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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. You stumble on a rock and fall into the abyss, too.

I wish the aliens of UFO: Enemy Unknown were less OP and lied less when it comes to hit player soldiers from afar with petty weapons dealing critical ALWAYS. :(

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Ghpranteed. The Wishmaking Entity known as Tangle mishears you and things you wished polr a "turning machine". You get a robot humanoid programmed to turn mudkip-brony crossbreeds clockwise.

I wish THENEWJOEMAMA's avatar would stop making sudden movements.

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Many ppl wish that. Granted. His avatar is stand still, but everything else on your screen makes sudden movements, making it completely unreadable and making your eyes bleed when you look at it.

I wish I could have a nice cup of coffee now.

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