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Shielded docking port problem

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I tried several times to dock with stock and B9 shielded docking port with no success. Between the tries I thrusted away and re-set the target port.

Any help would be appreciated :)

Edited by viktor19
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First off, do the ports even meet? There's a parallax problem when you vessel's root part is not lined up with the docking port -- if you try to dock by navball, the ports won't meet. You have to actually look outside and eyeball it.

If they do meet but won't hook up, it's either what KerbMav said, or the plain old "stuck ports" problem.


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Care to clarify "stuck ports"? I have tested another vehicle and docking works like a charm. I was inspecting the spaceplane in SPH and recalled that there is a B9 illuminator right next to the port.

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