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the control+v game


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Decided to put on some devhax deorbit my little guy.


Getting closer now:



************ too close.


Oh ok.


Jebidiah Kerman can go choke on a rusty nail. Herferd Kerman is the new BAMF in town.

Oh my. lol.

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15th August 2012, 12:46 #331


Mad Rocket Scientist

Join Date

Sep 2011





-snip the everything, i double posted dammit why does this happen to me-

Last edited by flaillomanz; 15th August 2012 at 12:51. Reason: FFFFFFFFFFFF-

5:51 PM - |BUNG| Alaban: i can see this happening

5:51 PM - |BUNG| Alaban: fat guy sitting at NASA HQ pressing space to advance stages

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15th August 2012, 12:50 #332


Mad Rocket Scientist

Join Date

Sep 2011






..Well, that's strange, I thought I had something different in the clipboard. Huh.

5:51 PM - |BUNG| Alaban: i can see this happening

5:51 PM - |BUNG| Alaban: fat guy sitting at NASA HQ pressing space to advance stages

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15th August 2012, 17:20 #333


Bottle Rocketeer

Join Date

Apr 2012


Poland, Wroclaw




Haha I'll post it since it's actually something close in subject to this forum

I was reading this http://www.braeunig.us/space/timeline.htm (that site has some good space resources) and got interested in nuclear reactors in space, SNAP-10A being first and only reactor launched by USA.

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20th August 2012, 11:47 #334


Secret Government Project

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Mar 2012


The Universe



You told me to ctrl V

Now you can regret it...

... I see dead people...

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20th August 2012, 13:29 #335


Spacecraft Engineer

Join Date

May 2012





"Derek, have you tried the chipolatas?"

"The what?"

"Little porky sausages..."

Yup, this is what's on my clipboard... Don't ask...

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20th August 2012, 15:11 #336


Curious George

Join Date

Aug 2012



const int GEARUP = 0;

const int GEARDOWN = 1;

const int ROTBUTT = 10;

C++ programming for "Orbiter Space Flight Simulator" ...But I even prefer VB.NET !

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23rd August 2012, 20:45 #337


Senior Rocket Scientist

Join Date

Dec 2011


In a bin, thinking of something witty to put here.




Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes. Potatoes.

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24th August 2012, 18:54 #338


Secret Government Project

Join Date

Mar 2012


The Universe



Oh God(s), my brain is messed up for hitting Ctrl+v


... I see dead people...

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24th August 2012, 19:48 #339



Join Date

Aug 2012




Got KSP back when it was just the demo. Made this account in 0.16.

My Avatar in 1920x1080: http://i.imgur.com/xM6Wm.jpg

My youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCos9...p0fYc9GFw/feed

Numbers of PI I can remember: 23

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Today, 21:45 #340



Join Date

Aug 2012



0.93% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide

Got KSP back when it was just the demo. Made this account in 0.16.

My Avatar in 1920x1080: http://i.imgur.com/xM6Wm.jpg

My youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCos9...p0fYc9GFw/feed

Numbers of PI I can remember: 23

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We have atmospheric entry in T-10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Atmospheric entry confirmed at 31.415 degrees.

We have 1.5 G's and rising. 2 G's and rising. 3.13. 3.7. Signal remains strong. We have lost signal, as expected.



We have regained signal, heat shield is travelling at 50m/s away from the backshell. Parachute is deployed

Successfully. We are slowing down as expected.




We have delpoyed the Lithobraking cushions. We are travelling at 4.5 m/s- Touchdown confirmed! *Appluase and

Cheering*. We are about to activate the retro-rockets on the backshell. Backshell retro-rockets are activated at

minimal thrust. The backshell is clear of the ground, accelerating. The backshell and parcahute is now going to

crash at a safe distance from the probe. We are unfolding the solar panels.

The floatation ballon is being filled with the local gasses. It has successfully been inflated. The air is being

heated. And we are airborne! *More appluase and probably more cheering*. We are examining the atmosphere

composition. 78% nitrogen, 20% oxygen, 1% Argon and 1% water vapor. Fairly close to our estimations, but fairly

rough.More detailed examinations will be made after all systems are tested. unfolding electrical propulsion-

it's a fan,really. The fan works. We are testing the elevation systems. They are working. We are all ready to

probe this planet. The atmospheric measurements are currently being more accurately depicted. The green surface

appears to be many strands of an unknown material. A sample is being taken. It appears to be very soft, and may be

snappable. We are able to snap off a strand of the fine material, and we can confirm it is a living organism.

Thousands upon thousands of them, infact. all bundled together across the vast expanses of land found on this

planet. Each single strand itself being formed of many, many, many, many blobs, each living themselves. It seems

to be formed mostly of water. A tall brown structure has been found, with this previously found lifeform on it.

After closer inspection, the green tops appear not to be the other lifeform, but a wider form of it. We picked one,

and after analysis it turned out to also be largely out of water, out of miniscule blobs. The large brown

part of it seems to turn into many, many, many smaller lines as it progresses higher. After drilling the brown

material, it appears to have a large concentration of carbon, aswell as water.

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Pathological science is the process by which "people are tricked into false results ... by subjective effects, wishful thinking or threshold interactions".[1][2] The term was first used by Irving Langmuir, Nobel Prize-winning chemist, during a 1953 colloquium at the Knolls Research Laboratory. Langmuir said a pathological science is an area of research that simply will not "go away"â€â€long after it was given up on as 'false' by the majority of scientists in the field. He called pathological science "the science of things that aren't so".[3]

talking to a friend about overunity

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The sensation that you're screaming, but you never make a sound.

Or the feeling that you're falling, but you never hit the ground.

It just keeps on rushing at you day by day by day by day.

You don't know, you don't know what it's like to live that way.

Like a refugee, a fugitive, forever on the run.

If it gets me it will kill me, but I don't know what I've done.

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