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Orion MPCV: Parachute. Not sure how to go about it.

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So here is my problem. Here is my model for the Orion


The top part shields the parachutes and should decouple when the parachutes deploy. I could make it a separate part that acts as a decoupler, then in staging set it to decouple and deploy the parachute. But if possible, I'd rather make it a single part where it ejects (along with anything attached to it) and the parachutes deploy. Any advice on how to accomplish this?

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Reading this, it appears that the top part would just be the "cap", as it's called by Sumghai. Would that work?
I don't think anything attached above it will decouple when the cap is hidden, though.

NathanKell is correct.

ModuleParachute simply hides the "cap" object when deploying parachutes. Anything other part that happens to be attached to / intersect with the "cap" object won't be affected / decoupled.

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In the FASA mod. The Apollo docking probe sits on top of the cap. When the cap is ejected the docking port goes along for the ride. So I don't see why that would be a problem. Unless I don't understand the problem correctly. Forgive me if I don't understand.

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The next thing above your chute should probably be the blastguard from the Escape tower - that can be a decoupler and used to separate the tower after its been fired or is ready to be jettisoned.

Then your parachute cap can just be a cap and be hidden via the parcachute module when activated.

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I don't know if this would help, but the "ModuleAnchorDecoupler" allows for a decoupler to have a detaching anchor. This is how the radial decouplers work. For instance, the TT-38k:

name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
anchorName = anchor
ejectionForce = 250
explosiveNodeID = srf

The "anchor" mesh separates. Normally it stays on whatever the decoupler is decoupling from. I haven't tried using it to fling an "anchor" off by itself though.

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