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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted, but your kittens cannot bear to be away from you for long. They slowly begin to melt, and no, you cannot revoke your wish. You are forced to watch as they pace around an invisible line surrounding you, never coming any closer. First they lose their facial features, then their fur starts to clump together. Their claws fall out and their tails drip slowly to the ground, and eventually their skin and bones melt into a puddle of goop. You are surrounded by a circle of melted kitten.

I wish I was not so morbid.

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Damn straight you do.

Granted, but it can't be undone anyway. So you are forced to vacuum it up. Slowly. And repulsively.

I would wish to be able to scare people, but it seems I can certainly do that. Or at least creep them out.... sooo.... I wish I was more terrifying. :D

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Granted, it is however full of ponies..

I wish I didn't have to think about what Vexx is going to post next

  vexx32 said:
I wish I was more terrifying. :D


You are packed off on a Russian Luna trip, as only the Russian can stand being around you for that period of time, you are left their to choose between seeing the whole world you Terrified rejoice in your slow, isolated lingering death due to no supplies apart from O2, or a quicker option.

  vexx32 said:
Granted, but your kittens cannot bear to be away from you for long. They slowly begin to melt, and no, you cannot revoke your wish. You are forced to watch as they pace around an invisible line surrounding you, never coming any closer. First they lose their facial features, then their fur starts to clump together. Their claws fall out and their tails drip slowly to the ground, and eventually their skin and bones melt into a puddle of goop. You are surrounded by a circle of melted kitten.

"Still a better love story then Twilight"

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Granted. Your thoughts slow, and your mind darkens. You feel a tingling sensation in your scalp as you slowly lose feeling in your body. You fall to the ground as you lose control of your leg muscles, and begin to lose your sight. Your ears feel strange, and you groggily touch them with your arm. Bringing it round to your eyes, you see that you have picked up some unidentifiable liquid. Your arms go limp, followed quickly by your eyelids, and shortly enough your life drains away entirely.

I wish I could get enough sleep to stop being so horrible.

Edited by vexx32
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  11JRidding said:
Granted, you can't wake up again

I wish I didn't hate Humanity

Granted, But now humanity hates you.

I wish for Ninja protection!

  vexx32 said:
I wish I could get enough sleep to stop being so horrible.

Granted, you fall into a deep sleep, lying cold and motionless as time flows for all around you, your friends and family spend the rest of their lives looking for you, seeking you out, trying to find you or your remains and learn what has happened, but never reaching that goal, they die still wondering, still worried and without closure.

Time moves on, Decades become centuries, centurys become Millenias. Millions of years pass but you do not get enough sleep, billions of years pass and only when the sun grows out to engulf the plant Earth do you awake. Only when all of mankind has moved on from this planet, and all other life do you return.

To live a handful of seconds knowing that this is your punishment.

I wish I am not Ninja'd, and that another poster can bring this thread to a less dark place.

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[i am so very proud]

Granted, but you are instead pirated. What's that, you ask? Well, naturally, someone copies your story without permission, thus 'pirating' that work of fiction.

I wish... I could fly​.

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  vexx32 said:
Granted, but you are instead pirated. What's that, you ask? Well, naturally, someone copies your story without permission, thus 'pirating' that work of fiction.

I wish... I could fly​.

You can and do fly, but are left following me around as I am 'Pirated' and actually involves Pirates, treasure, Bounty, Booty, excitement, fame all for me, and none for you!

I wish Vexx32 would stop flying around me! I want to enjoy my booty!!

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