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Latest news from New Horizon Probe preparing the "rendez-vous" with Pluto, here you can find information.

Some new "photos" of the planet.


I'm restless about this event this planet is a bit mysterious :D And ... Hail the probe !

Dat dark area in the southern hemisphere.....

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Those are probably near infrared images as usual. The dark patches might not be dark in visible spectrum. Of course, hardly anyone at NASA gives a crap about providing the general public with such information.

Still an interesting feature that stands out from the rest of the planet.

I wonder how much they'd be able to resolve in the visual spectrum from this distance.

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Of course, hardly anyone at NASA gives a crap about providing the general public with such information.

We get it... you've made your point... enough already.

Start a dress thread if you want to talk about information conveyed by an image of an object vs what the actual object is.

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Of course, hardly anyone at NASA gives a crap about providing the general public with such information.

Please, go write a letter to NASA. Repeating the same view over and over here does not help a thing, and only gets annoying.

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The trailer is still a good one, but I too remember when Pluto was a planet, and when it became a dwarf planet. But yes, I am very excited for New Horizons as well! High-res images of Pluto, wow! And it will sure get close! Pluto is one of my favourite planets, sorry, dwarf planets. Considering that the best image we have of Pluto is very, very grainy, I will follow this with great anticipation!

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I don't know... They don't seem to have been able to get over the fact that Pluto isn't a planet anymore.

Why? Because they talk about exploration of the planets? Big deal, it shows the wonderful human endeavour of exploring our solar system and Pluto still is one of the larger bodies in it. Do not get hung up on politics.

The thing that gets me is that missions from non-American agencies get ignored. That seems needlessly chauvinistic.

Edited by Camacha
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Of course, hardly anyone at NASA gives a crap about providing the general public with such information.

LMGTFY ? If you search correctly, the .net will spit on you.


I don't know... They don't seem to have been able to get over the fact that Pluto isn't a planet anymore.

Safe to say...

8 Worlds : done

Moon o' 6 Worlds : done, two less detailed

'Steroids : done

Cometses : done

KBOs, Oort Cloud : not done, and New Horizons will certainly changes this to done

Give some respect, they launched it 10 years ago, waiting for stunning results ! Just the same when one launches HST, no one knew what it'd bring. Or any other probe.

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As far as I'm concerned, dwarf planets are just a subcategory of planet, like rocky planet, gas giant, or ice giant. Just because Pluto hasn't cleared its orbit doesn't make me any less excited that we're visiting it, and soon :)

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As far as I'm concerned, dwarf planets are just a subcategory of planet, like rocky planet, gas giant, or ice giant. Just because Pluto hasn't cleared its orbit doesn't make me any less excited that we're visiting it, and soon :)

In fact, it is even more exciting that we are visiting a Kuiper Belt object. Big planets are nice, but this is something we have not seen before.

And yes, Pluto is just a tiny planet :D

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LMGTFY ? If you search correctly, the .net will spit on you.

Such information should be available under every photo. It's not that big of a deal. One sentence. "This image is a composite of false colored infrared and ultraviolet channels." - there. Done, problem solved. Nanometres optional.

Maybe you should write to your congressman.

I don't have one, but I might write a letter to NASA. It's probably futile as I bet I'm not the only one concerned about this, and somebody must've wrote them a letter before me...

As far as I'm concerned, dwarf planets are just a subcategory of planet, like rocky planet, gas giant, or ice giant. Just because Pluto hasn't cleared its orbit doesn't make me any less excited that we're visiting it, and soon :)

Not this butthurt discussion again, please. Rocky/gas/ice is about dominant planetary constitution, not about the main class of the object.

There are solid reasons why Pluto was demoted. It was never a proper planet in the first place and it was just listed because of historical reasons. However that does not make it less exciting.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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I don't have one, but I might write a letter to NASA. It's probably futile as I bet I'm not the only one concerned about this, and somebody must've wrote them a letter before me...

No mights, do it. Complaining is easy, but useless. Do something about it. I would suggest you do not post on it again until you have written and received an answer.

There are solid reasons why Pluto was demoted.

Ah, absolute statements. The thing is still argued over by the professionals, so it is safe to say things are disputed. No spare time forum dwelling enthusiast can say much that changes that. Problem is that we simply know too little about planets in general to make effective categories, though that may change in the next 20 years.

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