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Episode Six: Knowledge | It's Hardly Rocket Science


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I don\'t understand why people are praising this comic other than the fact that it\'s loosely based off of their favourite video game.

I won\'t lie, the comics are currently awful. The jokes are either tired/cliched/obvious, the setups feel unnecessarily long (the latest one would\'ve been expressed in two panels, the second comic had almost 60% of its words as completely redundant), and sometimes the joke is almost non existent (For example; in the tree comic the joke would need to be explained, something which should never have to be done in comedy).

Honestly, CTRL+ALT+DEL is currently funnier than this. Which is sad, because CAD is probably one of the worst running webcomics out there right now. There is some potential in them, but if they were better edited they would be far better.

Also, don\'t write the accents. When people read they put on accents already in their mind, when you write in an accent it forces an idea onto the reader which may clash with their expectations or how they would normally read it.

Honestly, I would love to see these comics be successful as they could be a great marketing tool, but currently they would only turn people away from the game.

Following this post I will submit an edited version of every comic.

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  Sordid said:

Looking forward to that.

Also, that\'s not an accent.

You cannot tell me what you wrote in the first line of the first comic is not an accent.

Here is the edited version of the first comic, This was probably my favourite of all the comics. The joke is simple, accessible and very reflective of the nature of the game.

The problems with the original lay within the first panel. It was absurdly unnecessary. The only thing we got from it was an awful written accent and a cool drawing of Jeb. Therefore, the only thing that needed to be changed was the complete removal of the superfluous panel.

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I\'m doing these edits quickly and I don\'t want to add extra text.

This was also a good idea bogged down by extra words. Over half of those words in the first speechbubble were unnecessary. They added nothing but a barrier between the setup and the punchline. If this was re-written the wordcount could have been reduced further, but I felt it would be fine if the extra words were simply removed. Notice how it still reads perfectly? In fact, other than the spaces where words have been blanked out the current writing flows far better.

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I enjoyed the original of this one quite bit, still doesn\'t mean it couldn\'t have been improved.

As a minor problem I was unhappy with the flow of the first panel, but I couldn\'t come up with anything better so I decided it should stay how it is. There\'s nothing technically wrong here, it\'s just personal opinion.

The final panel was the real problem which for some reason felt like it had to explain the punchline. The punchline is the explosion. Exploding rockets imply they do not get anywhere. Why is another panel that repeats the previous panel necessary?

I did like the art in this one a lot, it the expressions really added to the joke.

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Nothing wrong with the fourth comic. It\'s disgustingly cheesy, but that\'s in the flavour.

Also, if a mod has a problem with me making a different post for each individual comic, let me know and I\'ll just edit it all into a single post.

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The fifth comic is the exact opposite of the fourth comic. To make this of a reasonable quality everything needs to be changed.

I\'m at a loss for how to edit the fifth comic to improve it without just writing a new comic. The attempt was to make a joke out of the existence of trees in the latest patch. Which, as I write it now, I realise may be the least hilarious premise for a joke possible.

'Did you hear the one about the trees existing?'


'Well, first they didn\'t, and now they did. Pretty funny right?'

To make this comic of a higher quality you would first need to establish a setting. The reader doesn\'t know that the KSP didn\'t used to have trees, readers from the future with future versions of KSP will assume the trees have always been there. Therefore the reader needs to be told that trees are unusual.

The punchline would also have to be changed. Mostly because it\'s just kind of bad. It\'s vague, cliched and just kind of boring. Something brief and witty would be far more appropriate than drilled phrased which everyone has heard variations of.

On the bright side the cloud paintings are damn pretty. Is the writer the same person as the artist?

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Discussing the sixth would give it more credit than it\'s worth. As a rule of thumb, if you have to say something is crap in it\'s description, then don\'t publish it.

To sum up the previous posts in a handy TL;DR format.

  • [li]Unnecessary words[/li]
    [li]Unnecessary panels[/li]
    [li]Degrade in quality[/li]
    [li]Meta-jokes are bad[/li]

As a final note I apolagise for saying it\'s worse than CAD. That was hyperbole and I sincerely retract that upon reviewing your comics. Very little is as bad as CAD, although your last strip came close.

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  Linchowlewy said:

The fifth comic is the exact opposite of the fourth comic. To make this of a reasonable quality everything needs to be changed.

I\'m at a loss for how to edit the fifth comic to improve it without just writing a new comic. The attempt was to make a joke out of the existence of trees in the latest patch. Which, as I write it now, I realise may be the least hilarious premise for a joke possible.

'Did you hear the one about the trees existing?'


'Well, first they didn\'t, and now they did. Pretty funny right?'

To make this comic of a higher quality you would first need to establish a setting. The reader doesn\'t know that the KSP didn\'t used to have trees, readers from the future with future versions of KSP will assume the trees have always been there. Therefore the reader needs to be told that trees are unusual.

The punchline would also have to be changed. Mostly because it\'s just kind of bad. It\'s vague, cliched and just kind of boring. Something brief and witty would be far more appropriate than drilled phrased which everyone has heard variations of.

On the bright side the cloud paintings are damn pretty. Is the writer the same person as the artist?

I don\'t agree with this. I think that people first TRY the game BEFORE they buy it. The terrain of 13.3 is still that old one. When someone discovers the game over 2 months and buys the game, he will get another terrain. When he will read that comic yet another months later, he will remember the old terrain.

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  witeken said:

I don\'t agree with this. I think that people first TRY the game BEFORE they buy it. The terrain of 13.3 is still that old one. When someone discovers the game over 2 months and buys the game, he will get another terrain. When he will read that comic yet another months later, he will remember the old terrain.

Didn\'t actually know that about the free version. I have just been using the paid version for so long I forgot what state the free version was at. Thanks for informing me though!

Although, there is always a risk that Harv will add features like the terrain engine to the demo. Which would actually be quite awesome.

  RC1062 said:

The comment below the comic helps clear that issue...

You shouldn\'t have to explain a joke.

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