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Well, I think I remember how to do it with E.V.E.. The first thing you'll need is an atmosphere texture, you can either make your own, or borrow it from a pack (I've borrowed the atmosphere texture from Astronomer's pack before, and it worked well). Then, you are going to want to make a new layer for the body using the atmo texture, and adjust the parameters to adjust it to your liking. It will probably take a bit of mucking around before you get it how you want it. I suggest poking at the layers for planets that other people/stock in E.V.E. have made to get an idea of what everything does.

Edit: Oh yeah, the same thing basically goes for clouds, you'll need to either get or make a texture, and just make a new layer and have at it.

Edited by Ival70
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I think i sort of understand, but because i'm pretty much new to things like this, i'm gonna need something like a step by step guide.I would really appreciate if someone found, or even better, made a guide/tutorial.

Edited by Candlelight
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Hm, I've never come across a guide for making custom clouds and atmospheres, not to say there isn't one, but it's probably well hidden if it exists. I'm not the best at explaining these things, (though I could probably answer a specific question about it). I don't think I personally could make a guide, though I'm considering doing it anyways..

The best advice I can give (which I sort of said before, but not really, anyways what's a little redundancy?) is to try the E.V.E. mod on a regular kerbol system, and use the in-game editor (Alt N) to mess with kerbin's cloud layer. Try changing the RGB values, (If set to more than 1 they start to get really bright and glow in the dark), try changing the height of the layer, the speed, offset, all that stuff. Once you get an idea of what everything does, download a pack (Such as Astronomer's Better Atmosphere's Pack, you only really need the E.V.E. portion of it). Open all of the texture files and see how they are stretched to fit on a sphere. See what other people have changed to get the layers to behave how they want. Try modifying what they did to get things to look different. That is pretty much what I did, and I think I learned how to work with it fairly well.

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Ok figured out how to make clouds but my atmosphere "glow and texture" isnt visible altough i changed rgba colors(0.90 IS OUT!).

Glad that the clouds are working, that means that you can probably get the atmosphere to work. Hm, what are all of the other values set to? if they are blank you could probably copy them from the cloud layer and go from there. A few things I can think to check off the top of my head is to make sure height value is pretty high, on Kerbin I usually will set it to roughly 30,000m. Also check that the transparency is above 0 (For a single layer, I find that 0.1 to 0.2 works pretty well, 1.0 is solid). The transparency value I believe is called "A", and is below the RGB color values. If you post what all the values are set too I can see if anything is out of whack. Or a screenshot could probably work too, plus I'd like to see your planet. =)

Atmospheres on planets exist because the planet object has an atmosphere child object with an AtmosphereFromGround applied. You'll need to write code to add that if you want your planet to have that.

While not necessarily as good as the coding solution, the E.V.E. mod can be used to make atmospheres visible. It doesn't actually add the atmosphere, just the appearance of one, but the OP said he only needed to make his atmosphere visible, so I think it would be a viable option in this case, especially if an avoidance of coding is desired.

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