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[Beta 0.90] Multi-tasking Kerbals! V1.0 Testers / feedback needed.


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This is a very simply mod which removes the need for three separate kerbals to run a spacecraft.

The new system in 0.9 certainly adds another interesting gameplay element... but it also removes a bit of realism. This mod is for those who prefer having Kerbals that can perform several roles.

All kerbals are now called "Astronaut"

All Kerbals now have SAS, Science and Engineering ability.

All Kerbals have a single XP bar which (hopefully) reflects their overall skill in all areas.

Testers needed! Please give me any feedback on whether skills are all increasing correctly with XP gain.

The file - http://www./download/28uujo1ct1k8klm/Traits.cfg

Installation - simply drop this file into Gamedata>Squad>Experience

I strongly recommend backing up your old Traits file first so you can revert to the old system if needed.


Edited by Mulbin
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Interesting idea, but is it possible to do an actual RPG-like leveling? I mean, you get XP and you can invest it into one of several traits. Each trait has tiers (from 1 to 5). Each tier has a corresponding cost (from 1 to 5). So you can choose - train a specialist or all-rounder. Might be even better if we had more traits and these traits had more noticeable effect (like, you can't do Material Bay and Goo experiments without a capable scientist)

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This is intriguing. But if we're talking realism, wouldn't it make more sense to have a primary skillset but general training in others?

I mean, you're right--apparently the Apollo mission training included basic geology for astronauts, which make sense since they'd need to be able to identify samples and perform simple surveys. But their skill in operating their craft was far more important and got the most rigor.

Are primary and secondary skillsets possible in 0.90? Is this a direction you might be interested in taking your mod?

Update: I read your earlier post and I see that your #2 is similar to what I was asking for. Was that not feasible?

Edited by LitaAlto
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I'm limited by my lack of coding knowledge, this simple file mod was made in a few minutes using notepad! I'm putting feelers out to see if any more experienced modders can make something a bit more in depth.

Potentially though I suspect the new framework will allow much more complex use of XP and pilot skills.

  fusty said:
Hey very cool idea. This should be an actual option within the game.

I'll give this a test tonight, though I probably won't end up using it in my space program as I finally enjoy career mode.

Yeah, it's really just a detail setting based on preference. Career mode is certainly fantastic now, I had a stupid grin on my face when I realised I had to upgrade to be able to EVA! Feels much more like proper progression now.

Edited by Mulbin
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Maybe it's too much to ask.

I had this suggestion idea to put a Astronaut training complex in KSP...

I don't think it will ever be integrated into the game.

However, this mod may integrate this kind of function that you can train astronauts to gain experience in other areas that just the ones that they are configured in.

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I do like not having a single skill, but at the same time every all equal seem to lose something. I've made a small change for my own use (which I wouldn't have thought of but for your work, thank you greatly :) ) which makes 2 classes, astronauts and specialists. Astronauts have all skills but with the science bonuses lowered greatly. Specialists don't have engineer skills, but have pilot and the full science bonus. In this way, astronauts have no bonus for science until level 3 where their bonus is equal to a level 1 specialist and max bonus from an astronaut is what you get from a level 2 specialist. In this way there is a purpose to having someone that is a little more limited, but 1 Kerbal can still handle everything if needed.

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  King Arthur said:
Quoting this because it hasn't been fixed yet. :P

Changed to 0.90... but it did clearly say BETA 0.9... the previous 0.9 was an Alpha and was several years ago so I doubt very much anyone could actually mistake this for a very old thread!

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  biohazard15 said:
Interesting idea, but is it possible to do an actual RPG-like leveling? I mean, you get XP and you can invest it into one of several traits. Each trait has tiers (from 1 to 5). Each tier has a corresponding cost (from 1 to 5). So you can choose - train a specialist or all-rounder. Might be even better if we had more traits and these traits had more noticeable effect (like, you can't do Material Bay and Goo experiments without a capable scientist)

No way! Are we playing the Kerbal Space Program or some piece of WOW?

In the times of 0.25 I've planned my own mod where kerbals had different specialties, needed training, their ability to pilot vessels and gather science was affected by the specialties, but Squad has got into my head and stolen it from there :) Now we happily have these in 0.90.

But mine hadn't suppose any stars, level meters, level ups or other arcade stuff. We are not playing Super Mario here. The only indication should be the time spent in training and on action with no linear effects on abilities. Look at your colleagues or classmates. Can you tell in exact level points how capable they are at something? May be it is possible in 5-step gradation, hardly in 10-step. But it is impossible to tell who is 68 of 100 and who is 69 of 100. Manual distribution of some mysterious XP points is out of understanding at all: in real life you get experience only for that particular traits you have trained. Besides that every live creature's abilities highly depend on situation, it's mood, stress, how well it slept, had it it's croissant and coffee in the morning or not and many other random factors. That's why wherever that RPG stuff appears it makes things so gamy and unrealistic as only Tetris could be.

And thanks to author. I am not quite happy with the way the Kerbal traits are implemented in stock 0.90 too.

Edited by Ser
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