go back to Mate, the 17.1 supposedly has compiz fusion support out of the box!

Edited by RuBisCO
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