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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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I've installed the latest version to version .20.1 of the game, and for the life of me I can't find the GUI buttons. The parts are loaded in, just no buttons for them while in flight. Has anyone else had this problem or am I overlooking something obvious?

I am having this issue in 20.2 as well. The part is there and can be attached to a ship but It does not do the mapping/dish rotation. Also, when I place it on the launch pad you don't get the "glow" on mouseover, as if it isn't there. I have tried installing it multiple times and even on a new save file there is no button.

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Regarding the eventual slowness that the current version of this mod suffers from while scanning, I noticed that my artefacts.dat file had 55,647 lines! Of those 55,647 lines, only 37 of them were unique. Removing all the duplicates sped up the game significantly (from < 1 fps to no noticeable slowdown). Unfortunately, this isn't a one-time fix. It will have to be done whenever I notice the slowness getting bad.

If you have any C# experience, here's the simple program I'm using to clean out the file:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string path = @"C:\Kerbal Space Program 0.20.2\GameData\Innsewerants Space Agency\Plugins\PluginData\ISA_MapSat\artefacts.dat";

string[] distinctLines = File.ReadAllLines(path).Distinct().ToArray();
File.WriteAllText(path, string.Join("\n", distinctLines));

You'll just have to modify the path for your environment. I believe you should exit the game before running the program.

1) Exit the game

2) Run the cleanup program

3) Start the game

4) Profit

Maybe someone nice will post a compiled version of this that prompts for the path here for people to use. :)

Edited by itsme86
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If you use unix/linux/cygwin/whatever, you can use "sort -u [filename]" to remove duplicate lines ("-u" is the "unique" flag).

cp artefacts.dat artefacts.bak; sort -u artefacts.bak >artefacts.dat

The "sort" command is from GNU coreutils.

Edited by Gaius
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feature request: overlay map on top of in game map globes

feature request: alternate view that using math does a heat-map like overlay of how smooth and level the terrain is "base appropriateness" so to speak :)

feature request: right click to target coordinates (useful for MJ2 landing etc)

feature request: left click-drag inside the map window should drag the map around, scroll wheel should zoom (more intuitive).

Edited by K3|Chris
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Ummm... I think I see the problem. Your download link is for mapsat 3.3.1... which is pre .18

Does anyone have a link to the actual version 4.0?

please read the OP...it has all the info ya need (including where the dev build release download is)

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ahh a paper trail. just posting the file here would be to easy obviously...

Perhaps at least take down the link to the useless old file? Not everyone wants to read a book to find out you're hosting an obsolete file... as shown by all the other people with the same problem.

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he didn't want to post a dev build on main page or spaceport, but didn't want to totally deprive us of MapSat all together.

No... i get that, that's fine. just remove the reeeeeeally old version too as it is messing up peoples games. There is a much newer version on spaceport. why not have that linked?

Anyway doesn't matter... new problem!

Installed the dev build on 0.20.2 and once again the gui button is missing, the dish is turning and glows when you hover over it but no gui.

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Finally updated from 0.19.1 this morning. All my mods are working Except one little thing on ISA. I installed it in the game data folder, the parts are all on my ships and functional, but I am missing a texture on the Dish. The pole that the dish is on has its texture loaded properly, but the dish itself is black as night. When I mouse over it you can see the mesh and where the texture is supposed to line up. The actual texture file is unmoved from the directory structure the dev build came in, and I know it's in the right place because the texture on the pole is loading properly and it's from the exact same .png file.

So, anyone else have this happen to them? Know of a fix? It's not really a big deal since its still working as intended, but I just thought I'd check!

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Finally updated from 0.19.1 this morning. All my mods are working Except one little thing on ISA. I installed it in the game data folder, the parts are all on my ships and functional, but I am missing a texture on the Dish. The pole that the dish is on has its texture loaded properly, but the dish itself is black as night. When I mouse over it you can see the mesh and where the texture is supposed to line up. The actual texture file is unmoved from the directory structure the dev build came in, and I know it's in the right place because the texture on the pole is loading properly and it's from the exact same .png file.

So, anyone else have this happen to them? Know of a fix? It's not really a big deal since its still working as intended, but I just thought I'd check!

I've noticed this too, and it's because the model is in the old .dae format. Seems since 0.20 any parts that use that format are bugged one way or another.

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Finally updated from 0.19.1 this morning. All my mods are working Except one little thing on ISA. I installed it in the game data folder, the parts are all on my ships and functional, but I am missing a texture on the Dish. The pole that the dish is on has its texture loaded properly, but the dish itself is black as night. When I mouse over it you can see the mesh and where the texture is supposed to line up. The actual texture file is unmoved from the directory structure the dev build came in, and I know it's in the right place because the texture on the pole is loading properly and it's from the exact same .png file.

So, anyone else have this happen to them? Know of a fix? It's not really a big deal since its still working as intended, but I just thought I'd check!

I have the same problem - the dish is black like in this picture:


Anyone have a solution for this ?

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When I originally plugged in the Dev version, I placed my parts in the old manner because the file structure in the .ZIP file didn't include a GAMEDATA sub-folder. The GUI didn't work, but the dish did render correctly. Later I did remove the components from the directories and re-installed under the gamedata folder and the GUI worked for me, but I too get the blackened dish when installed this way. Perhaps if we also copied the parts to the parts folder (double saved) it would render correctly. Can't say I care enough about it to try.

On another note, the rendering quality of the Dev Release needs a tweak I believe. I read that's it's now capable of mapping up to 10x warp speed and indeed it does. However it maps better at 10x speed than it does at 1x speed. At normal speed there are large gaps and the image is very grainy/spotty. At 10x speed everything is filled in and the scan appears complete in the area it covers. Either these results need to be swapped or the less than 10x speed results need to at least match the performances of the 10x speed scan.

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The Dev version just isn't working for me unfortunately; I've removed everything but Mechjeb and the Muon Detector mod, am patched via Steam up to 2.02 and running in any of the acceleration speeds crashes the game completely after about 2 minutes of real time, and the map developed so far is lost. I think it's running out of memory still...? As deep within the log it reports it's unable to apply any more. It always crashes with an Access Violation though.

KSP.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)

in module KSP.exe at 001b:007d3af6.

Error occurred at 2013-06-03_145002.

D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.exe, run by Kerbals.

87% memory in use.

3328 MB physical memory [431 MB free].

0 MB paging file [2249 MB free].

2048 MB user address space [146 MB free].

Read from location 003ee000 caused an access violation.


EDI: 0x08d0b551 ESI: 0x003ee000 EAX: 0x00000001

EBX: 0x0013f738 ECX: 0x00001ffd EDX: 0x00000001

EIP: 0x007d3af6 EBP: 0x0013f69c SegCs: 0x0000001b

Edit; It's not in fact the scanning that's an issue, just the rapidly escalating memory consumption. Trying to launch new probes ready for a later fix, I'm crashing with Access Violation, and approximately 3.3 gb of used ram (Win XP can only access 3.5gb of my 4gb installed) a minute or two after launching. This occurs even if the SCN function is off. Launching the exact same probe, but removing the Mapsat dishes removes the problem, and the memory usage stays steady at 1.4gb for KSP. Adding the little mapsat receiver. usage sneaks up to 1.7gb but stays steady, so it's the dish that's definitely the problem. Is it attempting to scan even when not activated?

Edited by Titler
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When I originally plugged in the Dev version, I placed my parts in the old manner because the file structure in the .ZIP file didn't include a GAMEDATA sub-folder. The GUI didn't work, but the dish did render correctly. Later I did remove the components from the directories and re-installed under the gamedata folder and the GUI worked for me, but I too get the blackened dish when installed this way. Perhaps if we also copied the parts to the parts folder (double saved) it would render correctly. Can't say I care enough about it to try.

On another note, the rendering quality of the Dev Release needs a tweak I believe. I read that's it's now capable of mapping up to 10x warp speed and indeed it does. However it maps better at 10x speed than it does at 1x speed. At normal speed there are large gaps and the image is very grainy/spotty. At 10x speed everything is filled in and the scan appears complete in the area it covers. Either these results need to be swapped or the less than 10x speed results need to at least match the performances of the 10x speed scan.

I'm not sure why your having issues mapping even at 10x,, I map at 50x time warp with a kethane scanner going simultaneously and it comes out perfectly.

Do you have it set to save raw data, and if so how fast is the HDD you have KSP installed on? I seem to recall a while ago a drive with a slow enough write speed will degrade the scanners ability to save raw data, and in turn interrupt the drawn in game map. I don't know if that carrys over to the newer versions however, but its a place to start

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Regarding the eventual slowness that the current version of this mod suffers from while scanning, I noticed that my artefacts.dat file had 55,647 lines! Of those 55,647 lines, only 37 of them were unique. Removing all the duplicates sped up the game significantly (from < 1 fps to no noticeable slowdown). Unfortunately, this isn't a one-time fix. It will have to be done whenever I notice the slowness getting bad.

If you have any C# experience, here's the simple program I'm using to clean out the file:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string path = @"C:\Kerbal Space Program 0.20.2\GameData\Innsewerants Space Agency\Plugins\PluginData\ISA_MapSat\artefacts.dat";

string[] distinctLines = File.ReadAllLines(path).Distinct().ToArray();
File.WriteAllText(path, string.Join("\n", distinctLines));

You'll just have to modify the path for your environment. I believe you should exit the game before running the program.

1) Exit the game

2) Run the cleanup program

3) Start the game

4) Profit

Maybe someone nice will post a compiled version of this that prompts for the path here for people to use. :)

Or to just do it from a .bat file, put the following in a .cmd or .bat file in the KSP main directory

@ECHO off
CD GameData\Innsewerants Space Agency\Plugins\PluginData\ISA_MapSat
IF EXIST artefacts.dat.bak DELETE artefacts.dat.bak
RENAME artefacts.dat artefacts.dat.bak
FOR /F %%a IN (artefacts.dat.bak) DO (
IF EXIST artefacts.dat (
FIND "%%a" artefacts.dat > NUL:
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO %%a >> artefacts.dat
) ELSE (
ECHO %%a > artefacts.dat

And run it and it will do the same thing. It might be a bit slow for really large artefacts.dat files because it has to search the new artefacts.dat file for every line in the old.

I did that and you are right, < 1 FPS to normal FPS in one fell swoop.

Edited by elfindreams
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On another note, the rendering quality of the Dev Release needs a tweak I believe. I read that's it's now capable of mapping up to 10x warp speed and indeed it does. However it maps better at 10x speed than it does at 1x speed. At normal speed there are large gaps and the image is very grainy/spotty. At 10x speed everything is filled in and the scan appears complete in the area it covers. Either these results need to be swapped or the less than 10x speed results need to at least match the performances of the 10x speed scan.

Ah, so someone else has the same problem as I have, I guess?


I only saw this when mapping Moho, it didn't do that on Kerbin and Eve.

Also, I don't know why so many here have trouble with crashes and RAM usage. That's no problem on my old laptop.

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a kethane scanner? use 6 and map with 80% resolution on x100 hehe =P

I don't know if this would work with a mapsat dish though

I use small 0.7t satellites with one of each dish, and I was under the impression that ISA was limited to 50x, tho I have not tried to go faster since I got the newest version. Mapping kethane at that speed is slow, extremely slow, but I only have to map once :) just set it going on whichever planet or moon I want before I go to bed and a few hours later its done.

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On another note, the rendering quality of the Dev Release needs a tweak I believe. I read that's it's now capable of mapping up to 10x warp speed and indeed it does. However it maps better at 10x speed than it does at 1x speed. At normal speed there are large gaps and the image is very grainy/spotty. At 10x speed everything is filled in and the scan appears complete in the area it covers. Either these results need to be swapped or the less than 10x speed results need to at least match the performances of the 10x speed scan.

I also have this issue. It maps best at 10x warp, using the default scan settings. 1x warp is just as bad as 50x warp for some reason. Maybe adjusting the scan settings fixes this?

Also, I don't know why so many here have trouble with crashes and RAM usage. That's no problem on my old laptop.

Those of us who run with large parts packs installed will experience this issue. For instance, I was using KW Rocketry, NovaPunch Remix, and B9 Aerospace, all of which have many parts. These would work fine, but ISA MapSat takes up a lot of extra memory, and the game itself can only use up to ~3.3GB of RAM. Anything over that will crash the game. I managed to go through and prune off a lot of the extra parts I never use, and am actually able to run the game fine now, although memory usage still climbs even when not using ISA MapSat. Seems to point to a memory leak with the game itself, and not really something specific to the mod.

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Ah, so someone else has the same problem as I have, I guess?


I only saw this when mapping Moho, it didn't do that on Kerbin and Eve.

Also, I don't know why so many here have trouble with crashes and RAM usage. That's no problem on my old laptop.

I see the same issue, scanning at 1x leaves large parts blank, scanning at 10x or 50x and there are almost no gaps in the scanned areas. Weird.

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