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Resources and a new Aero model coming.

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An explosion is an outward reaction that's ectothermic caused by a chemical reaction. Rockets are controlled explosions, the explosion is happening the whole time. Pressure is applied to all the sides of the chamber. It's a splosion.

An explosion is a rapid increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner, usually with the generation of high temperatures and the release of gases.

There is the straight definition. Extreme manner is not something that would be met by this. It is a combustion, not an explosion.

Also chemical reaction is not necessary. You can have an explosion from electrical discharge (explosion is the rapid phase change of a solid/liquid to a gas and the extreme high temperatures resulting in expansion in an extreme manner), pressure release/failure of a containment vessel of a gas under extreme pressure, etc.

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A virtual wind tunnel would indeed be awesome, but I think it's outside the scope of the game. The chief issue is that the actual aerodynamic model used in flight probably won't be a virtual wind tunnel, in that it's not going to be doing CFD.

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An explosion is a rapid increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner, usually with the generation of high temperatures and the release of gases.

There is the straight definition. Extreme manner is not something that would be met by this. It is a combustion, not an explosion.

Also chemical reaction is not necessary. You can have an explosion from electrical discharge (explosion is the rapid phase change of a solid/liquid to a gas and the extreme high temperatures resulting in expansion in an extreme manner), pressure release/failure of a containment vessel of a gas under extreme pressure, etc.

The combustion starts with no volume and ends with a large volume extension. The volume increase is at first the beginnings of the explosion, which tries to get out but can't except for one opening, and subsequently the expansion imparted by the nozzle, and this is where the majority of the rapid increase of volume occurs. I was also referring to the context of rocket engines, in which case it generally is a chemical reaction.

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Something like FAR would be nice. Rockets are easy and intuitive to fly with it, as the game provides a targeting circle that tells where the rocket should be pointing to. Planes might be harder, but real kerbals don't fly planes anyway.

And aerodynamic failures should definitely be included. They're the most kerbal thing implemented in FAR.

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I'm very interested to see what they come up with for their aerodynamics model. Lift modeling is pretty straightforward, drag…isn't. Speaking as an aerospace engineer who made SURE his degree focus was in structures shortly after we started covering drag in aerodynamics class.

…and if we do get better aero, the update should totally be called "KSP 0.91: What a DRAG!"

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I'd love to see a wind tunnel in KSP.

Ha ha. I've even got a building model for you. Yesterday was the 75th anniversary of the Ames Research Area and NASA featured an old 'image of the day', which made me think about the new building models. Wind tunnel under construction.



Edited by Aethon
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An explosion is an outward reaction that's ectothermic caused by a chemical reaction. Rockets are controlled explosions, the explosion is happening the whole time. Pressure is applied to all the sides of the chamber. It's a splosion.

No, its not. A rocket engine works by burning fuel and oxidizer, not exploding it. You've probably heard of knocking in your car engine. That is the point your fuel stops burning and starts exploding and it seriously screws up your fuel efficiency (plus your engine). Lazarus1024 already explained this.

All a rocket is, is a controlled CHEMICAL REACTION directed in a direction to force an otherwise simple lawn dart upWARDS IN AN UNCONTROLLED MANNER. This is why rockets came before planes.

Bold mine. The idea of flight (not including Chinese gunpowder rockets from hundreds of years ago) is to fly, then live to tell about it (or recover data/experiments, etc.). The point is to be in control of your craft. There is a reason there were manned aircraft in 1903 and not a manned spacecraft until 1961.

Edited by Meecrob
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Deadpangod3: Ah, so gliders have hidden controlled explosions in them? Makes sense, I always wondered why they were so loud.

How else could they dispense the chemtrails?

(Although my inner pedant insists on mentioning that by the FAA's official definitions, a glider is not an airplane.)

Edited by White Owl
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No, its not. A rocket engine works by burning fuel and oxidizer, not exploding it. You've probably heard of knocking in your car engine. That is the point your fuel stops burning and starts exploding and it seriously screws up your fuel efficiency (plus your engine). Lazarus1024 already explained this.

Bold mine. The idea of flight (not including Chinese gunpowder rockets from hundreds of years ago) is to fly, then live to tell about it (or recover data/experiments, etc.). The point is to be in control of your craft. There is a reason there were manned aircraft in 1903 and not a manned spacecraft until 1961.

Hmm... So you don't know what an explosion is? You have said that an explosion is a rapid increase in volume with large levels of energy, but you seem to forget how rockets work. Car engines burn, yes, but rockets explode. The rapid volume expansion comes from the nozzle. Also, you could call a rocket a shaped charge... Because it is. It's designed for constant acceleration while it's on, constant burn, with lots of energy and lots of volume expansion, like an explosion.

A car engine has strokes and combustion is not constant. A constant combustion is present In a rocket engine. We call this an explosion because it is.

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Hmm... So you don't know what an explosion is? You have said that an explosion is a rapid increase in volume with large levels of energy, but you seem to forget how rockets work. Car engines burn, yes, but rockets explode. The rapid volume expansion comes from the nozzle. Also, you could call a rocket a shaped charge... Because it is. It's designed for constant acceleration while it's on, constant burn, with lots of energy and lots of volume expansion, like an explosion.

A car engine has strokes and combustion is not constant. A constant combustion is present In a rocket engine. We call this an explosion because it is.

By that standard, a jet engine is an explosion because it's constantly burning fuel.

What you must realize is that the only form of energy we humans have mastered is heat, and that everything from cars to electric powerplants to rockets runs on heat. An internal combustion engine is the easiest to explain so I'll start there. You suck in a charge of air and fuel, compress it, ignite the mixture producing heat and causing the gas to expand, then shove the unusable energy out the exhaust. Jet engines work nearly the same way, just all the steps are happening linearly instead of sequentially and, like a rocket, the exhaust is forced through a nozzles to provide energy to the compressor and eventually thrust.

The only way rockets differ is that instead of outside air being the reaction mass, you only have what's left of the fuel and oxidizer after combustion. Burning the fuel and oxidizer causes the expanding exhaust gasses to accelerate supersonically through the nozzle.

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Please get back to the subject of the thread, which is game features, not explosions.

Exactly what I was thinking. Wizzlebippi, why do t you start a thread in the science section?


Good. I'm glad that the debs have finally confirmed that it wil happen soon.

- - - Updated - - -

Please get back to the subject of the thread, which is game features, not explosions.

Exactly what I was thinking. Wizzlebippi, why do t you start a thread in the science section?


Good. I'm glad that the devs have finally confirmed that it wil happen soon.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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