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Kron series (Kron 6 end of mission) - temporary halt of program


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Maximum speed of reentry without braking was 5300.5 m/s, which simply does not work. Taurus HCV shield explodes and the capsule is gone at 50 km. The ship therefore had to brake.

Screenshots soon.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Yeah, a tie. Here's the screenshot showing the failed reentry with the maximum speed.

Kron 4 entering Kerbin sphere of influence.


All of the crew members were excited, but Valentina was making the largest grin of them all.


Spending a smaller part of the 6300 m/s (more or less) left in the tanks.


Jettisoning the propulsion unit, service, cryo and habitat module.


Kron 4 started to disintegrate rather fast.



A final retro burn using the built-in monopropellant thrusters was used to try landing on the ground, but it did not work.


For some reason the docking port also exploded, and the capsule fell in the ocean. There was simply too much speed involved.


Kerty deploying the kevlar parachutes.


Kron 4 splashed down near the shore.


The crew is finally home after almost 13 years, waiting for rescue.


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Congrats on the splashdown! A fitting end to a very long, spectacular mission!

Also, as it seems Ablate will be a little too hot to handle, why not do Ascension next? It's interesting, relatively difficult to reach, and the mission shouldn't take very long (at least not as long as Kron 3 or 4), hopefully filling the gap between now and when Niedon gets updated . . .

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The low bet wins again!

So what's next? Ablate would be ludicrous, and Neidon isn't done yet. Maybe a larger colonization effort to Laythe or Eve?

I try to approach Kerbin from the side that would eventually remove some of my speed, so it's like a reverse gravitational slingshot. Every m/s counts.

Next mission is Ablate, but the technology (Heat Control 1.0.4) still does not exist. Also, I'm pretty much burned from the whole mission just like the Kron 4 now is. :D

It's time for making a sweet little station, throwing probes on inner planetary bodies, etc.

Go to Sentar, man!

I've been to Sentar a long time ago, when PF was released, and landed on all bodies. Other than the fact it's blue and has rings, which was a new and exciting thing back then, I don't find the system to be realistic. I consider it being an experiment in creativity. No plans exist for a Kron ship to visit that planet. Maybe someday, but I really have no plans for it.

That's why I've deleted it from the mod. I have Ablate, Ascension and Inaccessable left. If Ablate proves to be impossible with the current thermal model, I might try Ascension, the comet.

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Not sure if it would help but DSEV has open-cycle cooling on its radiators. Maybe take a big tank of Coolant and use open cycle cooling. Perhaps adjust the dump rate too. For EVA, I could rig a radiator with optional open cycle cooling for the Outback backpack in Pathfinder. Then your kerbals could stay cool on the surface for awhile. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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I try to approach Kerbin from the side that would eventually remove some of my speed, so it's like a reverse gravitational slingshot. Every m/s counts.

Next mission is Ablate, but the technology (Heat Control 1.0.4) still does not exist. Also, I'm pretty much burned from the whole mission just like the Kron 4 now is. :D

It's time for making a sweet little station, throwing probes on inner planetary bodies, etc.

I've been to Sentar a long time ago, when PF was released, and landed on all bodies. Other than the fact it's blue and has rings, which was a new and exciting thing back then, I don't find the system to be realistic. I consider it being an experiment in creativity. No plans exist for a Kron ship to visit that planet. Maybe someday, but I really have no plans for it.

That's why I've deleted it from the mod. I have Ablate, Ascension and Inaccessable left. If Ablate proves to be impossible with the current thermal model, I might try Ascension, the comet.

HeatControl was updated!
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