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[1.3.0] Filter Extensions 3.0.4 (Jul 11)


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Is there anyway to filter engines by thrust? Ideally using <>=, or text equivalent.


type = maxThrust

value = <=200

or value = >200,<=500

for example.

Then I could fulfill my dream of








Edited by Pronoes
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1) If I could work it out, I would (and then some)

2) Already 90% exists, you can set the default category and subcategory from the space centre scene. Shouldn't be too difficult to extend that

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Filter Extensions v2.3.0

  • Added subcategory Check type, allows quick reference to other subcategories (just be careful not to make circular references...)
  • Added a set of configs to rearrange parts in the stock subcategories of Filter by Function (separate sub folder in configs, will be separate on CKAN)
  • Bulkhead profile updates from Kerbas_ad_astra
  • KSP v1.0.x compatibility changes from KaiserSoze
  • Added a settings window to the space center scene

Base Layout of Filter by Function with the rearrangement (Note: parts can appear in multiple locations)

  • Command and Crew: Stock pods category + other crewed parts
  • Attitude Control: Stock Command and Control + aero control surfaces
  • Fuel tanks
  • Engines
  • Structural
  • General Aero - Everything in stock aero category that isn't a wing + parachutes, adapters, and cargo bays
  • Flight - Wings and control surfaces
  • Misc - Stock Utility without Generators, Lights, batteries, solar panels, cargo bays, crew pods, and parachutes
  • Electrical - Generators, Lights, batteries, solar panels
  • Science

Edited by Crzyrndm
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I really like the new categorizing of the update concerning stock items! One unfortunate bug I have though is that when reverting to Vehicle Assembly makes all parts disappear. I need to switch to KSC and then back to VAB to see them again, happened after install of this mod and was reproducable quite some times now. Just wondering if this fixable

Keep up the nice work!

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Check it on a new save. If it doesn't appear, it's a stock issue with the resources system and has nothing at all to do with FE. If it does appear, I need logs to do anything about it

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Hi Crzyrndm

First of all, thanks for all the effort you put in your mod and the maintenance work. :-)

I tried to compile this mod by myself, since I want to gain more knowledge about KSP Mods in general.

However there is something I do not understand, maybe you can help me?

I'm also new to this git stuff, so I downloaded the filter extension just by cloning your repository locally.

The strange thing is now: When I go to to the 2.3.0 tag of your mod, I actually see the 2.2.2 version ( https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/2.3.0/GameData/000_FilterExtensions/FilterExtensions.version ). And when I go back to the master branch, I can then see the real 2.3.0 version ( https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions/FilterExtensions.version ).

But when I download your Mod via KerbalStuff (that is also 2.30 version) it has the right version number inside.

So I wonder if I completely misunderstood the git-principles (As I said, I'm a total newbie at git), but for me it looks like the git tag 2.3.0 is actually another version then the 2.3.0 version from KerbalStuff.

From which version did you create the KerbalStuff one? From a local build, from the master-branch or from any other git-tag?

Thanks and best regards,


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  GrafZahl said:
Hi Crzyrndm

First of all, thanks for all the effort you put in your mod and the maintenance work. :-)

I tried to compile this mod by myself, since I want to gain more knowledge about KSP Mods in general.

However there is something I do not understand, maybe you can help me?

I'm also new to this git stuff, so I downloaded the filter extension just by cloning your repository locally.

The strange thing is now: When I go to to the 2.3.0 tag of your mod, I actually see the 2.2.2 version ( https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/2.3.0/GameData/000_FilterExtensions/FilterExtensions.version ). And when I go back to the master branch, I can then see the real 2.3.0 version ( https://github.com/Crzyrndm/FilterExtension/blob/master/GameData/000_FilterExtensions/FilterExtensions.version ).

But when I download your Mod via KerbalStuff (that is also 2.30 version) it has the right version number inside.

So I wonder if I completely misunderstood the git-principles (As I said, I'm a total newbie at git), but for me it looks like the git tag 2.3.0 is actually another version then the 2.3.0 version from KerbalStuff.

From which version did you create the KerbalStuff one? From a local build, from the master-branch or from any other git-tag?

Thanks and best regards,


This is an artifact of my release habits :P. When I package a release, I upload all of them before making the .version file changes (so the release will normally have the .version for the commit after it). This is for two reasons: Not having AVC tell people there's a new version out before I can finish uploading and checking things, and not having the name of the last commit in the relase be ".version 2.3.0"

This would be the release package branch I believe.


Any questions just ask. I know I have a terrible habit of not commenting code most of the time

  ExEvolution said:
Does this update fix the flickering when changing symmetry modes?

I don't know because I didn't know there was an issue with it. Could you please elaborate/provide logs/etc.

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Hi thanks for explaining this to me :)

However having different version numbers for the same version is very confusing, I'm not an expert but there must be a better way to work around.

I could think about two "release-processes" that should do the job:

1.) Using a tag named "stable". All .version files contain a URL to the .version file of the stable-tag on github. Thus as long as stable points to the same release, AVC will not know that there was a new release. Then after you tested and tagged your release (with the correct version number) you can simply move the "stable" tag to the new release tag. I don't know if this will work with git but in other VCS I did something like this in the past.

2.) Another idea is to have two branches: The master branch and the stable branch. Then you can let pointing all .version files to the .version file in the stable branch. Also here you can change on master as much as you want, without affecting the AVC. When you do your release, you can then simply merge the release tag (with the right version number) to the stable branch and since no-one is allowed to change anything on the stable branch, the merge will be trivial.

Best regards,


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It's only two numbers if you happen to diff one file at a very specific time period. Since I'm the only dev and I don't really use git as anything more than a backup I don't see that particular little quirk as an issue. Not doing so provides a very minor advantage but will cost time.

What I really need to fix with the versioning is this. It's an important debugging tool but I always forget to change it. At some point I need to write something to auto-generate that and the AVC file from just 4 strings (version, KSP version, KSP min/max version) but it's just another of those housekeeping things that I never seem to get to

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When switching symmetry types, it doesn't switch as expected anymore. My best example is that I would press X to switch from 3 to 4 while holding a part, and it would increase, but if I tried to shift+x it would flicker 3 for just a moment, then switch back to 4

You would have to take the part away from the piece you were about to place it on before switching down or it would continuously switch back to 4. So basically, if you are about to place a part, pressing X increased it no problem, but shift+x wouldn't decrease it unless you pulled the part away first

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Hi Crzyrndm

I understand, you are the owner of that mod, so it is of course your decision where you spend effort and where not.

However I think merging a stable version into a one-way "stable" branch is very trivial, a task that can be done with a few git commands.

Of course it is just the version number, however when you don't know it, then it confuses a lot and the people think the version on github is simply outdated or hardly maintained.

In software engineering, also details are important. Do you know the broken window theory ( http://www.rtuin.nl/2012/08/software-development-and-the-broken-windows-theory/ )?

Of course this theory is more important for teams that work on the same software. But I personally think it is also important to maintain good habits also for myself.

However, it is your mod and your decision how to do releases of it. Since I know this is just the version number, I can life with it.

Regarding your other issue with updating the version number in this file: Do you know Hooks?

Hooks are script that will be performed every time when a specific action takes place. For example to run tests automatically or to check some constraints.

Maybe you can also write a hook, that is performed when you create a new tag with a "version-style"-name and this script updates the version number in your file automatically to the same number like the version in the tag-name.

See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5809910/how-do-i-react-to-new-tags-in-git-hooks

Another solution would be to write a "Release" script, that does this stuff for you:

- updating version numbers

- creating a ZIP

- tagging the source

- merging to stable branch

- push to server

Best regards,


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  dureiken said:
Oh yeah thanks a lot.

Dunno if it's possible but it would be awesome to have a button in toolbar to hide/unhide.

But thanks a lot for this feature !

Love this feature too and would love an easy in game toggle as well. i would even take it if only at the the space center scene and not the editor. Thanks for this great mod!

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Already available in the space centre scene along with a few other settings :P (my choice of icon on the other hand, could probably be better...)

Edited by Crzyrndm
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I used to use the PartCatalog mod, and I really liked its layout. Is there a way to make this work in the same way (as in a button for each mod/mod folder)?

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If you want one for each folder with the categories you can:

1) Add categories with a mod folder template, eg. Squad

2) Select the mod folder in Filter by Manufacturer category, and then right click on the Filter by Function category. Both categories subcategories are then visible and can be selected from (NOTE: this is a stock bug/feature)

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Is there any way to add NOT checks to filters? I'd like to make it so, for example, the "Electrical/Power Storage" category doesn't have things that also make power in it.

Edited by Tahvohck
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Thanks, that's nice and easy. Moving on, can you tell me why this isn't loading? Obviously this is a test case, but my more complex example isn't working either so I wanted to use the simplest possible thing.

name = Literally Nothing
icon = SPD
colour = #FFF0F0F0
all = true

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