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Can we get some new music or something?

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I hear these songs in my nightmares. If I go to hell, the soundtrack is going to be the VAB music repeated for eternity. "Bum BA dum, ba ba ba bum BA da DEE DEE DEE bum BA dum" "Ding da ding da DEE dee ding da ding..."

From what I understand these are royalty free music tracks, because I hear them in other places, even on the occasional TV show (it's like the Doom doors).

I mean, I would happily take some white ambient background noise over music. Or hell, I'm sure you can find some people in the community to make some music tracks for you.

VAB: Kerbals lightly chatting, the sound of airwrenches, tools, hammering, welding, etc.

RF: Sound of something boiling, light Kerbal chatter, glasses clinking, sound of pencil on paper.

MC: Hum of computers, lots of chatter, typing.

AC: The music is fine here, it already has the background noises!

AB: Sound of Kerbals in a meeting, papers shuffling, writing, chairs squeaking.

Space: Silence. Or rather, the option of silence. Or add an ambient hum from your spacecraft. I mostly use Chatterer to fill in the silence of space.

KSC: The birds and such are fine (if not really loud).

I just know right now dead silence in the VAB and such is bad and boring, but the music is even worse.

Edited by Frostiken
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You forgot the phantom cow while sitting on the space center screen. The music is fine to me, normally I have it nearly muted while I play. I do agree though the birds must be freakin huge to give out that much noise. I am sure there will be more sounds added in as they near final release, I wouldn't be surprised if Chatter gets put in some form as well.

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  SpacedCowboy said:
Frosti, I love your idea of the white noise ambient sound track. Would love to hear a compilation! BTW, what does ; RF, MC, AC and AB stand for? I understand the sounds, but not the initials.

RF: no idea

MC: mission control

AC: astronaut complex

AB: administration building

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  Norpo said:
But yeah, the VAB music is... repetetive, to put it nicely.

Given the amount of time players tend to spend building ships, is there any way that whatever they add to it won't be repetitive?

The only thing I can think of is giving us control over the music, letting us add and select files to play in each of the scenes.

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The Devs did get new music when they implemented the newer buildings, such as the Astronaut complex.

I can see them getting some more music before the full release. If not its not THAT big of a deal. The main problem is we spend so much time in the game, we get sick of hearing the same songs in the VAB over and over, because they haven't changed it haha. I generally keep the music very very low and play my own or listen to something else.

I always still appreciate this sort of music over Orbiter. Which has NO SOUND, stock and very limted music with the sound mod lol.

PS. Chatter should be added because without it, how do we know Kerbals speak reverse spanish without referring to any release videos!

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I would love a easy system to add you own music, something like a simple folder named "space" where you place music that you want to hear in space and "VAB" for building rockets etc. There is/was a soundtrack plugin which enabled you to use additional music but since those music is loaded in the RAM its useless...

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I know it's a lot of work, but each Planet's influence should have their own music... Outer space could be regular KSP music, which I rather like anyways.

-- "The Planets" by Gustav Holst comes to mind... even if half of them aren't that great imho... But it's an Idea.

BTW: Each music should also be an MP3 file, easily replaced for those of us that happens to get tired of or doesn't like the current ones (case and point: Age of Wonders game).

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I think squad is better served working on other things(gameplay/bugfixes/ect...). That being the case, accepting and implementing community made music is the easiest option.

Plus they sound good.

Edited by r4pt0r
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I think at least some of the game's music is actually from some online music library that's been publicly licensed as free-to-use for whatever, and SQUAD didn't actually develop it. I know for a fact I've heard the "you are in space" music on several youtube videos before that have nothing to do with KSP, and I think it's one of the options you can add to your own youtube videos from youtube's free library of music effects.

If that suspicion is true, it would mean that changing the music to something developed FOR the game would mean embarking on a new expense that SQUAD had previously avoided - paying a musician. I don't know for sure if my suspicion is true, but I think it is because I've heard that exact same music elsewhere.

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  MKI said:
I always still appreciate this sort of music over Orbiter. Which has NO SOUND, stock and very limted music with the sound mod lol.

Hey! I like hearing Air on a G String every time I reach space. :P And no other music, ever.

J/k I'd love if custom music were supported. Just an "MP3" folder in the game directory with an in-game widget to choose new tracks to listen to. Or itunes compatibility, but not everyone uses/likes itunes. (and you wouldn't catch me dead installing it on Win7 :P)

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