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0.90 Career: Buildings fully upgraded in both 32bit and 64bit versions!

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I have only 2 mods installed (1 if you don't count mod manager as a mod), Mod manager and Kerbin Side. When I play KSP career mode, the buildings are already fully upgraded. I've look on the internet, reading the "solutions" about changing to 32bit, and that doesn't fix it. Perhaps removing mod manager, or kerbin side, or both may fix it. Any suggestions/solutions?

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Here's how to fix this problem :

1. Backup your persistent.sfs to the desktop or somewhere in case stuff messes up.

2. open the persistent.sfs with notepad or better yet with notepad++

3. find the sceneraio that looks like this :

name = ScenarioDiscoverableObjects
scene = 7, 8, 5
= 0
key = 0 0 1.5 1.5
key = 0.3 0.45 0.875 0.875
key = 0.7 0.55 0.875 0.875
key = 1 1 1.5 1.5

4. paste this code after the ScenarioDiscoverableObjects :

name = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities
scene = 5, 6, 7, 8
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0

5. Change all the lvl to zero. I've already upgraded some of mine. That's why some of them are .5. Have Fun!

6. Make sure to back up! Something as simple as a misplaced bracket can srew everything up. But, if all goes well, and you get the code pasted in there right, this will work. I've already tested this on my .25 save.

edit: I haven't tried this for 64bit. I doubt it will work, but maybe give it a try to find out. Please post back to let everyone know how it goes.

edit edit : for clarification this is how it should look when you are done :

name = ScenarioDiscoverableObjects
scene = 7, 8, 5
= 0
key = 0 0 1.5 1.5
key = 0.3 0.45 0.875 0.875
key = 0.7 0.55 0.875 0.875
key = 1 1 1.5 1.5
name = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities
scene = 5, 6, 7, 8
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0

edit edit edit : If you need to, just upload your save file (persistent.sfs) to dropbox or something and give me the link either here or through pm and I'll do it for you as soon as I can.

Edited by Otis
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The same problem as here but x64 and completely unmodded install. (I am jonesing SO hard for editor extensions but it's not available for beta yet :( ) The workaround given in that thread does not work; all values in the save were already at 0 and the game seems to be ignoring them.

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Merging this post, since it may clarify a common issue with this problem.

Otis's fix (above) is only if you're moving your save from KSP 64-bit for Windows to KSP 32-bit. The bug in 64-bit currently has no fix, but you can rescue your save using Otis's fix and loading them in a 32-bit KSP.

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  Otis said:
Here's how to fix this problem :

1. Backup your persistent.sfs to the desktop or somewhere in case stuff messes up.

2. open the persistent.sfs with notepad or better yet with notepad++

3. find the sceneraio that looks like this :

name = ScenarioDiscoverableObjects
scene = 7, 8, 5
= 0
key = 0 0 1.5 1.5
key = 0.3 0.45 0.875 0.875
key = 0.7 0.55 0.875 0.875
key = 1 1 1.5 1.5

4. paste this code after the ScenarioDiscoverableObjects :

name = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities
scene = 5, 6, 7, 8
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0

5. Change all the lvl to zero. I've already upgraded some of mine. That's why some of them are .5. Have Fun!

6. Make sure to back up! Something as simple as a misplaced bracket can srew everything up. But, if all goes well, and you get the code pasted in there right, this will work. I've already tested this on my .25 save.

edit: I haven't tried this for 64bit. I doubt it will work, but maybe give it a try to find out. Please post back to let everyone know how it goes.

edit edit : for clarification this is how it should look when you are done :

name = ScenarioDiscoverableObjects
scene = 7, 8, 5
= 0
key = 0 0 1.5 1.5
key = 0.3 0.45 0.875 0.875
key = 0.7 0.55 0.875 0.875
key = 1 1 1.5 1.5
name = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities
scene = 5, 6, 7, 8
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0.5
lvl = 0
lvl = 0
lvl = 0

edit edit edit : If you need to, just upload your save file (persistent.sfs) to dropbox or something and give me the link either here or through pm and I'll do it for you as soon as I can.

Since I deleted my saves, I'm guessing I need to go over to 64bit, create a save, move it over to 32bit, and then do the above? Or I can just make a 32bit save then modify it there since I'm having the same issue in 32bit as I am in 64bit, even in new saves..

Edit: Result was that it made the file save file invalid, and since it was just a newly created one with no play time on it, I didn't make a backup. Any who, it failed in 32bit, no idea now how to fix it, doubt it'd work in 64bit but I'll give it a try!

Edited by Techiastronamo
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The only thing I was trying to do is help people move their 32 bit save from .25 to .90 and reset the buildings to the first tier. I noticed that when I moved my old save, that the new building codes just weren't there. When I pasted in the new code from a new save, the buildings went back to the first tier. I haven't been messing with the 64 bit build at all, mainly because of the whole right click thing carrying over into my web browsers. I didn't like that at all, and I won't be using the 64 bit build again until it is declared stable by squad.

As far as making the save file invalid, I want to stress again the importance of making back-up copies of your save before messing with the code inside the save file. The syntax and structure have to be spot on, including the placement of brackets, capitalization, and spelling, or bad stuff happens. Good luck!

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  Psyckosama said:
So there's no fix for this on x64?

I hope the devs patch it soon because this is annoying.

I'm starting entirely new games and have the full space center.

Yeah, it's annoying as well. But hey, we can at least enjoy the other features while I play sandbox or science mode because the current career mode is broken considering the fully upgraded buildings still act as level 0 buildings!

  Otis said:
The only thing I was trying to do is help people move their 32 bit save from .25 to .90 and reset the buildings to the first tier. I noticed that when I moved my old save, that the new building codes just weren't there. When I pasted in the new code from a new save, the buildings went back to the first tier. I haven't been messing with the 64 bit build at all, mainly because of the whole right click thing carrying over into my web browsers. I didn't like that at all, and I won't be using the 64 bit build again until it is declared stable by squad.

As far as making the save file invalid, I want to stress again the importance of making back-up copies of your save before messing with the code inside the save file. The syntax and structure have to be spot on, including the placement of brackets, capitalization, and spelling, or bad stuff happens. Good luck!

I didn't care about backing up this newly created save since I intended it to be an experiment. But since it failed, at least I've tried!

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You can fix it in 64-bit by just forcing the buildings to the highest level. This seemed to work for me

name = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities
scene = 5, 6, 7, 8
lvl = 3
lvl = 3
lvl = 3
lvl = 3
lvl = 3
lvl = 3
lvl = 3
lvl = 3
lvl = 3
lvl = 3

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Insentien said:
Anyone figured out a solution to launchpad being on full upgrade but is stuck on 18t max cap (x64 windows) ? If so please reply :)

Don't use Winx64.

As an aside, for people getting fully upgraded buildings in x86, the problem is an outdated version of Kerbal Konstructs. The fix is either updating to the latest, or starting a new career, saving it, and THEN installing KK (and KerbinSide).

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Don't use Winx64.

As an aside, for people getting fully upgraded buildings in x86, the problem is an outdated version of Kerbal Konstructs. The fix is either updating to the latest, or starting a new career, saving it, and THEN installing KK (and KerbinSide).

Oh, that may be my issue. I'll try that, but I have upgraded to the latest (as of November 29th)

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  Insentien said:
Anyone figured out a solution to launchpad being on full upgrade but is stuck on 18t max cap (x64 windows) ? If so please reply :)

The fix I provided WAS for x64 bit KSP. It might not let you perform upgrades as the game intends, but it WILL let you play the game in 0.90 just fine

  Cannahain said:
This Fix worked for me too. Ty Bold, saved my night :D

I'm happy to hear someone tried it xD

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  • 4 weeks later...

Negative. I did find that a workaround posted earlier in the thread works.

The fix: At the beginning of your career add however many funds the baseline repair costs for all level 1 buildings(I haven't done the research to figure this out yet).

When you start your career, ctrl-click all buildings and demolish them. You can now rebuild them at their level 1 cost and they WILL start at their level 1 model and are upgradable. I am using 64bit and this solves it for now..

Edit: When you quit and reload your save, the buildings will reset. Thatsa bummer. Maybe download a mod that lets you cheat yourself money so you can demolish and rebuild every time you reload?

Found one here:


Double edit: They fix themselves every time you load the space center...I would just do the destroy and repair thing when you actually need to upgrade and ignore it the rest of the time

Trippppple edit: When you upgrade ingame, they don't actually upgrade. You will have to upgrade them yourself via the persistance file. Ctrl-F for lvl and you should find them. Make of this what you want..

Edited by How2FoldSoup
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  • 2 months later...

I had something similar happen after installing a bunch of mods using CKAN. The game had been working fine earlier in the day when I had just installed mods manually, but after I got done with CKAN, career mode was stuck in fully upgraded and there was no science in the science tree. This persisted even after I removed all of the mods, so I am downloading a fresh copy from steam and seeing what happens.

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